Kuroitenshi -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Kuroitenshi; Lord of Demogynous Chaos

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2011.07.22 [22 Jul 2011|11:02pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]

Okay, did clean up a few icons and like 2 months of entries. XD;;;

I did reach page 80 like I wanted of AL VH <3 It is really a very interesting read so far.

Went to the mall...hated it really. I feel like everyone goes there to judge everyone else. Also, hot topic is trying to kill Unico!

Did a couple of sketches tonight, don't know when I'll post them up though. And got half of the commission finished. I really need to finish it tomorrow.

Ug...oh, paycheck came today, that's a good thing. And finally got paid for something I sold through friends. Yay on that.

Mmmm, lemonade.

Uh, really bored today even though we had one of the best storms in a long time come through, it was beautiful.

Ticked that Atsu is moving farther away from me. We still haven't had a hang out day yet.

Yeah, that's all.

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