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Kuroitenshi; Lord of Demogynous Chaos ([info]kuroitenshi) wrote,
@ 2011-08-12 22:30:00

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Current mood: exhausted

Yesterday, my new best for faces. <3 347.75. Today 239.50, also good. Not so great with tips, but what can you do. What I did make the last couple of days went toward a table, woo~ I mean, physical table I can use at some cons for more table space either using it to draw or place other items or whatevers.

@___@. Uh oh, I totally didn't finish this yesterday. I did 239.50 and today I did 152.50. Weird on the .50. Also hardly any tips, weird. Had some fun ones though.

I'm soooo exhausted, I haven't done much of anything. I'm hoping with sunday off I can at least get one things going. <3 Love you all~

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