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MACRO OOPDATE [18 Apr 2009|06:01pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Someone's Touhou playlist ]

These are going in the order of when I found out:
4/16/09 - I have to type up a 6-page children's story,for Geometry! Each page must have an illustrated/colored page,and the story must contain 20 algebraic terms. HOW THE HELL AM I GONNA ACCOMPLISH THIS?! 
4/17/09 - Did you know that some girls down where I live,will use their period blood in spaghetti to trick a guy,into falling in love wit them?! I'm never gonna trust spaghetti again...TT_TT)
4/18/09 - Okay! I've got at least....*checks*...1/4 a page of my story done. o_o Help...me...

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