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[27 May 2010|03:03pm]
Spent most of the week trying to look for jobs. =.= Stupidstupidstupidhardstuff. AND I HAVEN'T GOTTEN MY STUPID SERVSAFE PAPERS YET SO I CAN'T PUT THAT I'M CERTIFIED ON MY APPS B/C I CAN'T PROVE IT YET! Uhg. Seriously, it's starting to piss me off. I should've gotten them in the mail already.

Whatever. :| Besides that uh... I managed to figure out how to make an icing that tastes EXACTLY like nutter butters. (That stuff isn't normal peanut butter, so it took some adjusting.) Tasted pretty good though.

Then... I'm gonna go visit Arron on Saturday and Amy on Sunday. Then back to looking for work and I'm going to try to get to go over to Grandma Dianne's house eventually.

Oh btw! I'm too lazy to transcribe all of the recipes from chocolate class all at once, so I've decided I'll just include some kind of recipe at the bottom of each of my posts from now on! :D

Chocolate Mousse Spongecake )
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[ viewing | May 27th, 2010 ]
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