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[20 May 2010|12:53am]
Okay so! Here's update one of finals week!


Aaaand I decided what to do for my chocolate final. I'm doing flourless chocolate cake with ganache and maraschino cherries on the top. :3 I'd take a picture right now, but they're cooling in the refridgerator and they must not be disturbed for a few hours. I'll take pics later though. X3

Btw I'm gonna do the official reminder tomorrow but we don't have any entries for [info]all_icontest so it'd be cool if y'all could put some entries in~ Random annoying plug~ :3

<3 That's been my day today~
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Chocolate mmm~ [20 May 2010|05:05pm]
Welcome to the Chocolate Party!

Haha jk... kinda. Rather, welcome to my Intro to Chocolate class final. I've got pics of all but one person's final (his was in a plastic bag, wtf).

Image heavy, don't say I didn't warn you. )
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[ viewing | May 20th, 2010 ]
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