You guys probably want a legit update huh? :P I promise I'm not dead. Just hasn't been too much to update on lately really. Doing finals right now, so summer break is pretty soon! Then a Taco Bell job fair on Thursday. :| No really, I don't care anymore, I just want a job SOMEWHERE. Taco Bell is fine!
Started my cake for my cake decor final tonight. Waiting for it to cool overnight, then I'm going to use some simple syrup to moisten it before a basic coat of icing, then some choppy blue fun to make it look like water. I'll make sure to take a pic! :3
Still haven't decided what to do for Chocolate class. I've got until Wednesday though. I'm planning on doing something very simple, but effective. Or rather ,difficult skill-wise but with cheap ingredients. -poor!- Ah well. Whatchu guys think? Truffles? Chocolate creme brulee? Chocolate eclairs? Or perhaps :o chocolate eclairs with chocolate mousse instead of chocolate pastry cream? Something else? I'm not doing chocolate cake b/c I've already got two cakes I'm doing this week. JUST to note.
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