NAME: Gabriella Anne Richards. AGE/BIRTHDAY: 15 & September 23 GRADE: Technically 9th. She takes a lot of advanced classes, though. CLASS: Upper Middle Class. The Greys aren't the Pitts or the Sawyers, but they're pretty well off.
FAMILY: Parents: [names] Siblings: Brotherl (21), Sister (16 ), JJ (18 - Dec 23, 1992) SEXUALITY: Definitely straight, though she has yet to even be kissed. ACTIVITIES: Nerdy things TBA.
APPEARANCE: Bri is TINY. She's barely 5 feet tall and only weighs around 115 lbs. Her frame is very small and she seems to most to be quite fragile. Her gestures, the way she moves and acts.. are are quite dainty. Gestures are kept small and close to the body and when she moves, she tends to take small steps. Everything about her seems quite delicate and feminine.
Her hair is dark brown, but it tends to get a few subtle lighter streaks in the summers, though it is still mostly dark. It's long, hanging well past her shoulders and usually worn usually straight. Sometimes she pulls it back into a loose ponytail. Sometimes she takes the time to curl it. But mostly she just wears it down and straight, a very simple style.
Her eyes are large and innocent, blue in color, and she has a round face that sometimes makes her seem younger than she is. Her style of dress is mostly casual, though even her casual clothes are neatly pressed and she has the appearance of being well and carefully groomed, even if she is lounging around in sweats.
Gabriella's face is very expressive and she really does wear her heart on her sleeve. It's very easy to tell what she is thinking or feeling just by looking at her and she's really a bad liar because of the way her face always shows what's in her heart.
PLAYED BY: Alexis Bledel
LIKES: school, books, science, her family
DISLIKES: stopping in the middle of a good book, not knowing something
STRENGTHS: Extremely intelligent, studious, responsible
WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, tends to forget to eat, etc when she's studying, wants to believe the best in people
DETAILED PERSONALITY: Bri is a little bit of a know it all. She was much worse about it as a child, but she's still that girl who isn't afraid to chime in with the wrong answer or correct you when you say something she knows isn't right. She's not trying to be annoying, though. If anything, she's trying to be helpful. After all, if she was wrong about something, she would definitely want to know.
She's also a little neurotic, especially when it comes to school. Bri is obsessed with her grades. She works really hard to maintain her perfect GPA and she tends to go well beyond what is required in assignments. She doesn't have much of a social life at all, because almost all of her spare time is devoted to schoolwork. Friends and family often have to force her to take breaks to eat and sleep. She's obsessed with doing not just well but perfect. She wants her parents to be proud of her and she wants to get into a great college and continue on to med school. Obsessive studying is a necessity in her eyes.
Thanks to her attitude towards school, Bri hasn't experienced a lot of the things other girls her age have, but she doesn't mind that. School is much more important to her than boys and parties. She's a lot more focused on her future, even as a lowly freshman, than on the here and now.
Though she is rarely one to initiate a conversation with someone she doesn't know well, Gabriella is warm and kind to almost everyone she meets. She's very sweet and it takes a lot to make her hate someone. She might be put off by brashness or seeming lack of class, but she'll still be friendly or at te least polite. It's very unsual for Gabriella to be mean, unless it's to someone who has wronged people she loves.
Gabriella is practical and usually level-headed when it comes to other people and things. She likes things that are easily explained. She likes structure and schedules. She's a fastidious note-taker and is very nearly obsessive about keeping up with her schoolwork and maintaining near perfect grades. Only getting an B on an assinment is grounds for some major sulking. A C will see her holed up in the library for weeks. Of course, that whole level-headed thing doesn't apply to her studying habits and she'll often take her obsession with her grades a bit too far. Silly girl. She seems to think she doesn't need things like food or rest when they get in the way of her achieving perfect marks.
Gabriella hates thinking anyone doesn't like or approve of her. She's confused by it, because she would never willingly hurt anyone and she'll often do whatever she can to rectify the situation. This makes her pretty easily to manipulate, because a good disappointed pout will likely get her to do whatever it is you want her to do. This happens especially easily with family and close friends, because Gabriella feels a strong sense of loyalty towards them that makes it even more difficult to say no to whatever they ask of her.
While she's not exactly shy, Gabriella is relatively quiet and reserved and isn't one to approach others. She can have her silly moments, but overall, Gabriella's idea of a good time is to curl up with a cup of tea and a nice, long book. She doesn't go out of her way to socialize much, preferring the company of books to that of people. She'd also rather die than break a rule. Skipping class? Bringing sweets into the library? Staying out a millisecond past curfew? These are all things that Gabriella would never, ever consider. Suggesting she do those sorts of things would probably give her an aneurysm or something.
HISTORY: Most of Gabriella's childhood has been spent with books. It sounds sad to say it that way, but she doesn't regret it for a moment, because she loves learning things or losing herself in a completely fictional world. The list of things she's read is quite extensive and that's something she is quite proud of. Her father has gladly kept her supplied with a variety of reading material, ever since she was old enough and some of her happiest memories are of sitting in the family library with him discussing whatever book she was reading at thee time.
Gabriella's childhood has been mostly a happy one. She has two parents that love her and have always supported her, even if they do wish she'd be a little more social. Her family isn't rich, but they're well enough off that she's never really wanted for anything. Bri is a little spoiled, but she's too sweet and innocent to ever really realize that.
Bri has been pretty obsessed with school since she started going. Her drive and focus has earned her a perfect report card, but not a lot of friends and fun. This doesn't bother Bri in the slightest, of course. She doesn't care that she's never been kissed or been out on a date before. There are times she's curious enough about the kinds of parties the other kids go to and she sometimes wonders what having a more active social life would be like, but she's completely unwilling to sacrifice her perfect record to find out.