13 Apr 2008|11:28am
Why haven't I written in here for a while? What have I been doing? I am embarrassed to say that I have been doing nothing. NOTHING. Pitiful, yeah?

During the Christmas break, I have been reduced to attending horrific family reunions and forced to mingle with the people who claim to be related to me. I'm usually superb at putting up a good face in social affairs, but when a cluster of big hairy middle aged men and women who carry chickens for pets come up to you and claim to be your distant cousins THEN demand that you clog dance with them, one tends to shy away from any chance to socialize.

Its a new year, already? I haven't really noticed. Happy New year, everyone. What have you all been up to? I've been away from people for so long, I believe. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister's company- I just think a change of atmosphere would be lovely. I'd want to do something nice once we get back to school. I think I have fairly good marks in Charms and Transfiguartion. Would anyone need a tutor of sorts? I'd be more than willing to offer my valuable services.

Again, as you all already know, I suck at advertising myself. Now, lets move on.
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07 Feb 2008|08:59pm
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