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Kendall Jackson Broadmoor ([info]kjbroadmoor) wrote,
@ 2012-02-24 15:11:00

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[Thomas] If I can sneak away for long enough, willing to go get a beer with me? [/Thomas]

[Felicia] Bets on how long Spinnet hyperventilates before the game? Or maybe the number of threats Axe hands out?[/Felicia]

I feel that there is something very important going on this weekend that I'm forgetting about. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with some sort of sport and a certain team from Puddlemere losing tragically, but I can't be sure.

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2012-02-25 08:59 pm UTC (link)
Hm. Per person.

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2012-02-25 09:54 pm UTC (link)

I think Spinnet will have a slow build of histrionics starting around the time we show up, peaking around Axe's 12th threat

And 17 threats... he's to crazy to operate in something as simple as multiples of fives.

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2012-02-25 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Ah, but he subconsciously likes the order.

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2012-02-26 12:18 am UTC (link)
Hm. You may have a point there.

What shall we wager?

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2012-02-26 12:59 am UTC (link)
Well, money seems silly...

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2012-02-26 03:03 am UTC (link)
It really does...

What would make it interesting?

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2012-02-26 03:04 am UTC (link)

Whoever wins picks dinner for a week?

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2012-02-26 03:06 am UTC (link)
And loser is responsible for making it or picking it up.

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2012-02-26 03:08 am UTC (link)
Well, yeah.

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