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Uchiha Madara ([info]kiss_and_sell) wrote,
@ 2010-08-02 16:02:00

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Today Madara got back from his Hawaiian vacation with Sasuke that half of you probably didn't even realize he went on. It's okay, you didn't miss out on much. But he did get presents for a few people so if you think he loves you then have a looksee!

• FOR Hashirama:
- a really expensive pen made from Hawaiian Koa wood. It's important or something. also a set of plant stands and this cutie and coconut massage oil because it smells nice, and a poster (nsfw?) of a pin-up girl. for him to jerk off to with the coconut oil, idk.

• FOR Izuna:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and an expensive money clip made of gold!! you're a pimp, okay.

• FOR Itachi: a fancy ring to go with his fancy watch!

• FOR Shisui: a ring similar to Itachi's. he had a hard time shopping for these two.

• FOR Sasuke: this and this, because he couldn't resist?!

• FOR Sasori: a cursed tiki idol. he hopes it kills you.

• FOR Naruto: the middle set of those, and this tasteful bit of couture.

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2010-08-02 11:22 pm UTC (link)
omg i fuckined DIED

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2010-08-02 11:23 pm UTC (link)
It suits him right?!

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2010-08-02 11:25 pm UTC (link)
it burns my eyes if that's what you mean

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2010-08-02 11:26 pm UTC (link)
You don't need those anyway. Poke one out, wear an eyepatch. MMM.

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2010-08-02 11:27 pm UTC (link)
i couldn't pull one off like you

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2010-08-02 11:28 pm UTC (link)
Why doesn't Ryo wear one. :(

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2010-08-02 11:44 pm UTC (link)
maybe one day he will, he IS a camera whore.

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