♪ hands on the mirror, can't get much clearer [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
» solitary siren.

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last call [Jun. 7th, 2008|12:58 pm]
hi, just wanted to remind anyone i left behind that i moved to [info]babylon

please add if you wanna, kthnx.

[Apr. 5th, 2008|06:06 pm]
[Current Mood | blah]


April 6th, 2008 - April 9th, 2008.

I'm going to Miami to babysit my two year old cousin 'cause his mom is wigging out. He's a cutie, even though I've only really met him a couple times (I've seen his older brother, seven, a lot, though!) Tracey's gonna pay me $200+. >>;

I'll be back Wednesday. >> -Needs to find all of her books. .___.- THANK FRIGGING GOD I GOT W Juliet!
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friends only. [Jan. 11th, 2008|06:48 pm]
[Current Mood | awake]

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