I'm am now going to take a goddamn shower and then have some coffee. I only got, like, 3 hours of freaking sleep but I'M DEFINITELY FUCKING AWAKE NOW. WTF, MAN? I feel like I just lived through an episode of Friends or Two & a Half Men or some shit, minus the laugh reel. Hmph.
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( Game-by-Game notes to mods/players )
Phew. Glad to get that out of the way. Between this post and going to vote, I actually feel productive for the day. Sorry if I forgot anything. Feel free to poke at me on AIM. My away message will probably be up 24/7 but I am usually around.
Additionally, since I know I will probably be doing a lot of laying around and catching up on shows this week, I have re-opened the request post at
I've also been pinged a lot in the last week or so with re-upload requests on dead links. I'm not ignoring/forgetting you. It takes a while to get anything uploaded here because our connection generally sucks. But I WILL get to them at some point--likely in the next couple of days.
I get my lappy back tomorrow! YAY faster CPU and better screen! But boo for my dad being off for the next six weeks. I predict that one of us will kill the other by Thanksgiving. Ha.
Cross-posted from IJ.
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