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Ally «my eyes are on you yeah» ([info]kickawesome) wrote,
@ 2008-03-26 21:06:00

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Entry tags:meme

[Meme] from...people
Name any character of mine, and I'll tell you three bad things about them. Not cutesy little flaws either, actual despicable traits that they should be ashamed of.

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Rodolphus Lestrange
2008-03-27 07:55 am UTC (link)
1. Insufferable apathy. He doesn't care about TEH CAUSE. He doesn't care about pleasing his Master. He doesn't care that his wife worships another man's feet. He doesn't care about his victims, nor does he care if he gets caught. He doesn't even care what he eats. He just. Doesn't. Care.
2. Lasting grudges. If you somehow DO manage to piss him off though, don't expect him to get over it anytime soon. Rodolphus has grudges and threads of hate that go all the way back to childhood and he'll probably carry them to the grave. He's also very likely to seek retribution whenever the subject of hate crosses his path once again. Here's looking at you, Nicholas Hooke.
3. Sadism. Causing pain is an absolute aphrodisiac for Rodolphus. He doesn't get giddy, but is frighteningly calm when performing torture. Quick kills are avoided unless the situation mandates he be timely. Death is like foreplay. The hunt and the victim's agony are truly what thrills him.

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