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Ally «my eyes are on you yeah» ([info]kickawesome) wrote,
@ 2008-03-26 21:06:00

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Entry tags:meme

[Meme] from...people
Name any character of mine, and I'll tell you three bad things about them. Not cutesy little flaws either, actual despicable traits that they should be ashamed of.

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2008-03-27 03:12 am UTC (link)

John, duh.

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John Mulciber
2008-03-27 07:28 am UTC (link)
1. Bigotry. It's not just his intolerance towards blood traitors, Muggles, and the like that's bad, it's the ardent passion that John puts into his hate. He will kill another man simply for their origin or orientation and he thinks it's no more than they deserve.
2. Poor anger management. (Understatement of the year.) John has no anger management. He blazes a warpath and explodes. Aggression, violence, cruelty, self-depravity - none are healthy but all are ways he deals with his temper. He causes others pain to cope with his own, but it actually has yet to truly soothe him.
3. Stubborn pride. John thinks very highly of himself and his family. He does not respond well when their integrity is challenged and it is generally impossible to win argument with him. "Concede" isn't in his vocabulary. Neither are apologies.

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