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Random Musings of a Crazy Girl
| Subject: | Rant time | Time: | 03:55 pm | Current Mood: | pissed off |
| Hello everyone! Okay I'm gonna warn you right from the start- I am gonna be complaining A LOT today. So you should probably just wait until my next journal which will be happier lol.
Today is Monday. I am like Garfield. I HATE Mondays. They are the worst days ever invented.
My brother is a complete and total idiot. Just thought i would throw that out there. I love him, yeah, but sometimes he just makes me sooo mad.
Okay. Well today started out crappy. I woke up late and was in a rush and had to skip breakfast. Plus my friend kept tweeting about how much of a bitch I am. Which really didn't help my mood at all. I deleted my Twitter because I got sick of all the drama.
Math was horrible. I want to switch out of that class SO bad. I got a bad grade on my test because I left out little steps like simple addition. I basically didn't show the steps I could do in my head. My answers were right and I showed most of the work but she marked them all wrong anyway because I left out tiny steps. She marked one of mine wrong cause all I forgot to do was put arrows on the end of my graph to show it's endless. I mean WTF?!?!?! Everyone was so pissed off at her. I'm gonna fail that class all because she is too much of a damn perfectionist.
The rest of my day was decent. Went REALLY slow though. And I got pissed off again in my last period because I found out the guy I have a crush on, the guy who has even been flirting with me a little, has a girlfriend. I felt slightly crushed but I am actually okay with it now. There is plenty of other people out there and besides- next year I am off to college and will have tons of new people to choose from! ^-^
So now I am here at home, finally. After dinner I am gonna have some strawberry shortcake. =D If anything can brighten my mood, that is it. Then I am off to bed early. I am SO tired.
Well, i'm sorry I complained so much everyone. I promise my next journal will be much more cheerful! :)
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| Subject: | I live for weekends | Time: | 09:34 pm | Current Mood: | thoughtful |
| Wow, so... a lot has happened since my last journal. I don't even know where to start really. All I know right now is that I am not looking forward to my Algebra 2 test tomorrow.
Well I finally got over the flu and went back to school on Monday. And, of course, after a week missed of school I had WAY more make-up work then I could handle. I DID manage to finish it all- I still am not sure how. But yeah, my grades are kinda suckish right now so I'll have to work hard to bring them back up.
I was really excited for this weekend- I REALLY needed to catch up on my sleep. I had stayed up late all the past week trying to finish the seemingly endless homework. It didn't help either that Wednesday of last week was Senior Sunrise. I got up at 4 to get ready to go to the school to watch the sun come up. It sounds lame I know, but I was pretty excited for it anyway. Turns out I should have slept in. It WAS lame.
That Wednesday was also Senior Skip Day. Now I know what you're all thinking: "What? She just missed a full week of school and is gonna ditch again so soon? How STUPID!!!" Well I never claimed to be very bright ya know. So yes, I did skip. I am glad I did. I had a blast. My friends and I went to McDonald's for breakfast and we played in the playroom lol. :3 It was fun acting like a little kid again. Funny too, how small the playroom had gotten. After that we all went to Walmart and goofed off. We sat in the middle of the aisle and played Bop-it. None of the employees even cared either! It was a lot of fun. I ended up buying a mini bop-it for us to play during lunch at school. After that we all went and got smoothies. Then our group split up into two smaller groups. My group went to the dollar store and fooled around- hey I live in a small town you know, so there really isn't much to do, and then we went back to my house and watched "The Breakfast Club". Which is probably one of the most kick-ass movies ever, just sayin. Then we watched half of another movie and the school day was over so my friends went home. It was a great day.
This weekend was fun too. On Friday night I went to see Easy A with my best friend. VERY good movie. And on Saturday I went with my friend Sofi to celebrate her 18th bday. That was a lot of fun. We got to pig out on Mexican food and wear a funny hat. I also learned how to sing Happy Birthday in Spanish. Though I have already forgotten most of it now.
Well it is late and I am kinda tired so that is all I will write for tonight. Oh yeah, Jasper and Tweety's eggs haven't hatched yet. :( But I will keep you all updated! And Kingyo says hi again! :)
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| Subject: | IDK :) | Time: | 02:12 am | Current Mood: | silly |
| Hi everyone!!! This is my very first journal entry! :)
I'm... not sure what to write about... ^-^;
My goldfish Kingyo says hi!!!!!
So, I missed this entire week of school because I am sick with the flu. :( Stupid flu! You are making me miss photography class! On the bright side though, I am also missing Algebra and Choir. Now don't get me wrong, I like choir well enough... I just can't sing. At all. T_T To be honest with you, I'm not even sure why I am in the class. I didn't sign up for it. O.O
I have good news! My bird, a cockatiel named Jasper, is gonna be a daddy soon! He is with my friend's bird, Tweety. She laid 5 eggs altogether. They will be hatching in about a week or so! I'm SO excited!!!! :D *does happy dance*
Well I am out of stuff to talk about right now, so I guess this is bye for now! :) *waves frantically*
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Random Musings of a Crazy Girl