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khushalecki ;; mrs. padalecki

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25 flavours of Lila Moon [Jan. 1st, 2008|06:39 pm]
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001. Happy Lila
002. Angry Lila
003. Sad Lila
004. Concerned Lila
005. Scared Lila
006. Crying Lila
007. Giddy Lila
008. First Crush Lila
009. Yule Ball Lila
010. Innocent Lila
011. Betrayed Lila
012. Baby Lila
013. Best Friend Lila
014. Working Lila
015. Traumatized Lila
016. Wary Lila
017. Drunk Lila
018. Flustered Lila
019. Bitchy Lila
020. Maternal-Love Lila
021. First Year Lila
022. Graduating Lila
023. Ten-years-later Lila
024. Pick-Your-Own Lila
025. Pick-Your-Own Lila

Any requests? I'll be sure to fill those out first. ^^ Of course, there are a few themes that I couldn't think of so if you have any suggestions, it would be much appreciated.
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RP Experience [Jan. 1st, 2008|06:34 pm]
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[Jan. 1st, 2008|04:05 pm]
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