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Gelsey Kennicot ([info]kennicot) wrote,
@ 2008-05-02 17:00:00

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There's a baby thestral!!!!!!!!!!! Professor Hagrid is letting me name it!!!!!!!!!!!

What should I name it! Oh, OH! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!

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2008-05-04 07:35 am UTC (link)
This is fantastic! I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but I hope to soon. Should I make a list of potential names?

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2008-05-04 09:05 am UTC (link)
Would you like to come see it with me? I could introduce you, and it could know you, and you could know it, and you could become the best of friends, like we are! And then you could come and have a snack with it at teatime, if you wanted, because thestrals like to have teatime, but not tea, for they rather prefer their meat, which I don't for I like my meat cooked.

Yes! Which is your favourite right now!

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2008-05-04 09:37 am UTC (link)
Sure! I mean, of course! I would certainly like to meet it. Are you going to feed it meat? Are we really the best of friends? I reckon it will grow quickly, so we have to catch a glimpse of it at this size before that happens.

Linda? How about Ginny?

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2008-05-04 09:44 am UTC (link)
Oh, no! Right now it only drinks milk, but Professor Hagrid showed me the spell to refill the bottle, so we can feed the baby her milk! It is so beautiful and sweet, you just want to smile all day, Neville, just all day long remembering how the baby cuddles up against you because it knows that you are taking care of it. Though of course I will take along meat for the other thestrals, especially her mother, Ellevicious, because Ellevicious is still so tired from the birthing that she deserves a nice steak.

What a lovely idea! Especially because Ginny is so ill, perhaps that would help her heal, to know that there is a baby thestral with her name back here at home!

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2008-05-04 09:49 am UTC (link)
Do you think that it knows that you're taking care of it? Like, do you believe that they can figure things out from such an early age? I've never really seen anything right after they were born! Except for plants, but I suppose they're not exactly being born.

I would certainly hope so! Or you could name it Gelsey, as that is a rather nice name, too.

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2008-05-07 01:46 am UTC (link)
I think it does, when I am giving the baby her bottle, she curls against me, just this little baby snuggle, which I think is the most lovely feeling in the world, to be close to someone and...be warm with them. It's little, which I think is why I love it so much. Oh, but when a plant blooms, it's like a birth! Remember the flower that we tickled? It was glorious, and there is something even more special because you are able to say that you were a part of that! This is why I love plants and animals, because of all of that wonder.

My name is a type of jasmine, I'm named after a flower! But I bet you knew that, being such an incredible man of the fauna! Though I am becoming quite fond of Neville, which is also a lovely name. But it is a girl, so...Nevilla?

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