What else do you See? I help her out whenever I can. I don't understand how anyone can not want to help her, really, she's such a nice woman and she's taught me so much over all the years. I reckon I'll keep in contact even when I leave, too, she's always told me that I can come around and help her whenever. I can teach you how to focus more. With plants, rather.
I'm glad you managed to get out of there! I'd hate to be attacked without my wand. Though often times I don't know what to do when I have my wand. I think. Oh well. It doesn't matter too much right now, really.
Really? That sounds like it was a good day. Did your mum think it was alright that you enjoyed the dandelions so much, or was she as concerned as my gran? I would enjoy a bit of ice cream with violets! Until then, yes. Is there anyone...er, or rather, anyone you really fancy right now?
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