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0001 ~ I'm not as shallow as I seem? [27 Apr 2008|02:38am]
I'm supposed to have something written in here soon, so I'm going to start with the most obvious thing in the word and I'm going to be as vague as I can be about it, mostly because, as anyone that's been through it knows, it's one of the most difficult things to describe. A little over a month ago, nearly two months now, I guess, I had my very first child. It's such an important thing and it's the first thing I've experienced that had a deeply profound effect on my life. I daresay it's the first time I've truly felt passion. People think they know passion when they meet and fall into a life with someone they truly love, but creating a child trumps that, tenfold. And I'd scrap to the death with anyone that tried to claim otherwise. Fisticuffs!

Don't worry, I wouldn't have believed any of that rubbish either, unless I'd been through it. And the man I made this miracle with is currently no more than a friend that I happen to be married to. If that makes me a harlot, then I'll gladly accept this brand as well as the brand of a slag with a bastard child. I'm sure Freddie will be proud of his status, bastard or non. Either way. With a mother as feisty as I am, and a father as talented as he is, the boy has no other choice but grow to be strong and pure. By our children (and by "our", I mean yours and mine) our futures will save the world. Somehow.
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[info]stage [26 Mar 2008|11:50pm]
This journal is Friends only.
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