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Meh 1 /+ add
March 19th, 2008 at 03:23 pm / +mem / edit

Well, nothing too exciting for me going on right now. Other than the regular craziness that is this thing called 'life.' Feeling bored, and feeling sick. I have no energy, which totally sucks. I hate feeling completely sapped and drained. C'est la vie, eh my friends? Meh. Well I don't really have a whole lot to say, just saying I'm here & all that stuff.
Blah 1 /+ add
March 18th, 2008 at 01:50 pm / +mem / edit

I'm still adapting to it here. I miss GJ haha. It was just
a lot busier. Well, if anyone happens to stumble across my journal,
I'm looking for active communities to post in. I currently post at
[info]nerds, but would like to find other graphic communities
to post at as well. If anyone knows of any, feel free to post them
here ^.^

Just starting + add
March 8th, 2008 at 11:00 am / +mem / edit

Well, geejay died, so I've moved over to here for a new start.
I'm really into graphic making, so I'll be looking for some
graphics communities to post in, or I may just make a graphics
journal, I haven't decided yet. Anyway, I'm just testing stuff out for
now, have a busy day ahead of me. I'll get this all fixed up & such later.