13 July 1997
Wow. That was the worst haunted house I have ever be The carnival's been cool. I think I've seen all of it though. The smell round the tilt-a-whirl got really bad later in the afternoon. It would've been really cool had they managed to get a roller coaster. It's OK because the music building's mostly emptied out.
I thought I'd try last year again when I didn't do any laundry the last week of school. Then I remembered my sister made us stop at The Gap on the wa my parents weren't too happy. I tried to tell them it saves energy and water resources, but they said something about their energy and resources.
I don't really want to dress up for the social.
It's the end of the year too. I don't know. You don't have to answer these. Especially since not many people answered them the first time. It'd be really cool of you and I know how to make these things now. I'm just curious. I'm not doing anything with the answers because I NO LONGER HAVE TO TAKE MATHS!!!
[Error: Invalid poll ID 43]
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