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kaycelei ([info]kaycelei) wrote,
@ 2008-08-07 22:28:00

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OK, so i am starting fresh with my updates, just deleted all my dramatic life. I started my junior year Monday and I'm hoping for everything to go pretty smoothly this year. I have a feeling that this will be a great year, so I'm trying not to fuck it up.

My classes so far seem to be very interesting, i don't know many of the people in my classes, but i see that as a plus i can either make new friends or i can be a loner, get my work done and have a great grade. One of the biggest things that bother me about my school though is that it is filled with idiotic people who don't even want to be there, i just think they should leave. People crowd in the halls just to talk and be as late as they can be for class, they have no common sense, and interrupt class constantly. There was this one straight up dumb ass in my class this morning, the course is computing in the modern world and the girl though a cd was a floppy disk.. :/ ohh lord, and luck me, she was placed in my group. That is just one of the many many examples that i encounter every day.

This weekend should be very fun, my ex is picking me up from school and were going to hang out for a while, then he is going to drop me off at my best friends house. Saturday morning i am going to The Georgia aquarium with her church and then i think I'll spend Sunday playing soccer with my friend luel or with my niece.

But.. school year so far, so good.

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