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The Mighty Grogg!

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[21 Feb 2011|08:27pm]
Grogg's bottom ten list

10) Vending machines that no give num-num bars even when you give them money.
9) When Grogg's alarm no go off.
8) Coffee what no have caffeine
7) candy wiff coconut.
6) when Bambi's mommy died
5) The Mole Man
4) narrow doors
3) stupid flying lizard Rodan
2) Stupid lizard Godzilla
1) stupid three-head lizard King Ghidorah

Grogg's top ten list

10) num-num bars
9) sleeping under a sun lamp
8) Wall-E.
7) coffee
6) Puppies
5) kittens
4) Missy Iwasaki
3) Missy Kobayshi
2) All the little childrens of the world.
1) Mothra
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[ viewing | February 21st, 2011 ]
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