09:50 pm - Girl, we'll take the world by storm O hai. I'm gonna post about all my skewlio dramazz in my other blog. Too much to type, lol. I just got back from a quite shnazzy birthday partayy. Twas funstuff.
OH OH OH I GOT AN iPOD TOUCH~~~~~~~~~~~~! Freeeee since Apple Stores are delicious in their promotions. My dad was buying an iMac for his dad and you get a free iPod Touch and since he already had one, i got it. Yayyyy.
I'm kinda tiredd and me padre's gone until midnightt so I'll just do whatever and watch SNL in 1.5 hours when it's on.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna type up & post a rentfic I wrote just before NaNoWriMo {which was in November if you don't know} Current Location: The Upstairs Computer. Current Mood: tired Current Music: Do You Feel - The Rocket Summer