Bluh bluh bluh
-born Dec 13, is currently 19. Worked as a leasehand for an oil rig just outside of Moose Jaw for a year and a half after getting out of school
-Prefers manual labour and not things involving numbers or words since he finds he messes up less
-Generally really easy-going, picked on by his sisters in the sense that he always had to listen to their problems
-Vix's teammates loved to tease him (occasionally in the sexual sense) but that really just served to make him pretty awkward around women
-Is the baby of the family, still trying to get respect from his parents because hello, your sisters are way more succesful than you. Thinks helping his sister out is going to help with that.
-Makes amazing pancakes, and is also in amazing shape.
-Schooled in a small local teaching facility like his sister.
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