sepia-ish smirk
Even Justice Needs a Kick in the Ass... Sometimes
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21st-Dec-2020 01:32 pm - Contact Post
cell phone
You've reached the voicemail for Natalie Bruenner. I'm either on the other line or can't get to my phone at the moment. Please leave a message at the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

This is both the IC & OOC contact post.
IC Email: jurisimmortalis [at] gmail [dot] com
IC AIM: jurisimmortalis
IC Twitter: @jurisimmortalis
OOC Email: celticdreamz77 [at] gmail [dot] com
OOC AIM: celticdreamz77
OOC Twitter: @celticdreamz
Feedback: How's My Driving

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