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24th-May-2036 11:06 pm - [OOC] Phone Post
I got a brain in this head y'know
Phone Post

If it's a number she doesn't know, she probably won't answer if she is not in the mood or busy, but if you leave a voicemail, she'll respond back. If it's an unknown number and you catch her at a good time or good mood she'll answer.

Texts are always responded to.


Naruto Namikaze

13th-Sep-2009 11:19 pm - Bruises Look Cool Right?
So now I have lovely little bruise on my nose and it hurts a little when I twitch my nose. Which I kind of get the impulse to do every time someone mentions something about my nose. On, the one hand I think I look awful. I mean, a very nasty bruise on your face can't be good, even if I think it looks cool because it talks about something I may have done to get hit, but on the other hand, well I've never gotten a facial injury, even a mild one. I think it's cool. Of course, maybe I'm just telling myself this because makeup does not cover it up very well, or at all, really. So I have to think about it positively in that scenario.

And I'm not telling how I got a bruise~ Mostly because I haven't decided on an appropriate story for it But you can be satisfied that I did something totally badass for getting the bruise. Just ask [info]boned.He can probably come up with a much more awesome story than I can, at any rate. It was a very cool way it happened.

On another note, I've decided I'm addicted to fancy chocolates. I bought a box today. Went through the whole thing in two hours.

25th-Jul-2009 02:22 pm - Tests & Need to Bake
Personality Quiz Results ) I really don't think I often feel ashamed...Maybe.... I don't know. This test is wrong I say. Maybe, I mean, I guess I do get embarrassed easily...Or it's not false... ack, I don't know.

Either way it did do some help distracting, but I think I need to go around and baking myself something with lots of chocolate. And sugar. Unlike some people I haven't gone around giving up unhealthy food. Unhealthy food always makes me feel better and allows me to take my mind of certain things. That and walking Niet. He's exhausting when he's hyper. ...I should go do that now.
31st-May-2009 05:45 pm - [001] Niet
Are you an idiot?
Okay. I expected that feeding a dog as big as this one was going to cost me money. I expected to have to walk him and play with him and all that stuff. I didn't mind that. I still don't mind that.

He's cute. In a big, completely oblivious manner.

What I wasn't expecting -- although I really should have now that I think about it -- was for him to be barking at night and keeping me up. He's so docile during the day so I wasn't really expecting him to bark at night. I'm hoping it's just him adjusting to a new house. Because really, I appreciate my sleep too much. If he wants to bark I'd prefer he do it in the day.

Maybe he's scared of the dark? Can dogs even be scared of the dark?

Oh and I named him Nietzsche. Niet for short.
19th-May-2009 06:47 pm - [OOC] Character Limits
(Blank face)
All here. :) )
14th-May-2009 09:02 pm - [OOC] Logs
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14th-May-2009 08:55 pm - [OOC] Application
For reference. :)

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