jrpushing - January 15th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 15th, 2012

June 15, 2012 3pm [Jan. 15th, 2012|10:32 pm]
So school's out so I'm gonna be at home a lot.  Unless people have things going on.  Chelle's party was the last time I went out really.  I'm not much of a party person though, unless someone encourages me to go.  I like just hanging out in my room apartment with a few cool people.  It's quiet and nice and intimate.  And private.  I like having a room out away from everything on top of the separate garage.  I think my siblings are taking up residence with me out there in the yard.  It's sort of funny having all of us splayed out on the couch and the bed watching really old bad 90s movies.  Who thought dressing David Bowie like that was a good idea?  The world will never know.

I'm trying to get more hours stocking at the pharmacy.  It's a pretty sweet gig getting to come and go as I please like that.  I like it anyway.  Probably gonna take some trips out to the lake with people.  Hiking, swimming, you know the drill.

So long as I get to hang out with some cool people, have a good conversation, I'm all good.  What's up with you all?
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