Savannah Davies - March 15th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Savannah Davies

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March 15th, 2011

[Mar. 15th, 2011|02:39 am]
Have you ever had one of those moments - those moments when you think 'my day can not get any worse', and then immediately they do?

Today, I had one of those moments.

I woke up late, my hot water wasn't working in my shower, my coffee got spilled all over my new blouse, and then right when I thought that was going to be the end of it...I hit my head on the corner of a bookshelf.

Now I look like a unicorn, and not in the cute, whimsical way.

Such is my life. The only luck I seem to have is the bad kind.

I need a drink. And sleep. A lot of both, in that order.
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