Savannah Davies - April 12th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Savannah Davies

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April 12th, 2008

[Apr. 12th, 2008|01:31 pm]
Damn it all, my boss sent me home from work. Again. This is the second time I've missed work in about a year's time, and both times were because I was sent home.

I hate this, I'm fine, I've worked with a headache before. I get migranes all the time, it doesn't mean I have to go home. I mean, the bad ones, where you feel like your eyes are about to explode, but I still go to work, because I'm fine! I can still write with a stupid headache, but apparently he wants me to get my rest.

Not that rest is bad, because it felt good to lay down for a while, but it's not like it helped. I still feel like crap. I've had these headaches last for like, 4 days in a row. Well, they go away and then come back, it's not continuous. I just need to wait for this to pass.

But until then, I suppose I'll rest. Since I'm tired.

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