Savannah Davies - January 15th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Savannah Davies

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January 15th, 2008

[Jan. 15th, 2008|11:52 am]

Oh my God.

I've had 'All you need is love' stuck in my head for the last 2 days. Giada played it on her Radio show the other night, and I find myself humming it while I'm at work. Loudly. I don't even realize I'm doing it, either. It's embarrassing. I even found myself typing out the lyrics on my typewriter when I was trying to write out the interview I gave with one of the Magpies the otherday. It was like "So, how long have you been playing before all you need is lo-..."

It needs to get out of my head. Now. 


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