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Dominic and Emily Johnson ([info]johnsonfamily) wrote,
@ 2008-07-01 02:02:00

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I am happy to report that for Dominic's birthday, Angie bought this lovely journal! I'm quite pleased with it, though I think he'd rather I write in it than him having to do it himself. She specifically wrote down that it was both for mummy and daddy, so there you have it. Following my daughter's orders.

How is everyone, then?

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2008-07-01 08:53 pm UTC (link)
It did, didn't it? All the way until my birthday for mummy to get a present! My Angie, always thinking of how her daddy loves to write.

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2008-07-01 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Now now, if it were a present for me, she would have waited until September, love.

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2008-07-01 09:05 pm UTC (link)
With her patience? She probably doubts the existence of a September! It's the thought that counts, though, isn't it?

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2008-07-02 12:07 am UTC (link)
Well then! This certainly means Matt and I will have to come over and congratulate Angelina ourselves! And it also means that Milo is now scheming to come up with an amazing gift for his mummy's birthday.

Hey, two months is not too early to start thinking of presents.

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