Practice Sessions: Joseph Dunphy's Site Reviews and Commentary - omg! Celebrity gossip, news, photos, babies, couples, hotties, and more

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February 8th, 2011

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09:18 am - omg! Celebrity gossip, news, photos, babies, couples, hotties, and more

"OMG! It's like Britney got her head shaved, and it's like so not happening girl and who even knows what Lindsay is up to and oh! oh! squeal!"

Puke. One of the ugliest site designs I've ever seen as Yahoo, fresh from destroying its distinctive blogging community, decides that it wants to put its effort into an attempt to get into the Tabloid industry, while Google brings us offerings like Google Scholar, which gives the reader abstracts of articles in academic journals.

How comforting that Google is doing so much better than Yahoo, under the circumstances. It almost begins to restore my faith in humanity. But you're free to read this trash if you want to. Just don't tell me about it, afterwards.


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