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Someone wrote in [info]jneetyhmhr,
Where do you come from? http://www.insolvencni-spravce.com/clanky/16_aktuality/ seroquel cost The kid attacked him and they're saying that he did not have a right to protect his own life and want to convict him for protecting his own life, sounds like self defense to me. It's what all would be or regular cops do even if they are security guards or what not because they want you to defend the law and then accuse you of violating the law when something happens to you even if you did not provoke the situation. What do you want? Wait for the cops that are criminals to arrive? That's important, because to find Zimmerman guilty of second-degree murder, jurors will have to find that he acted with "ill will, hatred, spite, or an evil intent" in shooting Martin, according to Florida law. De la Rionda characterized Zimmerman as a wannabe police officer who wrongly took the law into his own hands and pressed the fatal encounter with Martin over what the prosecutor called a series of incorrect assumptions about Martin's motives. "A teenager is dead through no fault of his own, dead because a man made assumptions and acted on them. Unfortunately, because his assumptions are wrong, Trayvon Benjamin Martin no longer walks on the earth," de la Rionda.

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