Jimmy Brancaccio
27 January 2009 @ 04:30 pm
Reviewed emails and responded to those that needed it. Finished up setting up Leslie's computer. Made sure she had Office 2008 which it did and then set up her own account on the machine.

Went to drop of Francesca's computer at the Depot. I stayed theer a bit while they did some basic diagnostics on the machine. Unfortunately none of the issues she was experiencing were showing up, so they said they would keep the machine and keep trying things out, but they couldn't really officially check it in for anything since nothing was happening. They noted that the machine will need to be picked up on Friday or before or they will have to charge a storage fee. Walked back to Mann Hall from the Depot.

Setup printers on the MacBook Pro Francesca is using in the meantime. Posted some stuff to the web for Michael Giangreco. Taught Leslie the basics of Mac OS X. Got FireFox, Thunderbird, and Oracle installed and setup for her. Showed her which printers were which...

Finished up adding some web stuff for Michael. Started looking at some of the screen reading softwares for OS X. Nick sent along a link that included one. I also tried out the built in stuff on OS X.

Reviewed some other changes for Michael Giangreco and put them live on his sites. Just fixing some yearly stuff mainly.
Jimmy Brancaccio
23 January 2009 @ 03:30 pm
Reviewed emails. Moved some TODOs to today. Started working on an iMac for Louise's office for when she had work study people. Just made sure Office was installed along with FileMaker Pro 9. Ran some software updates on Susan Ryan's machine and had a brief chat with her.

Pulled apart the two iMacs that didn't have firewire. I did take a bit longer then I thought I would but it was only because I had to find a take-apart guide for the really old iMac. Being that the drives are very small in size, I think I will destroy them rather then let them take up space and probably never be used. Put the Macs back together so they could be easily recycled. Added to my list that I need to have Renee "order" a recycling pick-up. Will send that too her when she gets back next week.

Wrote up a descriptive email for the CDCI list. Had that sent out and then responded to people who emailed me back.

Web edits for Michael and Mike. Finished up with that stuff for the day.
Jimmy Brancaccio
22 January 2009 @ 04:29 pm
Went through my emails and added any items that were todo into Things. Started looking into getting Kensington locks for the desktop machines here. I think I've found one that will fit our needs. Helped Kathleen and Mike get logged onto the network.

Worked on looking through the various TRIPSCY/Moodle pages. Just spent a bunch of time looking on the Moodle forums for various Moodle information and references. Spent time learning about how the modules work and how the system works. Still trying to figure out how to make my own module and have it make sense. Still am not quite sure how the "plug-ins" work or the built-in features.

Looked into customizing the Joomla layout so that it looks a bit more like the TRIPSY.ORG main site. I think it should be possible. I just need ot understand a bit better how theming works in Joomla.

Reviewed the permissions on the TRIPSCY message boards to make sure they were properly setup. Made sure the message/warning showed up on the forums so that people were aware that they should review what they're posting before it's posted (so they don't post personal information).

Moved some machines from the closet into my office and from my office into the closet. Also moved the projectors and laptops into my locked grey cabinet.

Spoke with Francesca about getting her iMac repaired and which machine she would use in the meantime. She'll be using the MacBook Pro. Apparently Kathleen also needs to get her iMac repaired as it seems ot have a bad video card (she gets video anomolies and distortion). I believe it is a known issue with those early aluminum iMacs though. Hers will go in for repair once Francesca's comes back.
Jimmy Brancaccio
21 January 2009 @ 04:32 pm
Ordered Susan Ryan's HP P2035n printer. Got the new FLIP video camera from Kathleen and started testing it out. Just making sure it was working, which it does. It's not in my locked cabinent. Reviewed and reponded to a few emails. Went through my todo list, adding and reviewing items. Started working on a couple lists, things I need to talk to Laurie and Susan R about.

Cleaned up a bit of my grey cabinent, will have to make some room so we can store the CDCI laptops and projectors in there. We're also going to have to make room in the store/closet for these extra computers I have.

Got some of the iMacs from the closet to wipe so we can then recycle/toss them out. Learned about getting VPN access to an iPhone or an iPod touch. Uses some scripts/profiles. Haven't figured out how to remove them from the device though.

Met with Nick and we went over a few web things. We posted a file to the resources page of the UDL site. It was about creating UD syllibi. Then we started working on the staff page, we collected some photos, edited a couple of them since they were too big. I think we're going to take new photos of the staff people. Also responded to some other web requests from Cristal and got those completed.
Jimmy Brancaccio
21 January 2009 @ 10:44 am
Hello World!  
This is a test entry to test out the layout I have choose to use. This journal will be used as a work log so I can easily tag and sort through entries and keep track of what I'm doing easily.

Jimmy Brancaccio