Did emails, put new tasks into Things. Met with Susan Ryan about the meeting I had with Laurie. Started researching and putting together a list of items we need to buy. Put together a flow chart for Susan Ryan about the CDCI structure. Continued working on a list and budget for the items we need to purchase. Had a look in the basement to see if there was a large cabinet where I could store computers rather then having to buy a new one.
Researched some Verizon rates and plans for a possible new phone. Put together a document in Word outlining these things.
Had a few quick meetings with Susan Ryan to go over these new purchases. Will have to wait until Laurie gets back into the office so I can get her opinion about buying a refurbished unit. Spent the rest of the afternoon working on a budget and figuring out the pricing of the phone.
Jimmy Brancaccio - Post a comment
Jimmy Brancaccio (
jimmyuvm) wrote on February 10th, 2009 at 01:17 pm