Jimmy Brancaccio ([info]jimmyuvm) wrote on February 4th, 2009 at 04:07 pm
Reviewed and responded to emails. Moved around some meetings. Wrote up yesterdays work log and submitted it. Tried to find the UVM and The View articles so they could be link to from the UVM UDL website. Still looking. Chatted with Nick about a few things. Thought today's meeting was at 10:15 but it's actually at 11:15. Had an hour or so meeting for UDL. Went very well. Met with Cristal briefly about some web stuff and doing an outline of the UDL website. Also about adding a new link for Case Studies.

Had a 2 hour long technology meeting.

Took half hour lunch.

Spent the rest of the day reviewing some UDL websites and getting some things ready to post to the web.
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