Thursday, July 29th, 2010

New Server Image

Hello all,

I'm looking for a new server image using this image --

You can see the style I'd like here --

You can also review this thread for more information, if you have questions let me know.

The person who completes this gets 3 month paid account 100% free, just let me know what account you want it on.


PS. I forgot to mention the image should include the text "Barbaro" and "" the above image (seabiscuit.png) is a perfect example.
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Thursday, September 24th, 2009


First 5 people to leave a comment on this entry get a FREE paid account for 6 months.

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Thursday, July 30th, 2009

The End, & Hello.

 This journal is no longer updated regularly. I've relocated to another location.

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Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Bang Bang!~

 It's quite late here, I don't know why I am still awake....

Worked on the movie rental application some more today. We've got a new feature going which shows the customers rental history. Pretty easy to create. Did a couple bug fixes and stuff. Brought out the AR-15 today, that was awesome, I love it so much.

Also called Apple back in Burlington, MA. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be working there because they don't offer full time specialist jobs at the moment, and that's the only openings they've got at the moment. Oh well, maybe something else will come up.

I've added 2 new modules to SceneJournal so that I can crosspost to both DeathNote and Scribbld...tested and working. I'm pretty psyched to move to SceneJournal as my main. Although, I'm not too happy with the amount of themes offered. Oh well...

Tomorrow, not much is happening. Probably going to work on the movie rental application some. I think Morgan and I have agreed that this movie application is the last of our ventures into geekery. We'll be cutting back on a lot of it, so we can focus on other things going on in our lives. Scribbld, SceneJournal, DeathNote will continue to run, but not much work will be done on them. As mentioned we'll continue to support them as best we can and with what time we have but since they're not really paying jobs, not much effort will be put into them. Of course they'll run! How else can we document our lives and read about yours! :)

Ok, it's like 3am. I should probably get some sleep so I can wake up at a semi-decent hour tomorrow :) I really want to buckle down and study Japanese at some point.
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Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Please Fasten Your Seat-belts, We're Expecting Some Turbulence!

 Wow, it's been a little crazy here! I've probably gotten about 3 hours of sleep in the last 3 days or so. Been dealing with server/hardware issues like crazy! I'm am almost at the point where if there's any sign of lightning or thunderstorms that I'm just going to shutdown all the servers and network gear. It totally sucks, but it's what I have to deal with now since we're really not setup to handle such things. I do wish I had all this stuff in a nice fancy data center. Unfortunately, I'm just a poor, struggling server/network administrator with not enough funds to purchase other equipment to protect what we've got, so it'll have to do...

Anyways, basically, we lost one hard drive and 2 power supply units. We need to purchase a new internal and external drive for one of the servers, and I'll be hopefully getting new PSUs under warranty (cross your fingers). The two new hard drives will probably run about $250 total which isn't too bad, I just don't have the money for it at the moment.

Let's see, I'll be stopping my personal use of Scribbld soon. I say this because I'm likely going to be starting a new chapter in my life, about 2,000 miles away from where I live now. It's all really exciting, nothing is 100% final, but I am really looking forward to it. I'll obviously leak out more details an information as things get finalized. Either way, I plan on switching to which is my first journaling site/service that I created back in 2004. We've just re-purchased the domain and rebuilt it using the Dreamwidth code-base. It was kind of a tough decision because while the LiveJournal code-base has always been there for us and all, and includes the S1 and S2 (many more at least) theme engines, the Dreamwidth code-base is really on the front of getting things fixed and creating some new cool features. I do not plan on open SJ to the public, it's really just intended to be used by me and some close friends, although invite codes are available through purchase. I don't see many people purchasing an account through. Scribbld & DeathNote will remain as is, and we'll continue supporting them as we have :)

Tonight I plan on watching some Japanese movies, eating some pizza and passing out! :) I hope everyone has had a really nice weekend!! :) Today was my Mom's and my friend, Bethany's birthdays. We had a nice little party at Bethany's last night, good times.
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Friday, July 10th, 2009

Quick One!

It's like 2:30am here, but for anyone wondering, DeathNote is offline for the moment. The hard drive in the server died. Fortunately, all the web content and databases are backed up so there should be 0 data loss. Rather then work on rebuilding the machine right now, I'll be going to bed and waking up earlyish to work on it. I'd rather get it done in the AM since I'll be more focused and ready to work on it, rather then half asleep.

I'll also be looking into the power situation in the server room, I have a feeling we're not getting enough, so there's going to be some downtime for all servers and services tomorrow starting around 9am or so. It could last as long as 6-12 hours. I'll be posting this information on [info]system  as well.
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Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Lost For Words, Lost For Her...

Wow, so I guess people understood where I was going with my long winded post yesterday. Thanks <3 It's those people who allow me to say without a doubt that I really enjoy Scribbld and the work I put into it.

That was nice. I just spent the day up at the Davis Center on campus. I mainly worked on everything that I wasn't supposed to but whatever. I had planned to work a lot on that DVD Rental script, but I kept finding other things to work on. I actually looked for a couple new jobs and applied to a couple places. We'll see how that all turns out. I actually already have an interview setup for tomorrow so I am pretty psyched about that!

This evening I didn't do anything to special, played a little Xbox, and by little I mean maybe 15 minutes if that. I studied some Japanese, OH we upgraded our Internet line to 12Mbit down which is awesome, I've been able to hit about 9Mbits so far...I do wish the up was a lot better, I might email them and be like, I know you guys can handle at least 5/5 so comon! Sure would help me out a lot. I have a feeling if it doesn't go faster I'll be going back to what we originally had. Not worth the extra $15 a month to me at least, especially if the upload speed is staying the same.

In the last 24 hours our new SQL server has handle 100+ million queries without ANY issues so I am VERY happy with it.

Tomorrow Abby is coming over in the morning and we're going to make/have breakfast together, I'm quite psyched about that. I then plan to work on that DVD Rental application during the day, and then I've got that phone interview in the afternoon. I would like to get to the barn to do a little riding if possible. Then Abby is coming over for the night so that'll be awesome.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July! I would like personally take a second to thank the troops overseas who aren't able to be with us stateside at the moment. Thanks guys, your efforts and your jobs are appreciated. I won't say anymore then that for the moment, but seriously thanks!

Is anyone else noticing oddities?!
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Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Finally Life Can Move On!

 I won't say everything in this entry because there's some details I don't want the public knowing, so if you're friends with me on DeathNote, you'll be able to read the crazy shit happening in my life.

Been spending tons of time with Abby, having a great time. I've been working a lot on my DVD Rental application, which is actually coming along quite well. I showed it Abby today, she thought it was pretty cool! :)

I signed up for a GDGT account today - It's a pretty neat website!

haven't been up to much else. I've been wanting to go riding, but I've just been so busy as of late, I haven't had time. I am going to ask Abby if she wants to go for a ride on Friday or something, pending that Cub is in an okay condition to be ridden.

Today, I hung out with Bethany a little at the barn while we both did chores. She's a pleasure to be with, quite the fun/funny girl. After that I went to the store and hung with Abby. Sara, Scott and Abby's Mom were there so it was nice to see them all. Poor Abby was all stressed out about everything going on :( I'm sure she'll be fine though. Came home, had a nice dinner...Kat helped me with my resume and now it's ready for pimpin'! I am psyched. I've gotta do something nice for her, cause she really helped me out big time on this.

Tomorrow, I'll just be working on the DVD Rental application. Nothing is else is really planned.

That said, I would like to talk about Scribbld a little bit. I did talk about it in the latest [info]news posting, but I feel like I need to say stuff about it here too. Scribbld was originally designed with 2 people in mind, myself and my now ex-girlfriend. I never planned on having other people sign up and use this site, server, resources at all! It was crazy because in like 3 days, it exploded and I was running around like crazy, purchasing new servers, multiple IPs, and redesigning my entire network to make sure that things were relatively stable. Mind you, I'm learning an insane amount of things about Perl, PHP, web development, server and network administration so this is totally awesome. Unfortunately, totally awesome doesn't pay all the bills, but, there were some EXTREMELY generous users out there, and we collected tons of money which of course went all back into Scribbld! Now, that's cool with me, but at the same time, this has become almost like a job to me, and as a college student we all know most of them are pretty poor. Now, I wouldn't say I am, poor and broke, but having an extra couple dollars in your pocket to hit up a movie or whatever, yeah it's nice, and feels well earned after dropping thousands of dollars and countless hours into a website, not only by coding it but by supporting the users using it. Correct me if I'm wrong! I mean, if I am going to put this much time and effort into something, I feel like I deserve some sort of compensation, and I have gotten some, but not as much as like at this point.

So as I mentioned, I'll be laying off of Scribbld for a bit. We'll be cutting back on some account features, to ensure that we can properly scale with the amount of users we have, what those features will be I am not sure, but for people with free accounts, you can expect something to change. Maybe this is incentive for people to pay for a service they think is worth it, and if you do, then toss us a couple dollars. I know when I find a really awesome application or a wonder web service, I have no issues tossing them $10, because I know, it'll be supporting the people behind it and that's a really great thing.

Either way, the bottom line is I can't afford to really spend so much time on Scribbld, and it's definitely shown as of late. Both [info]morgan  and I try to get to support questions as soon as we can, but we have real lives (paying jobs) that take priority over Scribbld. We try to keep the code base current (without breaking to many things) and try to stay on top of things happening on the site, but sometimes, it just takes a while. We appreciate every single member here, and every single Paid Account user, and we thank you very much for even using this site at all. It's an awesome learning experience, one that will surely benefit us.

I don't even know if this post makes sense, it's just all the thoughts about Scribbld and all this running around in my head and now on "paper". Take it for what you will :) Scribbld's not going anyways for sure though! xoxoxo
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Friday, May 29th, 2009

Happy Friday!

Well, I've been pretty busy lately. Trying to study and do well with my course at UVM. I've also been trying to work a little bit on code and DeathNote. But there just doesn't seem like there's enough time in the day! Haha.

Work has been going okay. I've been pretty busy lately, so I'm not as bored, which is definitely nice. I had wanted to go riding yesterday, but the weather was just so miserable and I had some things to work on for homework, so I didn't end up going. Today is a different story though, I do have an exam to take between 12pm and 2pm tomorrow, so at least I've got time to complete it. The weather isn't much better but it is FRIDAY!

I've been talking a lot with Adelaide lately. I'm so sad that she isn't local anymore cause I know we'd be hanging out like every day. I guess she's coming up in August, although who knows how well that's going to go over.

Nothing much happening today. I've finished most of the things I needed to get done, done. I have 2 meetings this afternoon, and then I am free. I'll probably do some riding this week and hopefully I'll be working on the new server. I think I am planning to announce a few permanent accounts for sale in the Hello June post in [info]news. We definitely need to get those new HDDs for the new server and right now, that's my only hope for getting them relatively soon.

I really a need a girlfriend. I need someone to kick it with, I'm so bored after work haha....
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Monday, May 18th, 2009

Death Note - Private Journaling Community

 What what what?!?!
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Saturday, May 16th, 2009

Rename Tokens...

So I've been working pretty much all day on getting rename tokens working. I think we've almost got it. Fortunately squeaky is going to lend a hand and help out with some of the coding. I had to pull a bunch of code out and do things that you're probably not supposed to do to get this version working. And this version doesn't quite accept rename tokens yet, but that's definitely coming. So I thought I'd leave it open for FREEEEE for the next 7 days, get you guys to test it out, let me know how it works. Then I might toss out like 4-5 tokens when we get that working to do some testing on that.

I also worked on getting the searching working, so that's not quite finished yet, but it seems to be searching although, not much data is returned yet.

Boy what a day, I've been staring at this screen for about 12 hours now. My eyes feel like they're on fire!!! Hahaha.

So tonight, I think I might watch some more Fruits Basket, even though the English dub is really getting to me haha. And I'm not really that tired believe it or not.

Tomorrow, I am hoping the weather clears up. It's pretty much been pouring non-stop since 12pm or so. I would love to go out riding since I've been inside all day.

The MRTG graph for the MySQL server isn't working and hasn't since Friday afternoon, it's annoying the hell out of me...I'll probably spent hours trying to fix it too haha

Anyways, that's enough yapping for now, off to fix this issue...if it's not one thing it's
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Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

My Life Is Ick

Just wanted to post a quick update, I recently broke up with [info]emilie and my life is a complete effing mess. I've definitely been trying to read everyone entries and commenting, but I do not have it in me to write up any of my own.

I'm trying to get everything sorted and what not, but give me some time. I'm hoping to work things out with her, but you never really know. All that I know is that I love her very much, and she means everything to me.

Thank you.
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Friday, November 21st, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!!

 This week went by so quickly. I feel like I just got out of the SF & DGD show last Saturday. Been really busy at work as usual. I haven't been doing much consulting at all lately. I might have an appointment on Monday, but who knows, depends on whether or not I feel like it I guess. I've been sick, I think I caught it from a certain someone, blech! Oh well, I think I am actually starting to feel better, it feels like it's just in my head now. Nothing that some medicine and tea can't fix.

I've got a bunch of new games, so I've got to update the master list. I am thinking about just ex-ing off a bunch that I know I will never touch again. I played some Crisis Core this morning, was fun. I really do like that game, I actually might boot it back up once I finish this entry. So [info]emilie is going to be gone for pretty much all of the next week which means I'll be alone here at the apartment all week! I don't know if I'll be able to figure out what to do!

I almost bought the WALL-E DVD today, but then I figured if I am actually going to buy a movie that it might as well as be on Blu-ray. Especially a movie like that.

Been talking to this guy ([info]raf ) who does a bunch of Scribbld's CSS, he's really cool. He became friends with [info]morgan  and then I met him through her. Definitely a geek genius! Poor Morgan has been going through a lot lately, but I won't go into to much detail, I'll let her tell her own story if she wishes.

I'm really enjoying this backlit keyboard, I'm sitting here with music playing on AppleTV in the dark working on various computer projects and I can see my keyboard perfectly fine. I think it would be really cool to pull it apart and replace the white lights with red or something, might even make it better on the eyes in the dark.

A lot of kids (okay 3 but in like the span of 2 weeks) having been dying at the University, it's definitely a little sketchy and it sucks. I don't/didn't know of any of them personally. Also my friends boyfriends brother died this past week so that was definitely not fun. I believe he was a grade above me in high school, I didn't really know him, or was friends with him, but it's pretty close to me...not sure I have much else to say about that subject.

I played some Resistance this afternoon. Definitely a fun game and it's just got a really good amount of difficulty to it, where I can stand it and it's not too easy and not too hard. Really well done, I definitely want to get the 2nd game.

I am really digging the NXE. Morgan and I share an account so it kind of sucks we can't have 2 avatars/characters, but that's understandable, you're not really supposed to be sharing an account, but considering I log in every other week or something it made sense for us haha That and she had been working on a game back when we first got Xbox and she didn't create her own account or forgot to log into the one she created so now she doesn't want to loose those gamer points she accumulated haha. Go my character is some blonde haired chick...

I haven't really talked to [info]makkintosshu or Keith in a few weeks, it kind of sucks, but it just goes to show you how crazy busy we all are. I haven't even played GoW2 with either of them, suck!

Tonight, I think Emilie and I are going to watch The Dark Knight and maybe WALL-E...maybe some BECK too. It's rather cold here, it started snowing like crazy today! Anyways, I think I'll jump into Crisis Core and attempt to figure out why PSP doesn't support WPA2 as an 802.11x encryption protocol...grrr....! 
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Monday, November 10th, 2008

Scribbld Update, GoW2 Completed, MacBook Setup

[info]morgan although broken wristed has worked very hard with me on updating the Scribbld code base to the latest version (as of yesterday). One new thing i really like is that it automagically snags the latest song from your account and plug it into the update page and also the update page (rich text editor) now works in Safari 3/Webkit. I am very very happy with that. It only took us about 45 minutes to an hour to upgrade everything which was really nice.

I beat GoW2 over the weekend. It was a tremendously amazing game. I have a feeling I might play through it another time because I didn't do it with [info]makkintosshu or Keith. I haven't really heard much from either of those guys lately.

Wrath of the Lich King comes out this week. I am excited, although I don't know why since our Warcraft server won't be updated for some time.

I've setup my new MacBook and I am thinking about returning it already because the color is absolutely horrible. I never thought I would be one to bitch about color issues but this is absolutely horrible. I might have to run through the calibration thing again...The whole display looks all washed out, the colors are sucky. My old black MacBook was much better then this. I do enjoy the backlit keyboard though. It also feels really nice when you're typing on it though.

So today, not much happened minus the database maintenance and code upgrade. I'll be heading to the barn in a bit. One of the horses/boarders that had been there for like 8 years left this weekend. Sucky! I might go riding today...depends on how I feel.

Hrmm, I just played with the brightness on the MacBook, colors are a bit better now...

Ah, well, I'm out!
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Sunday, August 17th, 2008

Weekend Over!

Well starting with Friday, I got a bunch of work done in the AM. I actually had a fair amount, more then I thought I would have. I did a lot of preparation for the server work we did this weekend. Obviously I didn't get everything covered because we did hit a few snags while upgrading the servers. So after I got my work done I got all my gear packed up and headed to where the servers are kept. I worked on more prep work while there and then [info]emilie came. She bought some stuff I forgot which was good.

Around 1pm the guy from GMA came out and checked over our lines and everything. We ended up splitting the voice and data wires and then we ran a cable directly from the data lines and pretty much right into the modem. Definitely noticed a BIG improvement and now I've noticed 0 disconnections since yesterday which is awesome. So now Scribbld should be up and running at 100%!

I don't think anything spectacular happened on Friday night. I attempted to get to bed early so that I could wake up early and start working at 8am like I mentioned.

.... interruption....

I just sent this photo to Keith, he should obviously get this instead of iPhone --

.... ok back to your regularly scheduled program ....

So I woke up a bit later then I had wanted to on Saturday, but by 8:20am we were working on the server. The first snag we hit was that one of the web servers wouldn't connect to the Internet. it's NIC module wasn't be loaded. Fortunately after some poking around and chatting on #Gentoo I got it working and made sure it loaded up on boot too.

The next snag we hit was the server to be Scribbld 1 ran some rather new hardware so it had trouble finding the hard drive. After bother #Debian I remembered the last time we installed Linux on it we had to use this special custom build which included drivers for all this new stuff. So after getting a bootable USB key we got the base system installed.

The last major snag we hit was we forgot to snag the code from the development box so that feature was "disabled" until we could get to it today.

[info]morgan and I worked until 10pm or so last night. We pretty much finished up all the big things and had about 8-10 smaller things left to do today. We did 2-3 of them today, the rest we'll complete over the course of the next 2 weeks. I don't expect it to take that long though.

[info]emilie and I went to the barn this afternoon, played with the kitties, Bethany did really well in her A circuit show this past week. We almost brought another kitty home, we'll see. When I got home I added the code and made sure it worked and it did. I'm just working on another Gentoo install for a private WoW server. I am hoping I can bring the databases over from the old percheron install, but you never know.

Alright, I think it's time to go relax and no more computer!
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Friday, August 15th, 2008

Internetz Fixed?

First I must apologize for not leaving comments as of late. I've been really busy consulting, working my horse, working at the barn, getting paper work done for my new job at the University and in-between spending some time with [info]emilie. I've also been working hard at making sure we get a much more reliable connection between our ISP and our servers.

A guy from our ISP actually came out today and had a look at it all, I had him drill a direct line from our telephone box right into the server room. So now the modem has a direct connection to the phone box and it should be much better. Things seem to be fixed.

Tomorrow we'll be working on upgrading our entire systems setup. I've started a couple things right now, but the majority of it will get done tomorrow. We'll be starting at 8am and I hope to have everything back up and running by the late afternoon tomorrow if not sooner. It's definitely going to be pretty hectic but we'll get it all done.

I think I'll be getting to bed relatively early tonight, got to be up early tomorrow. I am hoping if it's nice in the evening, I'll be able to go out riding, but who knows. Have a nice weekend everyone, I'll attempt to get some commenting done!
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Friday, August 8th, 2008

Coding, Coding, and More Coding

I've been pretty busy with getting another job, consulting and attempting to upgrade Scribbld's code base. [info]morgan and I have been working for the last 2 days on getting the code up to date. We're running it all on a development server which is really nice. I can get a lot of work done there without having to worry about screwing up the live site, always a plus! Basically the major new feature is the ability to have the Music field on the Update page auto-populate with your latest track on (should have an account there). Definitely cool!

Besides updating the development code, we've also turned the chat server back on and now instead of having to type in your username that will automatically work (should you be logged in). Since the Chat link only shows up when you're logged in, it should work 98% of the time. The other 2% is people might have the link bookmarked and so when they hit it and they're NOT logged in, it'll give them a nickname like Anon4829 or something.

I've also emailed my ISP about the recent connection dropping between them and the servers, and other equipment. Hopefully they can help me figure out if it's their end or my end. Hopefully it's theirs haha.

On Wednesday I went riding. It was really nice even though we mostly walked around the ring, we did trot a bit, but I was just so beat after working that I just wanted to take it easy. It was a lot of fun though, sure relieves a lot of stress and gives you some time to clear your head. That's what I enjoy most about horses and riding, it's a good time to just focus on that and nothing else, plus you can talk to your horse about anything and nothing have to worry about it!

As for getting another job, that's pretty much 100% finalized which is great, one less thing to worry about. I'll be working at the University of Vermont as a mini (and by mini, I mean just me) IT department for the Center for Disability or something. It'll be fun. Pay is decent, obviously nothing close to consulting, but it'll do just fine.

Anyways, I hope that either this weekend or next (probably next) we can get the Scribbld live site updated to the new code. I think I am going to give Scribbld the quad-core box and one of the dual-core will be a full time development server. So that's the plan as of right now.

I played some Star Fox Adventures last night, it's getting to be a lot more fun now that I've found a guide on GameFAQs. I just hate messing around in a game, trying to figure out what to do, I just don't have time for that. I gotta get going on Final Fantasy III too.

So that's about it for now, I thought about going riding today and I might, I think I am going to relax my poor head hurts, I've not done this much coding in a long time, not fun, code sucks!! Maybe I'll watch Hancock.
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Monday, August 4th, 2008

Quick One

This might be a relatively quick post. I'm pretty busy and I'm trying to spend some time with [info]emilie since I didn't get to really last night.

On Saturday I went up to Milton with David and played some airsoft. It was relatively lame because the area was large and there was maybe 10 people. I guess it was okay, it was something to do at least. On Sunday Emilie and I just hung out, went to the barn and had fun, then went to my parents for dinner which was nice.

Today, I had another appointment in Burlington for something which I shall leave un-named for the moment. It actually went well though. After that I had consulting appointment and that too went really well. I got some really yummy banana bread out of it :)

Last night I pretty much spent like 4 hours getting Unrealircd and Anope working. Obviously [info]morgan helped and we pretty much finished it up. There's a little bit left of configuration to do. We tried to get an Eggdrop bot to work, but we might have to have someone else do that for us, as we're pretty much clueless on how it works. For the moment, I am completely satisfied with how it works. I just wanted a basic chatroom where I have some bit of control. That way if people are being dumb I can just kick or ban them. Definitely join up though, I am thinking about putting a big chat button somewhere haha

Tonight, just relaxing, Emilie is making her amazingly delicious calzones, so I can't wait for that. We're watching Star Wars: Episode I right now, I would love to take a cold shower at some point too.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a lovely day and a lovely week, I do hope I have time to post again shortly :)
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Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

Crazy Cat!

Woke up relatively early this morning, got a bunch of work done and some fun things. For some reason the scheme code differed between web server 1 and 3, don't know why, but I fixed it. Also trying to figure out why the site likes to hold up messages (comments, emails, etc...). So what I've done to try to fix that is run a screen on the database server with a process that checks that and sends out the necessary workers to send out messages. Hopefully it works :P

I've also gotten a few comments/emails/support requests about the captchas not working but I cannot replicate the issue. Every time I go to the create a journal page I get a captcha and it seems to work fine. I would just refresh the page if you get a broken image for a captcha.

I've got a consulting appointment setting up Mac OS X Leopard Server this morning. Hopefully it goes relatively quickly. The last appointment I had with them took like 15 minutes haha I know this one will definitely take longer but it should be fun! I'll pretty much be starting from scratch which is nice, but a bit harder. I'll definitely be doing an Advanced Install too.

Last night Emilie and I were going to cook up this fabulous Thai dinner, but we ended up just getting some fried wontons from the Thai place up the street and not cooking up our noodles and stuff, oops...haha

We watched some Ebichu (which [info]emilie thought was hilarious) and just relaxing for the evening. I did read some more Anime Insider, I think I am still like 2 months worth of issues behind haha

I've been really dying to play airsoft, but there's nothing going on here or in MA lately. Fortunately there's a game up here this weekend, I'm trying to get Greg to come up and play.
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Friday, June 20th, 2008

To Massachusetts

Well, it sure has been a crazy couple of days. On Wednesday, [info]emilie had to go in for some emergency surgery. Fortunately it went well and everything is okay. I ended up going to the hospital around 9:30pm that night. When I got there she was in the OR so I pretty much waited around for a couple hours. I did get to read some of my Game Informer magazine from....last year...haha I am SOOOO behind on my magazines. I have a couple Macworlds from 2005 lol. Finally, they got her situated in a nice room and I spent the night. Around 10pm or so, Scribbld crapped out. Rather someone unplugged the power strip the modem sits on so access to everything died. But it was about 3am and I was to tired to log into the Tumblr site and post an update so I am sorry about that!

I pretty much got no sleep cause I was sleeping in this chair and it just wasn't the greatest. On Thursday we hung out and waited for the doctors and stuff and finally got the leave around 1-2pm. We pretty much just came home. Went for a little walk so she could pick up some pain drugs, she also got a nice little puzzle (alright 750 little itty bitty pieces) and then just relaxed. I believe I took a nap, AND then around 6pm, I finally got someone to turn the power strip back on. So yeah, sorry!!

I've been making a lot of critters in Spore, I also made this little YouTube clone site so I could upload my own videos. Check it out! What a pain in the butt to get working. After making symbolic links to the video encoder applications in Linux, I found the settings panel where I could have simply have changed the paths lol Oh well, it works pretty well and I am pretty happy with the software. I just need to make a new for it and a new logo... I also uploaded some images. I am definitely quite happy with the Creature Creator, for $10, you definitely cannot go wrong! I do kind of wish there was more parts, I know there's a lot, but I want more!!

Today Emilie and I went to breakfast at this wonderful little, er maybe big diner right by the hospital. Then after that I dropped her off to get her car. She had to run into work quickly to setup her schedule for next week. Probably half-days. I'm just doing some emails, forums, Scribbld stuff now...I think I may go watch some TV or something, I've got a consulting call to do.

I hope everyone has a lovely day and a lovely weekend. I'll be down in Massachusetts at two OPs, one at Ghost Town and one HUGE (400+ people), Tears of the Sun at TOLCOM. Hopefully I don't get shot too many times!
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