Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Bang Bang!~

 It's quite late here, I don't know why I am still awake....

Worked on the movie rental application some more today. We've got a new feature going which shows the customers rental history. Pretty easy to create. Did a couple bug fixes and stuff. Brought out the AR-15 today, that was awesome, I love it so much.

Also called Apple back in Burlington, MA. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be working there because they don't offer full time specialist jobs at the moment, and that's the only openings they've got at the moment. Oh well, maybe something else will come up.

I've added 2 new modules to SceneJournal so that I can crosspost to both DeathNote and Scribbld...tested and working. I'm pretty psyched to move to SceneJournal as my main. Although, I'm not too happy with the amount of themes offered. Oh well...

Tomorrow, not much is happening. Probably going to work on the movie rental application some. I think Morgan and I have agreed that this movie application is the last of our ventures into geekery. We'll be cutting back on a lot of it, so we can focus on other things going on in our lives. Scribbld, SceneJournal, DeathNote will continue to run, but not much work will be done on them. As mentioned we'll continue to support them as best we can and with what time we have but since they're not really paying jobs, not much effort will be put into them. Of course they'll run! How else can we document our lives and read about yours! :)

Ok, it's like 3am. I should probably get some sleep so I can wake up at a semi-decent hour tomorrow :) I really want to buckle down and study Japanese at some point.
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Sunday, July 19th, 2009

Coding Marathon

 Well, things are coming along...I've been really busy trying to work when the power isn't out...when it is out, then I'm completely lost haha. The DVD application is really coming along. At the moment, the base core code is complete and now it's just adding in final tweaks and bug fixes which is relatively easy. It definitely challenges my logic though because you've really got to think about what the program and code is doing and how to make it do exactly what you want :)

Employment-wise I've got a couple things going on. I was supposed to fly out to Texas tomorrow to meet up with some people for a potential job, but they didn't get my airplane tickets and hotel lined up yet...so it looks like it might be next week instead. That's okay though...Although I really have no idea what I'll be doing this week. Probably working on that DVD application but you can only do that for so long. I'll probably try to spend as much time with my horse as I can, seeing as how I'll likely need to sell him with whatever new job I get since it'll likely not be located here in Vermont.

Yesterday, Abby made and brought me some pizza, it was definitely amazing! :) Then we watched some TV and then she had to get some barn chores done.

I believe once I am done with this entry, I'll be heading out to the barn myself. Today's my last day of chores, so it'll be the last stalls I muck for quite some time :) I'm quite happy about that :)

Tonight, not sure what's going on, I'd love to go out to dinner and a movie, dinner is doable, movie not so much since there's nothing decent in theatres. We'll see...I definitely want to just relax, no code, no servers, no nothing tonight, just have fun and relax :)

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!!

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Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Finally Life Can Move On!

 I won't say everything in this entry because there's some details I don't want the public knowing, so if you're friends with me on DeathNote, you'll be able to read the crazy shit happening in my life.

Been spending tons of time with Abby, having a great time. I've been working a lot on my DVD Rental application, which is actually coming along quite well. I showed it Abby today, she thought it was pretty cool! :)

I signed up for a GDGT account today - http://user.gdgt.com/jimmyb/. It's a pretty neat website!

haven't been up to much else. I've been wanting to go riding, but I've just been so busy as of late, I haven't had time. I am going to ask Abby if she wants to go for a ride on Friday or something, pending that Cub is in an okay condition to be ridden.

Today, I hung out with Bethany a little at the barn while we both did chores. She's a pleasure to be with, quite the fun/funny girl. After that I went to the store and hung with Abby. Sara, Scott and Abby's Mom were there so it was nice to see them all. Poor Abby was all stressed out about everything going on :( I'm sure she'll be fine though. Came home, had a nice dinner...Kat helped me with my resume and now it's ready for pimpin'! I am psyched. I've gotta do something nice for her, cause she really helped me out big time on this.

Tomorrow, I'll just be working on the DVD Rental application. Nothing is else is really planned.

That said, I would like to talk about Scribbld a little bit. I did talk about it in the latest [info]news posting, but I feel like I need to say stuff about it here too. Scribbld was originally designed with 2 people in mind, myself and my now ex-girlfriend. I never planned on having other people sign up and use this site, server, resources at all! It was crazy because in like 3 days, it exploded and I was running around like crazy, purchasing new servers, multiple IPs, and redesigning my entire network to make sure that things were relatively stable. Mind you, I'm learning an insane amount of things about Perl, PHP, web development, server and network administration so this is totally awesome. Unfortunately, totally awesome doesn't pay all the bills, but, there were some EXTREMELY generous users out there, and we collected tons of money which of course went all back into Scribbld! Now, that's cool with me, but at the same time, this has become almost like a job to me, and as a college student we all know most of them are pretty poor. Now, I wouldn't say I am, poor and broke, but having an extra couple dollars in your pocket to hit up a movie or whatever, yeah it's nice, and feels well earned after dropping thousands of dollars and countless hours into a website, not only by coding it but by supporting the users using it. Correct me if I'm wrong! I mean, if I am going to put this much time and effort into something, I feel like I deserve some sort of compensation, and I have gotten some, but not as much as like at this point.

So as I mentioned, I'll be laying off of Scribbld for a bit. We'll be cutting back on some account features, to ensure that we can properly scale with the amount of users we have, what those features will be I am not sure, but for people with free accounts, you can expect something to change. Maybe this is incentive for people to pay for a service they think is worth it, and if you do, then toss us a couple dollars. I know when I find a really awesome application or a wonder web service, I have no issues tossing them $10, because I know, it'll be supporting the people behind it and that's a really great thing.

Either way, the bottom line is I can't afford to really spend so much time on Scribbld, and it's definitely shown as of late. Both [info]morgan  and I try to get to support questions as soon as we can, but we have real lives (paying jobs) that take priority over Scribbld. We try to keep the code base current (without breaking to many things) and try to stay on top of things happening on the site, but sometimes, it just takes a while. We appreciate every single member here, and every single Paid Account user, and we thank you very much for even using this site at all. It's an awesome learning experience, one that will surely benefit us.

I don't even know if this post makes sense, it's just all the thoughts about Scribbld and all this running around in my head and now on "paper". Take it for what you will :) Scribbld's not going anyways for sure though! xoxoxo
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Monday, November 19th, 2007


On Saturday we had that lovely VHSA banquet. It was a lot of fun. There was this one guy, probably 70+ years old, and he took home like 4-5 awards. I really hope that when I am that age I will still be riding horses and hell maybe even winning some awards! It would be a lot of fun. Overall, it was a lot of fun!

Sunday, [info]emilie and I spent cleaning the apartment. We're trying to make the computer room/mission control more like a living room. I did move the Cisco switch, the Airport and the modem into another room. We added some nice chairs so that at least we'll enjoy watching TV shows and movies there. I think eventually we'd like to get a futon for there, but who knows.

We got to the barn a bit later then usual, but it was okay. One of the little kitties was playing with Doc's tail and Doc kicked and the kitty went flying, a bit funny! The kitties are so funny. A lot like out Kitty. Emilie wants to get one, but who knows if that will happen. Cleaning was the same...messy messy messy!!

I finally got to dive into my NewType magazine which I really do like. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. It's packed with loads of good info though. It finally got me to watch some Chobits, they were running an interview article with CLAMP. So Emilie and I watch an episode of Chobits, and I think we really like it. It's a lot different then I thought it would be. Definitely in a good way though. It's funny!

Today, I am actually at work right now, but I've been doing work all afternoon that I thought I could use the break. I bought an apple pie from this pre-school (some fundraiser) and they just brought it to me today. It's really good, although quite cold. I am sure it'll be great after I put some in the microwave or something.

I have Windows Server Admin class tonight, that should be pretty simple. I just have to find out which homework assignments I am missing and then get them done. I also have to work on this paper for my class SEI (lamest class ever).

I finished up my PHP script that will compress my mail backups made by mailbfr. I just have to do some other PHP/MySQL programming for the class, but I think it should be relatively easy.

I can't wait to watch some more Chobits tonight. I think this is all I have time t write for now :)
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