Sunday, April 5th, 2009

It's Getting Better...

 Been a bit since I last updated. Many things have happened since. Last week was nothing unusual. It went by really quickly. There's been a lot to do at work, because one of the big projects at work finally got some more funding so they've been going full speed ahead and they've got a lot of web work for me to be doing. I usually tended to do things slowly or not at all, so there wouldn't be days where I wasn't working. But now it's pretty crazy. I've been working most days with zero breaks until the end of the day, or I'll work until 4:15 or so, and just leave for the day, rather do my lunch then haha. It works though, I'd rather just get a lot done, so I feel accomplished and then have a nice break or leave early.

[info]emilie  and I hung out on Thursday. We've started playing World of Warcraft. We're humans on Turylon. I'm a mage and she's a paladin. We're definitely having fun with it. We sing the Billy Maclure song, mostly because we are questing in a mine (Jasperload and Fargo Deep) hehe. We're so silly. We both bought little cat pets too, to match the ones we have in real life :) I think we'll be shortly going to Westfall since we're pretty much done in Elwynn Forest. I'm having a blast with it. I could work on my 56 Orc but, I really just don't have time at the moment.

I've been watching Death Note too. It's fantastic! I really really love it! I think I might buy the manga at some point too. It's really really great stuff! :)

Today, not much happened, I watched some Death Note, and hung at the barn. I am going to be sponsoring one of my friends classes at the big Morgan horse show in Massachusetts this summer. That's really great, she's a really good rider.

Tonight, my plans are study Japanese and probably more Death Note, I really like how I am starting to understand some of the words written & spoken in anime, TV and movies. Hehe.
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