Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Lost For Words, Lost For Her...

Wow, so I guess people understood where I was going with my long winded post yesterday. Thanks <3 It's those people who allow me to say without a doubt that I really enjoy Scribbld and the work I put into it.

That was nice. I just spent the day up at the Davis Center on campus. I mainly worked on everything that I wasn't supposed to but whatever. I had planned to work a lot on that DVD Rental script, but I kept finding other things to work on. I actually looked for a couple new jobs and applied to a couple places. We'll see how that all turns out. I actually already have an interview setup for tomorrow so I am pretty psyched about that!

This evening I didn't do anything to special, played a little Xbox, and by little I mean maybe 15 minutes if that. I studied some Japanese, OH we upgraded our Internet line to 12Mbit down which is awesome, I've been able to hit about 9Mbits so far...I do wish the up was a lot better, I might email them and be like, I know you guys can handle at least 5/5 so comon! Sure would help me out a lot. I have a feeling if it doesn't go faster I'll be going back to what we originally had. Not worth the extra $15 a month to me at least, especially if the upload speed is staying the same.

In the last 24 hours our new SQL server has handle 100+ million queries without ANY issues so I am VERY happy with it.

Tomorrow Abby is coming over in the morning and we're going to make/have breakfast together, I'm quite psyched about that. I then plan to work on that DVD Rental application during the day, and then I've got that phone interview in the afternoon. I would like to get to the barn to do a little riding if possible. Then Abby is coming over for the night so that'll be awesome.

I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July! I would like personally take a second to thank the troops overseas who aren't able to be with us stateside at the moment. Thanks guys, your efforts and your jobs are appreciated. I won't say anymore then that for the moment, but seriously thanks!

Is anyone else noticing oddities?!
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Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Finally Life Can Move On!

 I won't say everything in this entry because there's some details I don't want the public knowing, so if you're friends with me on DeathNote, you'll be able to read the crazy shit happening in my life.

Been spending tons of time with Abby, having a great time. I've been working a lot on my DVD Rental application, which is actually coming along quite well. I showed it Abby today, she thought it was pretty cool! :)

I signed up for a GDGT account today - It's a pretty neat website!

haven't been up to much else. I've been wanting to go riding, but I've just been so busy as of late, I haven't had time. I am going to ask Abby if she wants to go for a ride on Friday or something, pending that Cub is in an okay condition to be ridden.

Today, I hung out with Bethany a little at the barn while we both did chores. She's a pleasure to be with, quite the fun/funny girl. After that I went to the store and hung with Abby. Sara, Scott and Abby's Mom were there so it was nice to see them all. Poor Abby was all stressed out about everything going on :( I'm sure she'll be fine though. Came home, had a nice dinner...Kat helped me with my resume and now it's ready for pimpin'! I am psyched. I've gotta do something nice for her, cause she really helped me out big time on this.

Tomorrow, I'll just be working on the DVD Rental application. Nothing is else is really planned.

That said, I would like to talk about Scribbld a little bit. I did talk about it in the latest [info]news posting, but I feel like I need to say stuff about it here too. Scribbld was originally designed with 2 people in mind, myself and my now ex-girlfriend. I never planned on having other people sign up and use this site, server, resources at all! It was crazy because in like 3 days, it exploded and I was running around like crazy, purchasing new servers, multiple IPs, and redesigning my entire network to make sure that things were relatively stable. Mind you, I'm learning an insane amount of things about Perl, PHP, web development, server and network administration so this is totally awesome. Unfortunately, totally awesome doesn't pay all the bills, but, there were some EXTREMELY generous users out there, and we collected tons of money which of course went all back into Scribbld! Now, that's cool with me, but at the same time, this has become almost like a job to me, and as a college student we all know most of them are pretty poor. Now, I wouldn't say I am, poor and broke, but having an extra couple dollars in your pocket to hit up a movie or whatever, yeah it's nice, and feels well earned after dropping thousands of dollars and countless hours into a website, not only by coding it but by supporting the users using it. Correct me if I'm wrong! I mean, if I am going to put this much time and effort into something, I feel like I deserve some sort of compensation, and I have gotten some, but not as much as like at this point.

So as I mentioned, I'll be laying off of Scribbld for a bit. We'll be cutting back on some account features, to ensure that we can properly scale with the amount of users we have, what those features will be I am not sure, but for people with free accounts, you can expect something to change. Maybe this is incentive for people to pay for a service they think is worth it, and if you do, then toss us a couple dollars. I know when I find a really awesome application or a wonder web service, I have no issues tossing them $10, because I know, it'll be supporting the people behind it and that's a really great thing.

Either way, the bottom line is I can't afford to really spend so much time on Scribbld, and it's definitely shown as of late. Both [info]morgan  and I try to get to support questions as soon as we can, but we have real lives (paying jobs) that take priority over Scribbld. We try to keep the code base current (without breaking to many things) and try to stay on top of things happening on the site, but sometimes, it just takes a while. We appreciate every single member here, and every single Paid Account user, and we thank you very much for even using this site at all. It's an awesome learning experience, one that will surely benefit us.

I don't even know if this post makes sense, it's just all the thoughts about Scribbld and all this running around in my head and now on "paper". Take it for what you will :) Scribbld's not going anyways for sure though! xoxoxo
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Monday, June 29th, 2009

Electronicore for the win...

 Been getting some really unusual music lately. Oddly I can stand it too haha. Brokencyde's new album is pretty hilarious. I made myself a ringtone from the Freaxxx song lol. I told Abby she could pick any one song and I'd make it into a ringtone for her when she calls me.

Friday I hung out with her. We went to her house, just chilled out, watched some movies, went for a walk. Saturday I finished up my final for Nutrition class, ended up getting a 94 on it and an A in the class overall. Quite happy with that. Then I met up with her around 12 and we went to her house, did some things to get ready for her party, took a nap, took a walk, watched some movies, then people started showing up around 5 or so...had a ton of fun at the party. I beat Bethany 21 to 4 in badminton. We did some four-wheeling which was badass, but we didn't get as dirty and muddy as I had wanted too lol. Bonfire was awesome, Abby and I laid out a tarp and watched the stars for a bit after everyone left, then we huddled close to the fire since it was kind of cold.

Sunday, we went and saw Transformers 2 which was pretty badass. That was too be expected though. Storyline, was eh...nothing to least the movie was badass...after that we did chores at the barn and then went out to get some ice cream.

Today I spent finishing the add new customer bit on the DVD Rental script I'm working on. Also started in on the search feature which is pretty much complete. This week I'd like to accomplish finishing the edit customer part.

After I finished coding, I went to the barn to get my chores done. Then I went and Abby made me some pizza which ended up awesome. Definitely hit the spot and of course seeing her was awesome. Then I came home, and I've been playing a little Xbox since. I got a new free costume for LittleBigPlanet. It's the summer solstice one. I really want to get Killzone 2 for my PS3. We'll see, there's so many other things on the list. Haha.

Tomorrow, it's back to UVM. Ick. But whatever, it's money. I start my Japanese class in a couple weeks, I am pretty psyched for that. I need to write a letter to HR telling them what a fuck up my boss is. It's fucking ridiculous. :) Maybe I'll just move to Boston and work at the Apple Store. Who knows...Apparently Steve Jobs is back at Apple, he looks decent. Maybe he was secretly working on that tablet I so desperately want :)

I found out tonight that you can make ringtones in Garageband and since GarageBand can import songs I just used that instead of purchasing the song over again. So I made one from Brokencyde, Attack Attack! and This Romantic Tragedy. I'm loving it!

Haven't been riding as much because it's either been raining, or I've just wanted to come home and work on some web projects and things...or because Cub is lame which means Abby and I can't ride together...which has been quite fun the 4-5 times we've done so.

Only have to work tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday! Yay for Friday off, I am hoping Abby can spend the night on Friday, that would be most excellent. If not, I am sure she'll stay pretty late into the morning hours :)

Hope everyone has an awesome week!
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Monday, June 22nd, 2009


Today was unusually amazing for a Monday. Woke up kind of late, sleeping in is nice :) Just wake up when I am done sleeping, took a shower, got ready for the day. I went out to my first consulting appointment. It was for a slow computer which is one of the worst to go out on because that really doesn't tell me anything, there's a million and one reasons as to why a computer could be slow. I ran my usual checks and applications to look for what could be causing the problem. I ended up telling them to purchase some new RAM for not only the machine that was having an issue but for most of their machines. One guy was running 512MBs of RAM, now mind you, these guys are graphics/print designers and sit and play in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign all day...and for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters nonetheless haha. I hope some people have heard of them :P So yeah, we're jacking them up to like 6-8GBs. 512MBs is ridiculous!

After that, I went out and had lunch with my mom, but not before I stopped off at my local gun shop and got my stock's kind of ghetto, but whatever haha, it works. I saw the Bushmaster A3 that I really really want, so I am definitely going to be saving up for that. Maybe by the end of the summer I'll have enough money to drop on that (only $1200 haha). After that I found out my car needs like $900 in repairs, I hate cars. Haha. I wish I could just ride my horse everywhere. I'd definitely be down with that.

After lunch I hung out with Abby, we watched a couple episodes of Wildboyz and then I went to my second appointment. It was a good one though, cause it was for one of my old managers from Small Dog. He's looking to do some DVD rentals and needs an application to not only inventory the DVDs, but to handle rentals, returns and customer information. So it's definitely going to be a good learning experience. We'll be writing it in PHP & MySQL and there's a big possibility that he won't be the only people using it, considering I've seen little nothing else out there in the market. So it's going to be a really crazy ride this one!!

After that, I headed out to the barn, met back up with Abby and Bethany. Had some good times there. Abby made me a whole thing of rice crispy treats for me, which I "shared" hahaha. She's so wonderful to me, it's really nice to know there's someone out there who really cares about you...a lot. I believe she's coming over when I get home from work, we're just going to relax, maybe watch a movie or build our Sims a house hahaha.

Tonight, I've got a buncha homework to do. I might start working on an outline for the DVD project. Who knows...maybe I'll do neither and just watch a movie and relax :) Did I mention how amazing Ponyo on a Cliff By The Sea was!? Yeah, it was great, Miyazaki for the win...Did I mention how badly I want that A3...oh, cause I do ;) Thursday is Abby's birthday. I am going to order her some flowers right now...she loves lillys. <3
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 Sorry for not updating very much lately haha. Twitter is so much easier to use then having to find time to sit down and actually write something.

I've been riding a lot lately. Trying to get my horse into decent shape. At my departments retreat a couple weeks ago, I caught up with one of the ladies who works with us and she was talking about this like 3-4 day long trail ride that happens and said I should come, but that my horse would need to be in pretty good shape since it's all kinds of crazy I don't know if I'll go but I know that both my horse and I need to be in good shape overall :) So I've been trying to ride as often as I can when I'm not completely dead from work and such. Abby and I have been going together a lot which is really nice. It's really great to have someone to just ride around with. We've been doing ring-work, and just riding out on the roads and in the fields. Tons of fun.

I guess we're dating now? Boyfriend/girlfriend, I don't know, maybe?! Hahaha. It really makes no difference to me, I guess it matters to her though, a girl thing? Who knows...

We went out to dinner with her sister and husband the other night which was really nice. I like them both, great people. We've been spending a lot of time together haha. I can't believe she hasn't gotten sick of me yet. She made me these amazingly delicious rice crispy treats too, love love love!! She totally doesn't seem to care that I have assault rifles either, I think this could be the beginning of an amazing relationship haha

Well, I've got at least 1 consulting appointment this morning, then probably getting lunch with my mom, need to get some pricing and set an appointment to get a fuck ton of things fixed on my car. Then I might have another appointment. We just put together a proposal to write an application for renting DVDs. It should be a fun learning experience.

Anyways, have a lovely day everyone! xoxo
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Sunday, June 14th, 2009

My Life In a Nutshell...

I've been seeing this girl as of late. We've been getting along pretty well. I've known her for like 5 years, but I guess things just fell into place and we are seeing each other if that's what you want to call it. On Friday we went to dinner and a movie, she happily saw Terminator: Salvation with me, I guess that means things are definitely off to a good start. A girl that'll watch Terminator with you can't be all that bad right. I won't really go into specifics about how the relationship is working because I saved that for my Death Note.

Today, I hung out with her again at the barn. We ended up riding too which was really nice. And actually, on Friday me, her and another girl from the barn went on a ride together. We just rode up the road next to the barn, but it was pretty fun and exciting. I enjoy being with those girls, they're pretty nice to me, and we all seem to have fun together.

Not much else has been going on with me besides the normal things. Working, riding, hanging with this new girl. I can't complain about life.

There is a possibility that I'll be moving to Boston in as little as 2 months or so, it all depends on my current job and things. It could be really exciting if it happens. And now is the time in my life when shit like that needs to happen...

Tomorrow, not much happening, probably hanging out with that girl a little. I have to work at the barn at some point. I might go for a ride.

Now I'm loosing focus so this entry shall end. Have a Wonderful week all.
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Friday, May 29th, 2009

Happy Friday!

Well, I've been pretty busy lately. Trying to study and do well with my course at UVM. I've also been trying to work a little bit on code and DeathNote. But there just doesn't seem like there's enough time in the day! Haha.

Work has been going okay. I've been pretty busy lately, so I'm not as bored, which is definitely nice. I had wanted to go riding yesterday, but the weather was just so miserable and I had some things to work on for homework, so I didn't end up going. Today is a different story though, I do have an exam to take between 12pm and 2pm tomorrow, so at least I've got time to complete it. The weather isn't much better but it is FRIDAY!

I've been talking a lot with Adelaide lately. I'm so sad that she isn't local anymore cause I know we'd be hanging out like every day. I guess she's coming up in August, although who knows how well that's going to go over.

Nothing much happening today. I've finished most of the things I needed to get done, done. I have 2 meetings this afternoon, and then I am free. I'll probably do some riding this week and hopefully I'll be working on the new server. I think I am planning to announce a few permanent accounts for sale in the Hello June post in [info]news. We definitely need to get those new HDDs for the new server and right now, that's my only hope for getting them relatively soon.

I really a need a girlfriend. I need someone to kick it with, I'm so bored after work haha....
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Monday, May 11th, 2009

Forgot to mention....

Some of the ladies in [info]equations are ridiculously beautiful...seriously. Some of you are wicked cute.

From Your Scribbld Administrator (who is single by the way... ;) ) Haha. 
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Sunday, April 12th, 2009


Been pretty busy lately, but then and again when haven't I. Sorry to people who I've not left comments for, I tried to leave some today.

I've been a little messed up lately, but not like seriously, just dealing with my feelings for <lj user="emilie">. I guess I don't know where we really are, I guess we're just friends, and stuff, and in reality I want it to be so much more, but I try to keep that bit of it inside me, because she's not ready for something like that yet, sometimes I don't know what she wants...although she's told me what she wants, it seems different when we're together.

She did get a new job, so I'm very proud of her, and she makes more then in her previous job so that's awesome. It sounds like she really likes it too, it's a job outside of the banking industry which is all she's known, she has some to learn. Which also sucks for me, because she spends all her time do that, which is understandable, I mean if I got a new job, I would be spending a lot of time learning about it, but if we were still living together at least I could wake up to her and fall asleep with her, in the situation we're in now, I can not do that, so it really sucks.

I don't know, things are obviously not how I'd like them to be, and I honestly don't know when and if they ever will be. I miss her more then anything in the world and it's killing emo I know, but it's really how I feel. I literally cannot stop thinking about her and us, and blaaah. It's horrible.


Other shit I've been up to: working on a new web project which we launched on Friday. It's called and basically you can just submit confessions. - we're still in beta, but we definitely want lots of people checking it out, using it and helping us squish some bugs! :)

Also been watching a lot of Death Note, maybe a bit too much cause I've been having dreams about it lately. It's a wicked awesome show though. I think next I might do Code Geass.

I've been cleaning up my airsoft guns and making sure they're in decent working condition. They all are for the most of it, next I've got to plan on which OPs I want to go to. There was one yesterday, but I didn't find out till yesterday, and there's one next week, but I'll be down in Massachusetts getting an iPhone replacement. So we're looking at probably going to an OP in Ghost Town on the weekend of the 25th (also my birthday weekend). It'll be awesome, of course, I've got to make sure Greg can do it as well.

Today, nothing really happening, watched some Death Note this morning, was awesome, but a bit sad. I won't say any spoilers :P I'm about to head out to the barn...

PS. Anyone wanna go out to a movie or dinner (date??) - let me know, I'm bored and need someone to hangout with :)

Have a good one kids <3
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Sunday, April 5th, 2009

It's Getting Better...

 Been a bit since I last updated. Many things have happened since. Last week was nothing unusual. It went by really quickly. There's been a lot to do at work, because one of the big projects at work finally got some more funding so they've been going full speed ahead and they've got a lot of web work for me to be doing. I usually tended to do things slowly or not at all, so there wouldn't be days where I wasn't working. But now it's pretty crazy. I've been working most days with zero breaks until the end of the day, or I'll work until 4:15 or so, and just leave for the day, rather do my lunch then haha. It works though, I'd rather just get a lot done, so I feel accomplished and then have a nice break or leave early.

[info]emilie  and I hung out on Thursday. We've started playing World of Warcraft. We're humans on Turylon. I'm a mage and she's a paladin. We're definitely having fun with it. We sing the Billy Maclure song, mostly because we are questing in a mine (Jasperload and Fargo Deep) hehe. We're so silly. We both bought little cat pets too, to match the ones we have in real life :) I think we'll be shortly going to Westfall since we're pretty much done in Elwynn Forest. I'm having a blast with it. I could work on my 56 Orc but, I really just don't have time at the moment.

I've been watching Death Note too. It's fantastic! I really really love it! I think I might buy the manga at some point too. It's really really great stuff! :)

Today, not much happened, I watched some Death Note, and hung at the barn. I am going to be sponsoring one of my friends classes at the big Morgan horse show in Massachusetts this summer. That's really great, she's a really good rider.

Tonight, my plans are study Japanese and probably more Death Note, I really like how I am starting to understand some of the words written & spoken in anime, TV and movies. Hehe.
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Monday, March 30th, 2009


Had a really nice weekend. But before I go into that...

Thursday, I hung out with [info]emilie It was our CSI night, of course it happened to be the NCAA basketball crap so we ended up watching Bedtime Stories instead. Funny movie.

On Friday, I got a bunch of work done, I had a quick meeting, rather almost consulting appointment in-which I got paid my normal shit pay to go over some really super basic OS X stuff, and then some questions about procedures and how things work at UVM. It only lasted about an hour which was really nice, because I had like 50 other things to do before my afternoon meeting. My afternoon meeting was lovely as usual. I really like my functional supervisor, she's awesome. I also like the guy who works with her, he's really great too. Very cool people...I wish I worked a lot closer with them rather then where I am now, but whatever. So Friday...night...nothing really special happened. I think I worked on some coding, but I really can't remember.

Saturday, I pretty much worked on the computer all afternoon, it was so nice out too, I worked outside with my MacBook. Then Emilie called and we got together. She was just going to come over to pickup the futon but we ended up umm yeah, well we also got some Chinese food and watched Ace Venture: When Nature Calls. We love that movie haha. So then I stayed up late after she left just working on a couple things.

Sunday, [info]emilie and I met up in the AM and we drove up to Matusuri which is this Japanese Cultural Festival (which I assume they hold annually, but I am not sure). Got there, check things out, they had tons of cool things, paper crane folding, bonsai trees, fish rolling, food, tea ceremony, demos, martial arts, antiques, tons of things! Anime, DDR, manga, etc...We bought 3 packs of origami paper. Then we went out to lunch at the Asiana Noodle House. She really wanted to try it out since I had told her how amazing it was. So we ended up getting beef, udon, and a Japanese Soy broth. It was WICKED good haha. I love the stuff there. Then we came back to the house and started getting World of Warcraft installed on a couple computers so we could play. Of course it ended up that I needed to download like 4GBs worth of patches, so we just got that going and then I brought her back to her truck and we parted ways. I head to barn to get my chores done and she headed home. Didn't do too much that night, just relaxed.

Today, I woke up, finished up the Warcraft patches, and headed out to get my chores done at the barn. Then Emilie and I met up (she had another job interview this morning, which seemed to go well from what she told me) and grabbed some food from the general store. Came home and played like an hour or so of Warcraft. We went with humans, she's a paladin and I am a mage. We're on Turylon (I think that's the spelling haha). Then we kind of had a mini nap, and then she headed home.

So I guess the rest of the afternoon, I might practice some more paper cranes, maybe some Japanese, and then I might work on some coding and/or Dirty Jobs :)
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Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

I'm Waiting For You...

 Work is eh, getting rather mundane. The shit I do is well below my level and it's really starting to get to me. It's so boring. I guess I really shouldn't complain though because I'm actually quite lucky to even have a job at all, and one that pays well with good benefits. So yeah, I'll stop complaining about that crap now.

[info]emilie came over for pizza and movies on Friday. We had a really great time. Things are definitely looking up between us and that really makes me happy. I know we can work our shit out and all. I am really glad we can hang out and have as much fun as we do. We ended up watching City of Ember which was really neat. I really enjoyed it. Then we just hung for a little bit, I think I gave her a back massage or something and then she went home. She doesn't really like driving around when it's dark and all. So yeah, had a really great night with her.

Saturday, I really didn't do much, worked on some web things, mostly for a new web project that [info]morgan  and I are doing. No details yet, there's still a VERY lot of work to be done haha

Sunday, I texted with Emilie a bit, then was going to start watching a movie, but my best buddy Greg called and told me to come over. He lives down in MA now, he's originally from here and we've been friends forever, so anyways, he's up visiting with his fiance. So I drove over there, and we hung out there for a bit. Had some delicious angel food cake (that's what it's called right?), watched some of the Bruins/Devils game...I think when we left it was like 3-0 Bruins, I'll assume they went to win it, but I have no idea. Then me, him, and Jess went to the barn, I finally got to show him my horse. I let them give him some treats haha, I am sure he loved that. So then we went to Frankie's (also know as Friendly's to normal people) and got some eats. I've not been there since the summer, during one of my trips down to MA to see him of course.

So then I drove them back to Darko's and I came home myself. Finished, or rather started and finished Slumdog Millionaire. Was a pretty good movie, I liked it. So now I'm just reading a few things, I don't really feel very tired anymore, not sure what's up with that cause it's like 12:30am now. Oh well.

Emilie is going to come over tomorrow. Going to probably watch some movies, maybe take a nice walk and work on some job stuff. It'll be good!! I suppose I'll go watch some TV or something now and passout! :)

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Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Hold On...

Sunday, [info]emilie  was sick so she didn't end up coming over. It was okay though cause she called me and we talked for a bit so that was nice. Then Monday I got her to help me with my car and picking it up from the repair place. I spent like $100 on repairs, and it needs another like$400-500. Uuugh, I think once I get that stuff done I'm definitely trading it in for a Subaru WRX. There's really no sense in me dropping more money into it.

I did have a consulting appointment on Monday today, which was before I got together with Emilie, but it was really easy and quick. Then we picked up my car, got lunch at Quiznos, then headed out to the barn. I took a couple photos of Nippet, she took a couple of me and I took a couple of her. We just had a fun time :) After that, we came back to the house, I let her work on her resume and get a couple copies printed off. Then we just hung for a little bit and then she was off.

Today, nothing special. I wanted to flash the Cisco switches with some new firmware, but didn't get to it. Maybe this weekend. Nothing special going on this week except Norma Jean and Underoath on Friday which is going to be amazing. Weekend not much going on, I'll probably end up hanging out with Emilie I would think.

Fairpoint sent me a bill this weekend, after I had cancelled my service like back in I called them today, I think was on hold for like 30 minutes, sheesh. Finally got through and got it taken care of, apparently their bill processing is a bit behind, so even though the service was cancelled, the billing part of it wasn't, so they're going to get that taken care of.

Alright, well, I'm tired and I've got work in the AM, oh joy. Hahaha.
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Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Nom nom nom!

Hello everyone!

Today was rather a boring day at work. I had probably 2-3 hours of work, then I just kind of messed around on some websites and "profiled" them. I guess someone else can use it they know which each of the sites contains, rather then having to visit them and see for themselves, they can just refer to the things I am putting together. So yeah, eventually work came to an end. I ended up driving myself to work this morning. It was nice because I got to make myself breakfast this morning, and wake up a bit later then usual.

Got to chat with [info]emilie a bit at work until her Internet died a few minutes later haha. Hrmm, so after work, I went to the barn, and met up with Emilie, was nice to see her there. She hasn't been in a long time, so it was cool. I also reminded Bethany that I would give her $100 if she got all A's. Em got to see Bethany's new horse too and the new pony, Suki. Then we both groomed Nippet. We pretty much made a mini-horse out of all the hair that he's shedding lol. It's that time of the year again haha.

Then we went out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, thai food. Was really good, we got our usual, but we tried the fried banana with coconut ice cream for dessert. We skipped appetizer so I think this was the first time we had dessert and it was good! Then we just walked around town for a little bit and then went our ways. I definitely had an amazing time with her. I really appreciate every minute I am with her. It's so great.

Tonight, nothing big planned, probably just watch a movie and pass out. Tomorrow isn't going to be anything special but I do have a bunch of work lined up. I think Emilie and I might get together on Sunday too, maybe go see Coraline or Watchmen. Anyone seen either? Good? Bad? Friday, nothing planned...but yeah, things are looking up. I'm falling in love...again... :)

Take care kids xoxo

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Monday, March 9th, 2009

Do You Feel Alive...?

Just got a whole ton of new music. I've actually not listened to much of it yet, but the new Vanna album is quite amazing. It's definitely going to go on my iPod :) I've been working a lot on adding stuff into Delicious Library. I've completed movies, so I guess next I'll work on video games and TV shows. We're like 7 episodes away from having 4,000 TV episodes haha. We've also got like 950 movies which is nuts. I'm really hurting on space now haha. I can't wait to get a new server. I'll be able to offload like 100GB+ onto there.

Yesterday, I didn't really do much, actually, I did like nothing at all haha. Around 2 or so, I went to the barn and worked there. It's so nice seeing all the horses and everything. Was also really nice to see Rita and Bethany and her new horse Joy. She's a really good looking horse. After that, I stopped by the old apartment and we picked up the server rack and a few other items that had been left behind. Got back and put everything that would fit in the rack, in there. I'll have to take some photos, maybe this afternoon :) Or how about right now :)

More Photos... )

More Photos... )

So there you have it, a few photos. I am really hoping to get that new database server before the beginning of summer. We're really in need of a decent box for handling it all. Today...

Woke up around 9...definitely a bit later then I was hoping for, but it's okay. I think I finished a Dirty Jobs episode, got some breakfast. Then [info]emilie called and we chatted for a bit, figured out some plans for today. I think I'll head to the barn around 2pm or so, get my chores done, then we're going to meet up at the grocery store and pickup some stuff to make a nice meal at her place...I dunno what else we're going to do. I'll finally be able to see my kitty.

Hopefully the roads aren't too bad. I guess just take it nice and easy and it'll be fine. So now I'm going to read a bit of my Anime Insider mag and maybe watch a movie. Have a lovely day everyone! :)

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Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

My Life Is Ick

Just wanted to post a quick update, I recently broke up with [info]emilie and my life is a complete effing mess. I've definitely been trying to read everyone entries and commenting, but I do not have it in me to write up any of my own.

I'm trying to get everything sorted and what not, but give me some time. I'm hoping to work things out with her, but you never really know. All that I know is that I love her very much, and she means everything to me.

Thank you.
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