Monday, June 22nd, 2009


Today was unusually amazing for a Monday. Woke up kind of late, sleeping in is nice :) Just wake up when I am done sleeping, took a shower, got ready for the day. I went out to my first consulting appointment. It was for a slow computer which is one of the worst to go out on because that really doesn't tell me anything, there's a million and one reasons as to why a computer could be slow. I ran my usual checks and applications to look for what could be causing the problem. I ended up telling them to purchase some new RAM for not only the machine that was having an issue but for most of their machines. One guy was running 512MBs of RAM, now mind you, these guys are graphics/print designers and sit and play in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign all day...and for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters nonetheless haha. I hope some people have heard of them :P So yeah, we're jacking them up to like 6-8GBs. 512MBs is ridiculous!

After that, I went out and had lunch with my mom, but not before I stopped off at my local gun shop and got my stock's kind of ghetto, but whatever haha, it works. I saw the Bushmaster A3 that I really really want, so I am definitely going to be saving up for that. Maybe by the end of the summer I'll have enough money to drop on that (only $1200 haha). After that I found out my car needs like $900 in repairs, I hate cars. Haha. I wish I could just ride my horse everywhere. I'd definitely be down with that.

After lunch I hung out with Abby, we watched a couple episodes of Wildboyz and then I went to my second appointment. It was a good one though, cause it was for one of my old managers from Small Dog. He's looking to do some DVD rentals and needs an application to not only inventory the DVDs, but to handle rentals, returns and customer information. So it's definitely going to be a good learning experience. We'll be writing it in PHP & MySQL and there's a big possibility that he won't be the only people using it, considering I've seen little nothing else out there in the market. So it's going to be a really crazy ride this one!!

After that, I headed out to the barn, met back up with Abby and Bethany. Had some good times there. Abby made me a whole thing of rice crispy treats for me, which I "shared" hahaha. She's so wonderful to me, it's really nice to know there's someone out there who really cares about you...a lot. I believe she's coming over when I get home from work, we're just going to relax, maybe watch a movie or build our Sims a house hahaha.

Tonight, I've got a buncha homework to do. I might start working on an outline for the DVD project. Who knows...maybe I'll do neither and just watch a movie and relax :) Did I mention how amazing Ponyo on a Cliff By The Sea was!? Yeah, it was great, Miyazaki for the win...Did I mention how badly I want that A3...oh, cause I do ;) Thursday is Abby's birthday. I am going to order her some flowers right now...she loves lillys. <3
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 Sorry for not updating very much lately haha. Twitter is so much easier to use then having to find time to sit down and actually write something.

I've been riding a lot lately. Trying to get my horse into decent shape. At my departments retreat a couple weeks ago, I caught up with one of the ladies who works with us and she was talking about this like 3-4 day long trail ride that happens and said I should come, but that my horse would need to be in pretty good shape since it's all kinds of crazy I don't know if I'll go but I know that both my horse and I need to be in good shape overall :) So I've been trying to ride as often as I can when I'm not completely dead from work and such. Abby and I have been going together a lot which is really nice. It's really great to have someone to just ride around with. We've been doing ring-work, and just riding out on the roads and in the fields. Tons of fun.

I guess we're dating now? Boyfriend/girlfriend, I don't know, maybe?! Hahaha. It really makes no difference to me, I guess it matters to her though, a girl thing? Who knows...

We went out to dinner with her sister and husband the other night which was really nice. I like them both, great people. We've been spending a lot of time together haha. I can't believe she hasn't gotten sick of me yet. She made me these amazingly delicious rice crispy treats too, love love love!! She totally doesn't seem to care that I have assault rifles either, I think this could be the beginning of an amazing relationship haha

Well, I've got at least 1 consulting appointment this morning, then probably getting lunch with my mom, need to get some pricing and set an appointment to get a fuck ton of things fixed on my car. Then I might have another appointment. We just put together a proposal to write an application for renting DVDs. It should be a fun learning experience.

Anyways, have a lovely day everyone! xoxo
mood: loved
music: Underoath - In Regards to Myself
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Sunday, June 14th, 2009

My Life In a Nutshell...

I've been seeing this girl as of late. We've been getting along pretty well. I've known her for like 5 years, but I guess things just fell into place and we are seeing each other if that's what you want to call it. On Friday we went to dinner and a movie, she happily saw Terminator: Salvation with me, I guess that means things are definitely off to a good start. A girl that'll watch Terminator with you can't be all that bad right. I won't really go into specifics about how the relationship is working because I saved that for my Death Note.

Today, I hung out with her again at the barn. We ended up riding too which was really nice. And actually, on Friday me, her and another girl from the barn went on a ride together. We just rode up the road next to the barn, but it was pretty fun and exciting. I enjoy being with those girls, they're pretty nice to me, and we all seem to have fun together.

Not much else has been going on with me besides the normal things. Working, riding, hanging with this new girl. I can't complain about life.

There is a possibility that I'll be moving to Boston in as little as 2 months or so, it all depends on my current job and things. It could be really exciting if it happens. And now is the time in my life when shit like that needs to happen...

Tomorrow, not much happening, probably hanging out with that girl a little. I have to work at the barn at some point. I might go for a ride.

Now I'm loosing focus so this entry shall end. Have a Wonderful week all.
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Monday, June 1st, 2009

A Photo Post!

Finally had some time to get photos of my iPhone & camera.

New Database Server )

Nippet )

Had a really busy day today so far. Been out consulting since like 9am. Worked at the barn, played with my horse a little bit. Got a few emails and things taken care of. Going to dinner tonight with my parents to celebrate my Dad's birthday, woohoo!
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Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

A Quickie...Hehe

Today was super busy. Had a bit of consulting working in the AM, and then I went up to UVM. We flipped the switch on the new CDCI home page and it's looking good. I spent like 2 hours doing that. Then  attempted to find the room where my Japanese class was, but I found every other room number other then the one I needed. But I think I know where it is, it's one of the rooms that had students in it and the door was open....I didn't want to like walk in and stare at the door to see the number...I'd prefer not to look completely nuts haha. Either way...I'll find it.

The rest of the day, I spent working on web things, and such. Got home and spent way to long trying to install the new PSU into the server. [info]morgan  and I are crazy haha.

Then I got it installed into the rack and found out the boot drive wasn't I snagged a 500GB drive and installed that and it works. I'm going to have to test out that 300GB we got from [info]ltdan  to see what the deal is...I'll probably end up buying another 500GB since I stole it from [info]morgan 's machine hehehe. Woops.

So that's about it. Just wanted to clear my mind, off to take a shower and roll into bed now. Night all! :)
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Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Hold On...

Sunday, [info]emilie  was sick so she didn't end up coming over. It was okay though cause she called me and we talked for a bit so that was nice. Then Monday I got her to help me with my car and picking it up from the repair place. I spent like $100 on repairs, and it needs another like$400-500. Uuugh, I think once I get that stuff done I'm definitely trading it in for a Subaru WRX. There's really no sense in me dropping more money into it.

I did have a consulting appointment on Monday today, which was before I got together with Emilie, but it was really easy and quick. Then we picked up my car, got lunch at Quiznos, then headed out to the barn. I took a couple photos of Nippet, she took a couple of me and I took a couple of her. We just had a fun time :) After that, we came back to the house, I let her work on her resume and get a couple copies printed off. Then we just hung for a little bit and then she was off.

Today, nothing special. I wanted to flash the Cisco switches with some new firmware, but didn't get to it. Maybe this weekend. Nothing special going on this week except Norma Jean and Underoath on Friday which is going to be amazing. Weekend not much going on, I'll probably end up hanging out with Emilie I would think.

Fairpoint sent me a bill this weekend, after I had cancelled my service like back in I called them today, I think was on hold for like 30 minutes, sheesh. Finally got through and got it taken care of, apparently their bill processing is a bit behind, so even though the service was cancelled, the billing part of it wasn't, so they're going to get that taken care of.

Alright, well, I'm tired and I've got work in the AM, oh joy. Hahaha.
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Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

Welcome Obama

I'm currently attending some new employee orientation for UVM. We're watching the inauguration (I guess we're on break), but this morning we went over a few things, also took a trip around campus, did some UVM history stuff. It wasn't really that fun, although I learned a few neat things about the history of UVM. How that'll help me perform my job better, I don't know.

I actually got an email about the orientation last week or something, but some how it got lost. Trust me, being an IT person, I definitely felt like an idiot. Last night I was scrambling around to figure out when and where this thing was. This morning I finally got it all taken care of. I was like 30 minutes late to the thing, but whatever...I didn't miss the most important parts.

This weekend I went down to see Keith. I also got a new iPhone (since the silencer switch snapped off mine) and to get the topcase on my black MacBook replaced. Definitely was nice to see him. Last time I had seen him was when I went to do consulting with him at Yellow Stain, I mean Steel. What fuckers haha. The drive down was nice, I finally got through some Diggnation episodes, although not enough to really make a dent in my 700+ unlistened podcasts lol. There were cars off the road all over the place. I actually saw some lady go flying off. She blew by me, and in my mind I thought, "Yep see you in the ditch lady..." and sure enough 500ft down the road there she was. Sitting in a snowbank, haha. I made really good time though, considering the roads were crap.

So Monday, we went to the Apple Store, got all my stuff switched out. I think the girl who helped me, also helped me back in the Spring when my 8GB 1G iPhone crapped out. Keith works at this store too, so that made it a bit nicer too. I would much rather travel down there then deal with the AT&T Stores up here an/or Small Dog. Our Unicel stores just turned into AT&T stores so I have a feeling they wouldn't have the iPhone as a service part yet (but I could be wrong), but it's my best friend and seeing him is a lot of fun!

After my Apple Store appointment, I came home, hit up the barn first to get my stalls cleaned and then went back home. Emilie and I then went over to my parents, did some laundry and got some food. I also got a bunch of goods from my mom, some bacon, yogurt, granola, and some raviolis. I love going there, my parents are awesome.

This morning as mentioned was filled with some chaos as I had to figure out all this orientation crap. Since I'm full time now, I guess I've really got to hold up to my responsibilities, I've really gotta do well too cause I really like being able to work for the university and I am definitely going to take advantage of it. I'm hoping to take a bunch of classes, maybe this summer if not then, definitely in the fall. While I definitely DO NOT see myself working in the department I am currently in, I know I do not want to, I'd end up killing myself. So yeah, there's a master plan, there always is, and I believe this step into full time here, is just one of the steps that will get me to a higher and better place at some point. I've just got to do what I've been hired too, and all will be good. There just seems to be an overwhelming amount of things I've got to do, and rules and protocols to follow. I think I might be blowing it up a bit more then I should though. I am sure everything will be fine. :) It's just a lot for me all at once, it'll settle down :)

Last night after Emilie and I got back from my parents, we just put on our PJs, snuggled into the warn bed and started watching Gran Torino. I had no idea what it was going to be about. I'm probably 3/4th the way through the movie though. We ended up falling asleep, so I'll probably finish the rest when I get home.

So during this entry, President Obama is now really the president, someone who knows me messaged me on iChat, I have no idea who they are...I've filled out some health/dental insurance forms...

I am hoping this orientation isn't very much longer. I think the lady said something about the forms taking about an hour to fill out and then I hope that's the end. I then plan on getting some food and I'll probably just head home haha I might go back to the office, but I really just don't feel like dealing with these people haha

I've been listening to a lot of Asian Kung-Fu Generation lately. But I'd really love to get into some more JROCK bands and stuff. Does anyone have anything for me? Send me stuff!! :)

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Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Not Sure...

Yesterday I spent a bunch of time moving the iMac into the "bedroom" and hooking up all 9-10 drives to it and connecting that to the AppleTV instead of the Xserve. It seems to be working (and hopefully a lot better) as the previous setup was pissing me off. That's about all I did yesterday, I did some work on a vBulletin install [info]morgan  setup.

Also [info]ltdan  and [info]morgan  started the wiki for the network. I am quite happy with it. Just one less thing that is not on my plate.

I actually got some Xbox in the other night. Definitely had a good time. Also spoke with my good buddy Greg the other day, he's well, I can't wait to see him soon, hopefully Christmas. I also hooked up with an old friend from AP, Shelly. We used to talk like every day for 12 hours haha. I haven't spoken to her since like 04-05 though, so it was really nice to catch up. I love catching up with people who I like.

Today we're going to the barn, I think I might go riding either tomorrow or Tuesday, whatever day is supposed to be like 50 F. Then we're going to dinner and I guess come home to watch some movies or play on Playstation Home as it seems to be pretty fun. Emilie seems to be enjoying it. I haven't had time to sit down and play with it.

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and a wonderful Saturday :)
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Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

Life Gets In The Way Of Living

 Between working at UVM, working at the barn, fixing broken mail server *cough* Palomino *cough*, I've barely got time for anything else. When I get home at night all I wanna do is plunk myself down in front of Xbox or watch a movie. My brain can't really handle much more haha.

Been pretty quiet on the consulting front which is nice, because I am not sure I have time for much more. I am pretty much running on people calling me now, I barely have time to check the GC account for new people which kind of sucks.

I'm still working on getting one ad network on here, to probably replace the Google ads, or maybe have them all in rotation, not sure, still a work in progress.

[info]morgan 's boyfriend is looking to take her down to Boston or Montreal for dinner and hanging out, I thought I could do the same with [info]emilie although not at the moment, probably after the new year, maybe even as late as the Spring.

Not much else is going on...have a couple staff and friend parties that I might attend, depends on how much work I can get done between now and when they happen.

Hope all is well with everyone, sorry if I've not been able to comment on your entries, I'm trying!!
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Friday, November 7th, 2008

Quick Update

We've got Gears of War 2.

Going to see Senses Fail & Dance Gavin Dance on the 15th - WotLK comes out soon!!!

Umm...I got one of the new MacBooks! It's sexy...although still in the box. Probably won't set it up until next week when I have time.

Old MacBook for sale:
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Friday, October 3rd, 2008

Squeaky Clean!

I just finished cleaning up the kitty poo area, their food area, the dishes and I also cleaned out our "relaxing waterfall thingy". I think I am done for now, hopefully [info]emilie can do the rest tonight or tomorrow. I will probably end up vacuuming. I had an easy consulting appointment this morning at Canus, just a erase a hard drive and then they had some permissions issues I quickly fixed with one command :P

[info]morgan sent me the new Rise Against album and it's pretty damn good. I can't stop listening to the new Anberlin either.

So I've got to work on Macintosh-Admin a little bit, I hope my cards come soon. Just checked on the UPS website -- doesn't look they're coming until the 7th, oh well, shipping was free. I've just got to remember to send them out to my vet, Mark and a couple to my dentist.

I also need to work on TheMangosResource and get some more content posted up there.

I'm still in works on getting a full time job at the University. It's looking very good though. I am having mixed thoughts about it all, as much as I love consulting, but I also like the benefits and being able to take classes for free and all (can anyone says tons of Japanese classes and equine classes?!). I'll probably follow through with it.

Hrmm, not much else to say at the moment, I am looking to get back into World of Warcraft, not sure if I'll go official or not. We do have our own server (anyone can use it!) we'll see.

Have a nice day kids!!
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Monday, September 29th, 2008

Insanely Busy!

As usual, I've been incredibly busy...and when i do have a moment the last thing on my mind is updating Scribbld, so I must apologize to my poor site! I've been working on getting a full time job although I am starting to have second thoughts about it, mostly because I love and enjoy consulting far to much to give it up either the people who want to hire me full time need to pay me at least what I would be making consulting or it's just not going to happen...half of me wants it to happen, half doesn't. I mean taking classes for free, benefits are all amazing, but does that compare to the freedom I have when I consult? It's very hard.

Been trying to do as much horse stuff as I can whenever I've got a free moment. I really need to get better about that and not spend so much time on the computers, it's terrible.

[info]morgan and I have been working on a new World of Warcraft server which is now up and running. You can visit this site for more information. I've not had time to re-create my character, hopefully [info]emilie isn't to mad that we wiped the database -- I know she had a few characters setup and we did have our Blood elves.

There's some idiot on #lobby now...

Keith and I are still trying to get paid by YellowSteel, it's really a pain in the ass...I am thinking we're definitely going to re-work how we setup consulting jobs...a lesson learned.

I've got the new Underoath album, I can't stop listening to that, the new Anberlin and The Academy Is...albums. They're absolutely amazing.

[info]raf I added you as a friend :) Morgan says you've got some pretty elite skills.

Not much else to write about at the moment.
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Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

Spore (Still!)

Been incredibly busy with working at UVM and working on various other projects AND the consulting business. It's been ridiculous over the last 2-3 weeks or so, and I really don't see things slowing down. It's nice to be busy, but I am not used to it at this level!

In what free time I have I've been actually playing and not working (which is what I usually do). Haven't worked on Scribbld, no work on any websites really as of late. It does suck a little bit, but I just don't have the energy or attention span to do such work...I've been playing a lot of Spore though! I think the Galactic Edition was well worth my money. I am going to watch the making of and the National Geographic video too. The art book included is quite amazing, I really like it. I also noticed that Spore has teamed up with a few services (like a t-shirt place) so you can bring your creations of the screen and stuff. I really hope they add the ability to send in your creature and they made a plastic model/toy from it and mail it to you. I would GLADY play like $20 or something per figurine. WICKED COOL.

Umm, what else...not much else is new, I keep meaning to get my tack cleaned up, which I've not done yet...STILL. I plan on getting it done by at least Sunday so I can go riding that day. Been working at the barn too, 3 day a week, so yeah it's been super busy to say the least.

I think I am going to update Top 5 and post some new September news now.
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Tuesday, August 26th, 2008


Yesterday, I had a day full of consulting and other work. I had a client come over in the AM for a data transfer which went very well, quite easy. I also tended to some of their basic computer questions. Then I ordered a pizza and it was very good. After that I had another consulting appointment and that too was very simple. Small Dog screwed up the clients computer and I just went in and fixed it. I don't know if I would say screwed up, but they didn't change the things they had changed back to what they originally were leaving the client rather confused. Either way, I got them all fixed up and they seemed pleased.

So here's a bit of a rant. Back in the spring the town deemed that one of the bridges leading from our town into the next was not safe anymore and had to replaced. This bridge was pretty important to a lot of people as it meant we didn't have to drive on the interstate but rather on this "back road". I prefer it personally cause I love driving with my windows down, and it's not that great at 7mph when you're on the interstate, anyways, when I was consulting, it was the last road right before the bridge. After my appointment I was planning on going to the barn to get my chores done and whatnot. So instead of simply being able to drive over the bridge and then 10 minutes to the barn, I had to drive all the way back home, get on the interstate, then drive all the way back. It was worst thing ever, complete waste of time. The good news is that a temporary bridge will be completed within the next week or two.

After that whole ordeal, I finally made it to the barn, and got my chores done. When I got home, I hung out for a bit, and then my good friend Clifford (who's been in Afghanistan for the last 4 years and finally got back into the states about 2 months ago) came over with his girlfriend. We ended up going out to grab a bite and then we went to the skatepark in Barre where we proceeded to "skateboard" if that's what you want to call it. I haven't really skated in 4 years or so. We definitely had a good time though.

Today, I worked at UVM, nothing really special came out of it. I am thinking about changing to Mantis from OSTicket, mostly because I know Mantis can be a bit more flexible and has more option...although it might be possible to tweak OSTicket so that it does a better job, who knows....I'll try to figure it out tomorrow. Hopefully I can convince them to purchase both OS X Leopard Server and a PC to drop Linux on to for another server.

My buddy John also came over tonight and we went for a bike ride. He basically just left last summer right after we started hanging out. But apparently it was all for the better. He's living in Manchester, NH, doing IT/software engineer stuff. Had an awesome time with him, caught up, was a lot of fun. He'll be going into a new job in a week or something. He's got an office right above Canonical (the Ubuntu people!) which is awesome.

Well I've got to get some dinner cause I've not really eaten all day, I think we'll watch some Doug or some movie tonight, hope you kids are doing well!
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Sunday, August 17th, 2008

Weekend Over!

Well starting with Friday, I got a bunch of work done in the AM. I actually had a fair amount, more then I thought I would have. I did a lot of preparation for the server work we did this weekend. Obviously I didn't get everything covered because we did hit a few snags while upgrading the servers. So after I got my work done I got all my gear packed up and headed to where the servers are kept. I worked on more prep work while there and then [info]emilie came. She bought some stuff I forgot which was good.

Around 1pm the guy from GMA came out and checked over our lines and everything. We ended up splitting the voice and data wires and then we ran a cable directly from the data lines and pretty much right into the modem. Definitely noticed a BIG improvement and now I've noticed 0 disconnections since yesterday which is awesome. So now Scribbld should be up and running at 100%!

I don't think anything spectacular happened on Friday night. I attempted to get to bed early so that I could wake up early and start working at 8am like I mentioned.

.... interruption....

I just sent this photo to Keith, he should obviously get this instead of iPhone --

.... ok back to your regularly scheduled program ....

So I woke up a bit later then I had wanted to on Saturday, but by 8:20am we were working on the server. The first snag we hit was that one of the web servers wouldn't connect to the Internet. it's NIC module wasn't be loaded. Fortunately after some poking around and chatting on #Gentoo I got it working and made sure it loaded up on boot too.

The next snag we hit was the server to be Scribbld 1 ran some rather new hardware so it had trouble finding the hard drive. After bother #Debian I remembered the last time we installed Linux on it we had to use this special custom build which included drivers for all this new stuff. So after getting a bootable USB key we got the base system installed.

The last major snag we hit was we forgot to snag the code from the development box so that feature was "disabled" until we could get to it today.

[info]morgan and I worked until 10pm or so last night. We pretty much finished up all the big things and had about 8-10 smaller things left to do today. We did 2-3 of them today, the rest we'll complete over the course of the next 2 weeks. I don't expect it to take that long though.

[info]emilie and I went to the barn this afternoon, played with the kitties, Bethany did really well in her A circuit show this past week. We almost brought another kitty home, we'll see. When I got home I added the code and made sure it worked and it did. I'm just working on another Gentoo install for a private WoW server. I am hoping I can bring the databases over from the old percheron install, but you never know.

Alright, I think it's time to go relax and no more computer!
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Friday, August 15th, 2008

Internetz Fixed?

First I must apologize for not leaving comments as of late. I've been really busy consulting, working my horse, working at the barn, getting paper work done for my new job at the University and in-between spending some time with [info]emilie. I've also been working hard at making sure we get a much more reliable connection between our ISP and our servers.

A guy from our ISP actually came out today and had a look at it all, I had him drill a direct line from our telephone box right into the server room. So now the modem has a direct connection to the phone box and it should be much better. Things seem to be fixed.

Tomorrow we'll be working on upgrading our entire systems setup. I've started a couple things right now, but the majority of it will get done tomorrow. We'll be starting at 8am and I hope to have everything back up and running by the late afternoon tomorrow if not sooner. It's definitely going to be pretty hectic but we'll get it all done.

I think I'll be getting to bed relatively early tonight, got to be up early tomorrow. I am hoping if it's nice in the evening, I'll be able to go out riding, but who knows. Have a nice weekend everyone, I'll attempt to get some commenting done!
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Monday, August 11th, 2008

Boston - Part II

This weekend went by waaaay to fast! On Saturday Emilie and I went riding. Definitely had an awesome time, really got a good ride in. Around 10pm or so the main database server locked up and everything went down. Totally suckass, so I had to drive like 20 minutes to where the servers are located and had to manually reboot it to find out the boot system RAID set had become degraded. No idea how it happened, but the rebuild only took 2 hours which wasn't too bad. The last time that happened to me, it happened on a 500GB set and took like 12 hours to rebuild lol. I do apologize about that! [info]emilie actually came with me to keep me company, we finally got home around 12am haha

Sunday, not much happened, I've been playing as much Star Fox Adventures as I can, pretty fun game. I am ~20% done...worked at the barn and then went to my parents for dinner. Had an awesome dinner...I got a bunch of new movies and some new anime too (picked it up off the server while there).

Today I went back down to Boston with Keith. He had a second interview with Apple, he said it went very well, so that's awesome. We hit up Fire & Ice and the way back. Had some amazing food as usual. I highly recommend anyone who lives in Boston or visiting Boston to go there, you will love it! Really good price too, a lot better then I thought it was going to be.

I snagged an iPhone 3G, and it's quite nice. [info]emilie got my old 8GB iPhone.

Tomorrow I've got consulting down south, so that'll be nice, of course I doubt it'll be nice weather, oh well. I think I might go riding tomorrow too. I got paid from the appointment at Yellow Steel in NH, yay!

I believe that's all the news I've got for right now! :) OH, Emilie and I saw Ex Machina, AWESOME!!!
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Friday, August 8th, 2008

Coding, Coding, and More Coding

I've been pretty busy with getting another job, consulting and attempting to upgrade Scribbld's code base. [info]morgan and I have been working for the last 2 days on getting the code up to date. We're running it all on a development server which is really nice. I can get a lot of work done there without having to worry about screwing up the live site, always a plus! Basically the major new feature is the ability to have the Music field on the Update page auto-populate with your latest track on (should have an account there). Definitely cool!

Besides updating the development code, we've also turned the chat server back on and now instead of having to type in your username that will automatically work (should you be logged in). Since the Chat link only shows up when you're logged in, it should work 98% of the time. The other 2% is people might have the link bookmarked and so when they hit it and they're NOT logged in, it'll give them a nickname like Anon4829 or something.

I've also emailed my ISP about the recent connection dropping between them and the servers, and other equipment. Hopefully they can help me figure out if it's their end or my end. Hopefully it's theirs haha.

On Wednesday I went riding. It was really nice even though we mostly walked around the ring, we did trot a bit, but I was just so beat after working that I just wanted to take it easy. It was a lot of fun though, sure relieves a lot of stress and gives you some time to clear your head. That's what I enjoy most about horses and riding, it's a good time to just focus on that and nothing else, plus you can talk to your horse about anything and nothing have to worry about it!

As for getting another job, that's pretty much 100% finalized which is great, one less thing to worry about. I'll be working at the University of Vermont as a mini (and by mini, I mean just me) IT department for the Center for Disability or something. It'll be fun. Pay is decent, obviously nothing close to consulting, but it'll do just fine.

Anyways, I hope that either this weekend or next (probably next) we can get the Scribbld live site updated to the new code. I think I am going to give Scribbld the quad-core box and one of the dual-core will be a full time development server. So that's the plan as of right now.

I played some Star Fox Adventures last night, it's getting to be a lot more fun now that I've found a guide on GameFAQs. I just hate messing around in a game, trying to figure out what to do, I just don't have time for that. I gotta get going on Final Fantasy III too.

So that's about it for now, I thought about going riding today and I might, I think I am going to relax my poor head hurts, I've not done this much coding in a long time, not fun, code sucks!! Maybe I'll watch Hancock.
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Monday, August 4th, 2008

Quick One

This might be a relatively quick post. I'm pretty busy and I'm trying to spend some time with [info]emilie since I didn't get to really last night.

On Saturday I went up to Milton with David and played some airsoft. It was relatively lame because the area was large and there was maybe 10 people. I guess it was okay, it was something to do at least. On Sunday Emilie and I just hung out, went to the barn and had fun, then went to my parents for dinner which was nice.

Today, I had another appointment in Burlington for something which I shall leave un-named for the moment. It actually went well though. After that I had consulting appointment and that too went really well. I got some really yummy banana bread out of it :)

Last night I pretty much spent like 4 hours getting Unrealircd and Anope working. Obviously [info]morgan helped and we pretty much finished it up. There's a little bit left of configuration to do. We tried to get an Eggdrop bot to work, but we might have to have someone else do that for us, as we're pretty much clueless on how it works. For the moment, I am completely satisfied with how it works. I just wanted a basic chatroom where I have some bit of control. That way if people are being dumb I can just kick or ban them. Definitely join up though, I am thinking about putting a big chat button somewhere haha

Tonight, just relaxing, Emilie is making her amazingly delicious calzones, so I can't wait for that. We're watching Star Wars: Episode I right now, I would love to take a cold shower at some point too.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a lovely day and a lovely week, I do hope I have time to post again shortly :)
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Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

Crazy Cat!

Woke up relatively early this morning, got a bunch of work done and some fun things. For some reason the scheme code differed between web server 1 and 3, don't know why, but I fixed it. Also trying to figure out why the site likes to hold up messages (comments, emails, etc...). So what I've done to try to fix that is run a screen on the database server with a process that checks that and sends out the necessary workers to send out messages. Hopefully it works :P

I've also gotten a few comments/emails/support requests about the captchas not working but I cannot replicate the issue. Every time I go to the create a journal page I get a captcha and it seems to work fine. I would just refresh the page if you get a broken image for a captcha.

I've got a consulting appointment setting up Mac OS X Leopard Server this morning. Hopefully it goes relatively quickly. The last appointment I had with them took like 15 minutes haha I know this one will definitely take longer but it should be fun! I'll pretty much be starting from scratch which is nice, but a bit harder. I'll definitely be doing an Advanced Install too.

Last night Emilie and I were going to cook up this fabulous Thai dinner, but we ended up just getting some fried wontons from the Thai place up the street and not cooking up our noodles and stuff, oops...haha

We watched some Ebichu (which [info]emilie thought was hilarious) and just relaxing for the evening. I did read some more Anime Insider, I think I am still like 2 months worth of issues behind haha

I've been really dying to play airsoft, but there's nothing going on here or in MA lately. Fortunately there's a game up here this weekend, I'm trying to get Greg to come up and play.
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