Tuesday, July 15th, 2008


I believe I mentioned in my last post that I've gotten most of my new multicam and other gear. I was going to post some pictures but my camera is pretty much useless without the flash and I am not taking everything outside. I've got to buy a new camera, unfortunately, I don't really have $200 for a new camera at the moment. I would love to get my hands on a new Rebel XT or the XTi or that new one, I can't remember the name. Anyways, the rest of my stuff should be coming in the next few hours...

Yesterday I was consulting in Montpelier, relatively short. Unfortunately for the customer it looks like he's got a bad power supply unit. After that I went out and got lunch with Emilie. We had some really good pizza from this place I've not been too happy with. I guess they're okay with slices and stuff, but sitting down in the more restaurant-like area was pretty much a nightmare. After lunch I dropped her back off at work and I went and worked the barn. The kitties are dwindling, not sure what happened to them. I just assume they've been given away. There's only 2 left now, a female and a male. The other original mommy kitty is pregnant, so they're going to have more kitties.

Watched Hellboy and Beowulf yesterday. I had been hesitant about watching Beowulf, not sure why, I thought it'd be really lame, but it wasn't that bad. I actually like that golden dragon at the end there. The animation was really amazing too, well done. I mean it definitely looked animated in some spots but in others it was just amazing. I had pretty much forgotten about what happened in Hellboy, so that's why I watched it. Definitely an awesome movie. I hadn't realized Liz was in that movie either. I definitely enjoyed the creatures in Hellboy II a lot more though, a lot weirder!

Did some consulting calls and emails this morning, also took a shower, still haven't had breakfast although by this time, I think it's lunch.

I did watch this G4 show on GameTrailers, mostly of Gears of War 2 stuff. Wicked awesome though. Don't call Cliff Blezinski, Cliffy B. though, he'll kick you in the balls :) Good waste of 20 minutes haha I can't wait for the game. This week is E3, so there's going to be a lot of cool games and announcements coming.

Tomorrow is my good friend Greg's birthday. He's the guy I play airsoft with. Tomorrow we're probably going to meet-up in New Hampshire at this gun range and we're probably be shooting MP5s, UMPs, M16s, AK47s, etc...it's definitely going to be fun. I am not sure I'll have time to get him a present, but I'll be going down to his place at the end of the month for another OP so I'll see if I can get him something by then. I just barely got my sister a present and her birthday is in April...lol.

I've got a consulting appointment this afternoon, in about an hour. I've got to find something for lunch (we have no food in this place...)...and then the afternoon is mine.

I finally bought Howl's Moving Castle on DVD. Now I just need Miyazaki's other films, I think Spirited Away will be my next one, then maybe Castle in the Sky.

I'll be posting again maybe today with some pictures of the horses. I took em yesterday, I just need to touch them up in iPhoto and Pixelmator.
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Friday, July 11th, 2008

More Consulting

Well I've already been pretty busy this morning working with a few clients and returning phone calls and emails. I've got a few new appointments scheduled which is awesome ($$$$!!!). Talked to my buddies too, apparently when I texted my friends he thought there was a bee in his pants or something and flipped out...he was playing golf at the time lol. I do wish I could have seen that.

I've got a few new apps for my iPhone, PayPal, NetNewsWire and Tap Tap Revenge :) I've not tried them out yet, but I am sure they're good.

I beat some more Battlefield: Bad Company last night, definitely an awesome game. Except for the mutliplayer, that sucks.

I got my vest, hydration pack and multicam hat yesterday. I had to find the mail man in town because I had to sign for the vest and pack. The vest feels small but apparently that's how they're supposed to be so I'll go with it. It's a wicked awesome vest though. I love the hydration pack too, it's like a little back pack. Really neat.

So I've got a consulting appointment at 2:30 today, should be some relatively easy stuff, file sharing, iChat and VPN stuff...should be fun.

I hope everyone has been having a good summer. Mine's been pretty good...it looks like I won't be going on vacation at the end of the month. [info]emilie got a new job so she'll have to be in training and I'd rather not go without her. I can stay around and work...or just take a vacation and work on projects here at home.

I believe E3 is next week. I'm actually pretty interested in seeing Banjo-Kazooie. I really enjoyed the Nintendo 64 version. I am sure there's going to be a lot of neat stuff coming out of there. That reminds me I've got to update my video games list...

I'm going to see Hellboy II with Keith tonight, should be awesome.

Alright, enough going on and on...have a nice day!
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Thursday, July 10th, 2008

Consulting & Horses

Been pretty busy with consulting and all. If it's not going out to places then I am usually at home working on emails and returning phone calls or consulting over the phone.

*** Auto-save has saved me!! ***

Ok, so anyways...I've also picked up another stall at the barn so that gets me 1 hour total and that means about $120 per month of board I don't have to pay so that's really nice, especially with all my other expenses right now. I did cancel my Netflix account. I told myself I would once I had an empty queue and that finally happened. I've pretty much killed anything I was subscribed to minus Anime Insider (because I already paid for it) and our Internet services.

Had to run to the animal hospital this morning because that weird video issue had resurfaced. I basically told them it was most likely a hardware issue and that they needed to bring it into the repair shop so they could properly diagnose it and order parts and have them replaced. It's definitely going to cost them though, possibly $500-$600. Ouch.

I've not been working on any websites as of late. I still have 2 websites to check into their own repositories. I did remove like over a gigabyte of media from the repositories. There's no sense in keeping it in multiple places...I guess for backup purposes but since it's just a repository, I'll let it be that and not a backup.

Keith and I are going to see Hellboy II on Friday, so that should be awesome. On Tuesday we hit up our Gamestops and picked up our copies of Unreal Tournament III. We'd pretty much been talking about that game since the summer of 2004 and we're just getting it now (actually I've had the PC version since it came out). Anyways, we pretty much played from 12pm till 10pm. We took a good dinner break but we pretty much played all that time. It's definitely a lot fun fun, we did versus, campaign and we finished up with a few online matches. Definitely an awesome game, although I almost prefer it more on the PC, it seems to run fasters, probably because you're using a mouse and keyboard. That's not to say the 360 version is slow, cause it's not...I also played a couple rounds of COD4 with [info]makkintosshu, good times.

So, here's some not so great news. Just last year, Starbucks was opening about 7 stores a day, now they're closing ~500-600 of these stores...I'd definitely have to say either people are fed up with them, or the economy is really going downhill. It could even be a combination of both, but to have a company that was opening that many stores a day 1 year ago, to now, where they're up and closing 500 of them, not good.

The original mommy kitty at the barn is pregnant again...the barn is turning into kitty mania. I love kitties though. The horses are doing well. I snagged the leg straps off my dilapidated winter blanket and I'll use those for my new fly sheet. Nippet's blood tests came back and he's coggins free, which is awesome. I love him. I just need to copper tox his feet for a bit, they're getting a little messed up, so when I get paid which should hopefully be soon I'm ordering a big thing of fly spray refill and some copper tox. Other then that everything is great.

I ordered a bunch of new airsoft gear:

1 Coyote Brown MOLLE vest
1 Multicam Jacket
1 Multicam Pants
1 Small Med Kit
1 MICH TC-2001 Helmet
1 multicam helmet cover
1 multicam hat
1 Coyote Brown Hydration Pack
2 Multicam name tapes
1 multicam American flag reversed
2 Coyote brown name tapes
1 G&G Fan kit for goggles
1 Sanyo 9.6v battery
1 big to small battery cable

A lot of it is coming tomorrow so I am excited about that. It'll be like Christmas in July :)

I managed to get my hands on the latest 2.0 firmware for the iPhone and I've been installing a bunch of apps! I've got the Facebook app, Twitterific, Apple Remote, Things and I am thinking about getting Cro Mag Rally. I remember I used to play Cro Mag Rally with my friend instead of going to class in middle school. So much fun. It would be awesome if they had network play on the iPhone/iPod touch version. Currently I don't see how Things syncs with the desktop version so I will assume it doesn't but it MUST. I have a feeling they'll get it working, just not right away in this version. As far as I know Things is still in beta so they've got some time to get it just right (not that it's not amazing right now, because it definitely is)! The Apple Remote application is pretty much the first application I wanted about 1 week after the iPhone came out....er actually I wrote it about 3 months BEFORE the iPhone even came out! See the article here. Ha HA!

Umm, so that's about all for right now...I've got to go research some servers and I really want to play Bad Company. Good day all!
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Sunday, July 6th, 2008

Crazy Kitty

Well, it's been a bit since I last wrote in. Been busy with consulting and I was house sitting for my parents since Thursday. Nothing much really to talk about. I've been playing a lot of GTAIV, most of which I'm really enjoying. [info]emilie and I are getting pretty close to beating Overlord too, it's a pretty fun game, she seems to like it.

Unreal Tournament III for 360 comes out on Tuesday (at least for us East Coast people). Keith and I are taking the day off and will be playing a lot of it, I am not sure about [info]makkintosshu.

I bought a new multicam loadout. I also ordered some G&G Fan goggles so that should make my playing experience a LOT better. Got a buncha new stuff, I'll take pics and show them when I get all my new shiz in.

Went to work at the barn today, got to play with the kitties and the horses. No pics though...

Not much else to say at the moment, back to work tomorrow, although I don't have anything scheduled. Hopefully I'll be able to make some appointments tomorrow!!

Goodnight all!
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Monday, June 30th, 2008

GTAIV & Vets

I've been semi-busy the last couple of days, hence no real updates. At one point the main database server for Scribbld went funky and the OpenDirectory service crapped out. Fortunately I don't have many real OD users so it was pretty easy to get that back up and running. I think I'll be making backups every so often of that because it's really lame that it just lost all that data, quite suck-ass in-fact.

I hung out with Greg on Friday, we just went to the Army Navy store, Ming Moon, and a couple of gun shops. Parro's has the best stuff, the assault rifles (real steel) were like $800-$1300 which isn't too bad really. I never found the little med kit that Greg has, maybe I will have to look online for it.

This weekend [info]emilie and I took care of my parents house. I've been playing a bunch of GTAIV, it's a lot of fun, Greg seemed to like it a lot too.

Watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and some Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad too. Episode 6 I think it was pretty much put me to sleep, the end was so crap.

We did go and see WALL-E, I absolutely loved it. I plan on going at least once more to see if I can find the pizza planet truck and the other things.

Had a vet appointment for my horse today. They gave him some drugs to "calm" him, within about 30-45 seconds he was almost asleep haha He was out pretty good which was nice, he was done with his shots, teeth, and cleaning in about 15 minutes. The whole thing cost about $100 less then I thought it would so that's really nice.

Emilie and I watched The Two Towers this evening and an episode of Beck. This episode was much better then the last, a bit more funny.

Tomorrow and Wednesday I have consulting appointments, it should be good stuff, relatively easy. That reminds me I need to email Wednesdays appointment to see where they're located. Eeeh I keep getting side tracked...

So yeah, I think it's time to call it a night, maybe I'll surf the web a bit or read some Anime Insider. Have a lovely night all!
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Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Video Game Reviews - 2001

Mario Kart is one of the greatest games I have ever played. The game is easy to get into. The controls are simple. The game is colorful and has a great collection of music. Each track fits the course you’re driving on. The graphics are unbelievable for a game of this type. It is original and so far it is one of the nicest games for the N64. The multi-player mode is fun and although there are some glitches it doesn’t occur very much. The tournament races themselves are easy so beginners wont have trouble getting into the game but the harder races make it fun for the advanced gamer.

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire is graphically wonderful. It is a simple game for beginners to get into. The levels are designed to fit the movie and they developers did a great job of that. The level objectives are simple but can take some time to finish. But that makes the game last longer. It is possible for the average gamer to finish the game in less that a day though. Some of the levels can be very intimidating at times. But if you really into the whole Star Wars things you should buys this game.

Star Fox is one of the best games for the N64. Its is original and it is a great sequel to the Star Fox from the SNES. The graphics are jaw dropping and kids and adults can play it. The story mode is very interesting. The story isn’t hard to follow and the controls for the games are very simple. The gamer will be able to pick up this game and be able to play it right away without fooling trying to figure out how to fire the weapons. The game is sometimes a little to hard. It will go from very easy missions to hard ones, which sort of detracts from the fun of the game. It also should have included a difficulty interface. Also the bosses are very easy to beat. Although I had a little trouble beating the final boss I beat him once I knew his moves and how to counter them. It should be able to be beat within an hour. Other then this few faults this game is quite good.

Fifa 98’ Soccer is a great sports game. I am not very fond of sports games but this game proved that maybe all sports games don’t suck. It had well updated team rosters. The edit player mode was quite fun to play around with. The game sported great graphics and simple controls. Although the AI was easy it was still quite fun. The areas were very nicely designed and looked very much like the real thing. The indoor arena as the most fun maybe because you could put the ball out of bounds with out trying. This is great game and if you like soccer this title is definitely one you should check out.

Doom 64 is a game that is quite gory. The levels are original and simple. They are sometimes too dark to see anything though. Also the enemies can be cheap at times but other then that this game is great. The music goes well with the levels. There are plenty of aliens killing weapons for you to use. Each weapon is fun to use especially the chain saw. If you’re into killing tons of mutants at once use the BFG! If one thing could be change about this game it should have included a multiplayer mode. This is great step up from Doom on the PC!

Yoshi’s Story is the most colorful game I have ever seen. The game looked pretty good before it released but when I played it I didn’t get what I expected. The levels are very easy and the objectives are too simple. Although I somewhat enjoyed playing I expected more. The Trial mode adds to some replay value. The game can easily be beaten in a half-hour by the average gamer! The graphics are also simple and the developers could have gone for a more 3-D look. The boss Baby Bowser is the easiest boss but all well.

GoldenEye 007 is the best FPS for the N64. This game is a great movie to video game. The levels are almost exactly replicated. The objectives sometimes are different from the movie but they don’t distract you. The enemy AI is excellent and the ability to change the difficulty levels is great. The controls are very nicely done and are pretty much perfect. The game is easy to get into and slowly gets harder as you beat more and more of the game. The cool thing is when you beat it you have to beat it again on a different difficulty. You also get more people to use in the multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode is great. You can chose from levels in the game of several other levels designed for multiplayer. This is game is great and should be owned by everyone.

Beetle Adventure Racing should be one of the best games. It has original track design and the design of the cars is wonderful. The tracks are simple but get harder as you progress though the game. But the more you progress through the game the better the cars you can use. The idea of having to collect things as you go around the tracks isn’t original but in this game when you collect enough point boxes you will receive something special. The multiplayer mode is awesome and has plenty of originality. The idea of collecting different colored bugs is fun. There are power-ups there is even a box that makes you invincible. All in all this game is great but it could use some help in the replay department. Also some of the levels and the other drivers AI is easy then very hard. Other than that it is a pretty cool game!

Super Mario 64 is one of the best adventure games for the N64. It is very original. The levels have been wonderfully designed. The music is always fits the areas it is played in. The game controls are quite simple and the enemy AI is never to easy or too hard. Although there are some graphic glitches at time this doesn’t ruin the games fun. The levels are big and there are always places to explore. The levels do get tedious at times and the level goals at time are easy and then very hard which can make some gamers mad enough to shut off the system! Other then this the game is long enough with enough new things to keep the gamer going and unfortunately Bowser is too easy to beat all three time but who cares? This game is a game all Nintendoids should own!

Winback: Convert Operations is a well-designed game with few flaws. The enemy AI can be a pain is the butt at time. It will be simple AI then it will switch over to the hardest AI ever. The levels can be too long with not even save points in-between. The bosses can also be cheap at times. But usually they aren’t. It will take time to beta most of the bosses. The whole story is interesting and kept me playing the game. The selection of weapons is very limited and it should have been expanded a lot. The idea of finding your lost crew members it quite fun and its gets even better when you find one of them and they tell you there side of the story. This game is great for the people who like shooter games and convert style games.

Super Smash Bros. is a very different fighter game. It is easy to get into and the controls are great for beginners. The whole idea of pitting Nintendo’s most famous characters is great. Now we will see who is the best! The levels are easy and if they are to easy of hard the user may change the difficulty levels. The levels themselves are original and full of surprises. Each character has there own level and each character ahs their own special moves. The game has a great multiplayer mode. The game is usually very easy to beat even when on hardest setting. But there are still things to do. There are 4 hidden characters that have special ways of unlocking. This is a great game for those who want to know if Luigi is better than Mario.

Pokèmon Snap was one of the more relaxing easier games that really didn’t have a marked goal. Only to take pictures of the pokèmon n their natural state was the goal. The game was colorful and very innovative. The main objectives were simple and fun. One had to take the pictures of the pokèmon in that stage and return with pictures to be scored by Professor Oak. Sounds easy well you must get the pokèmon in the middle of the picture try to get the pokèmon with other of its kinds and many other things so your pictures will score high! This game is a must have for all you pokèfans. After you collect all the pokèmon’s pictures you will have to hunt for pokèmon signs and then you will be awarded a secret level! The graphics and controls are great!

Pokèmon Stadium is very innovative with the transfer pak and all. This transfer pak allows the player to upload data from their Gameboy pokèmon cartridges and use their own pokèmon to battle against gym leaders and other challengers. The graphics are wonderful and the pokèmon look great in 3-D. The ability to play you Gameboy on the TV is a wonderful idea and once you beat specific objective in pokèmon Stadium you will be allowed to play a even faster mode on your Gameboy. The Kids area is a little weak but the games are still fun. If your pokèmon are at the right levels you should no problems facing the Gym Leaders. With 2 transfer paks you can pit your pokèmon against your friends and see who has the better of the pokèmon in 3-D!

Donkey Kong 64 is one of Rare’s finest pieces. The game is very original. The graphics are some of the best I have ever seen on the N64. The idea of having more then 1 playable character was a very good idea. It adds to the longevity of the levels and how each character goes about solving the puzzles and whatnot in them. Although you don’t have all the characters in the beginning of the game this makes it even better because to complete the game you need to get all the characters. The level objectives are very simple at times and hard at other. The enemies are sometimes cheap but this rarely happens. Some of the mini-games are almost impossible or what it seems to beat but they can be beaten with time. The game can get tedious at times and the level objectives seem to repeat themselves from time to time. But this game is definitely an A+ graphic musical all out fun game!

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is probably one of best games I have ever played. It contains the best graphics on the N64. The music is top notch and it has very easy to learn controls. This is the kind of game you will never want to put down. You can play it and get so lost and into the game you will forget the time! The levels are huge but won’t take years to complete them. The objectives and puzzles are well thought-out. The characters are wonderfully created each with their own interesting stories. The bosses are somewhat easy and the average gamer should have no problem completing this game. It would have made it a little better if this game were a bit harder. It is sad that it took me longer to beat a slimy water creature then the almighty powerful Ganondorf! Also the camera can get annoying at times. All in all this game is a super must have for ALL gamers.

Rayman is a very simple game with some quite colorful graphics. The levels are sometime hard and sometimes they are easy so evening out the AI would have been nice. I didn’t like when I had collected like 90 gems and I was attacked and I lost all my precious gems. Those sucked so I think you should lose like 5 gems or something. Also the enemies can be real easy to defeat while other can kill you in like one shot which also sucks. The music was nice and fitted the levels it is played in. The ability to play levels over and over was cool and added to some reply value. This is really only a game for beginners not the Hardcore gamer gang.

Tony Hawks Pro Skater is the best sports game I have ever played. Maybe that is because I love to skateboard. The idea of calling it THPS wasn’t cool though. It should have been someone not as mainstream as him, and he didn’t even do the 900 his foot slipped of the board. But that’s not what I am here to write about. The game itself is a wonderful creation and the first of its kind. The controls are super easy to learn and should take beginners seconds to learn them. The amount of playable skaters is great with many familiar faces. This game isn’t to hard but it does have some frustrating spots but they can usually be defeated with some patience. Overall this is a must have for skateboarders!

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 is a great follow up game. The graphics are even better and the controls haven’t changed very much. There are tons of more tricks and bunches of new skate spots. The developers also added the switch stance and when you’re in the switch stance you can earn even more point. The level objectives have increased by 5 to make to total 10 level objectives. Personally this is much better it makes that game last longer! The fat ass of a cop is also back with Spiderman joining him! The ability to unlock new levels is cool. I also love how you can unlock skater’s videos. The only thing I would have to complain about would be the earning cash and you have to buy tricks. Like a Madonna. What the hell that’s so stupid I wish they kept the same set-up as THPS. But other than this one problem the game is great!

Tekken 3 is one of the best fighting games I have ever played. It is a great follow up to Tekken 1 and 2. The graphics are stunning for PSX and what really impresses me is the loading times are quite short. The ability to unlock new characters adds lots of challenging fun to the game. The Survival and Tekken Force Modes are also loads of fun! The game also has difficulty setting so if you beat it easy move up a notch or two! The controls are pretty simple until you get into the really long hard combos. If you go into the training area you can practice against a still fighter or just practices your moves on a fighter who will fight back! This is must have for those who love fighting games.

Need For Speed: High Stakes is a great sequel to all of the NFS games. The game sports many well known car and even a helicopter! The new great thing is you can play as a police officer and chase down your friend. The tournament races are pretty easy but get more challenging as you progress though the game. When you get though a tournament and get a respective placing you will be awarded with cash to buy a new car and also you might unlock a car or two! The games does take a while to load but the quality of the graphics makes up for half with the sound track makes up for the other half.

Crash Bandicoot is another great platform game. The style and controls are much like Rayman’s. The graphics are nicely done and the music is never annoying. The levels are somewhat challenging but never to hard. But at some areas the game can get a little frustrating but the problems are usually overcome without any broken controllers! This game is a great game for beginners and younger players.

Crash Team Racing is another game for the younger audience but that doesn’t mean it has to be played by only them. It is a crazy wild game with many power-ups and hidden short cuts. The control is very simple and not hard to learn at all. The graphics are also pretty simple but I am not saying they are crap. The game is easy and the average gamer should be able to beat the first tournament race within 20-30 minutes. The game isn’t very original either. The power-ups are pretty much the same as Mario Kart and several other kart racing games. But this game is still fun and if you like go-kart racers you should definitely check this title out!

Spyro the Dragon is another great platform game. The game is quite an adventure with plenty of great tunes and graphics. The control is very easy to learn. The little dragonfly is a great way to keep count of the health you have remaining. The graphics could have been much improved because there are some clipping errors and some other minor but noticeable glitches. The game can get frustrating very fast which is definitely not a good thing. The save points sometimes don’t work so when you collect a lot of gems they “disappear” the next time you start up the game. The game should have added more save points in the levels. The camera can also be a pain is the ass at times. Other than these few faults this game is great. Anyone into the platform game style should rent a copy of this game before buying it.

Syphon Filter is a great shooter game. The game controls are bit awkward at first but they can be learned after a bit of practice. The graphics can be real crappy at times and seem blocky. The AI is unfair at times and the level objectives can go from easy to very hard which can hurt the beginner thoughts about this game. Other then that, the sound/music is great the weapons are great. This game should be rented before it gets bout unless you are a real hardcore “shooter” gamer!

Destruction Derby is a great car game. The ability to smash the hell out of you car is a great idea. Of course the idea in this game is to smash the other persons car without taking much damage yourself. The graphics are only mediocre though and the sounds get annoying at times. There are only 3 cars to choose from and they only change when you change the difficulty of the game. Also there are less then 10 tracks to race on so the game get repetitious fast. The enemy AI is not to hard and not too easy so this keeps the game going. The game would have been much better if it had better graphics and more tracks and more cars. But if you love smashing cars and racing cars you should definitely check this out.

Final Fantasy 7 is the first RPG game I played. It’s a good thing too because if this game hadn’t been good I would probably hate RPG’s. This game was very good at getting the player into learning how to play and RPG style game. It had simple controls and the commands could easily be understood. The graphics were ok but could have been improved a little. The CG’s on the other hand were the best I have ever seen. The developers did a great job and put them in all at the right times. They made the game much better. The story also is great. I have never heard such a story as good as this in my life. It make s want to play this game forever and never put it down. The battles were sometimes annoying though. I think you should be able to see the enemy and choose if you want to avoid them or not. The random battle idea should have been changed. The ability to switch you character set-up in the middle of the world map was also a great idea. This one of the best games I have ever played and it should definitely be one a game sitting in you Playstation right now.

Army Men: Air Attack is a great game. It is one of the many games in the Army Men series but probably one of the better. It has somewhat good graphics and great control. That doesn’t mean it is good because the loading times can take forever it seems and the enemy AI can piss you off real bad at times. Also the levels seem to repeat themselves and get boring quite fast. The difficulty changes around to much too and the level objectives can go from real easy to real hard. One good thing about this is the cooperative multiplayer mode. You can play the game with a friend to help you. So if you are a fan of the Army Men series you should probably check this one out.

Power Stone is a great arcade fighter game. It sports great graphics and fast loading times. The controls could use a little help and the AI could use a little work to. The level designs are wonderful and never get boring. The ability to collect super stones to change into super-fighter is a great idea. The game can not won easily if you don’t collect the stones. The game should have included a training mode. Sometimes on the easiest settings it is hard to beat some fighters which can upset the beginning fighter. Other than those flaws this game is a beautiful game and the sequel is even better! Definitely check this game out if you like arcade-fighting games.

Sonic Adventure is a great follow up game for all the previous Sonic games. It has extremely good CG scenes and wonderful graphics outside the CG’s. The control is very good and the music is played perfectly at the right times in the right places. The camera does get somewhat annoying at times. The difficulty isn’t too hard but hard enough where a Sonic lover will want to keep playing. The game can easily be beaten in a week with one character but of course you still have to beat it with the other 5-6 characters. This game is a game any type of gamer should check out.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater (Dreamcast) is exactly the same as the Playstation version exceppt it has better loading time and higher quality graphics. The controls are the same and it still is as good as the PS1 version if not better.

Crazy Taxi is one of the best games I have played on Dreamcast. It has a high frame rate but when there is too many things one the screen at once it will drop causing you to mess-up and even fail the level. So this could have been improved. The music on the other hand is wonderful and definitely helped me drive well. The graphic quality is great and there are only some minor glitches. The ability too smash and break things should have been added. Like it you could drive through a store that would be great. Also if you could hit people that would make the game a lot better. The controls are very easy to learn and will not be a problem. All in all this is one game you should buy for Dreamcast.

Paper Mario is another wonderful RPG. It us the 4th or 5th RPG I have ever played and I love it. The game style is wonderful and the controls were very easy to learn. The ability to see the enemy and choose if you want to fight them or not was a great choice by the developers. The game is quite easy to play and the story to go with it is great. The developers didn’t stray from the main Mario games theme. Bowser gets to steal the princess, Mario goes to save her and he does end of story. Well I guess it’s not too bad but maybe they could have changed some things around. The game is definitely a step in the right direction for making RPG’s on the N64. Over all this game could have been make a little bit more difficult but other than this it is a great game for those first time RPG game players!!

Pokèmon Yellow, Red, Blue is a huge and very successful masterpiece that millions of people have bought. This game has you start off with one of three pokèmon. You can either pick a fire type, water or grass. You should pick grass for and easier game and fire for a more challenging. The story is very understandable and has the game deep in within minutes. The graphics are nicely done and the music is well fit. The whole idea of collecting these creatures is great and will make the game play long and interesting. While playing the game you have to watch out for the evil TEAM ROCKET! They will try an do everything to stop you from getting your badges. You are awarded badges for defeating each GYM leader in each city you visit. Each GYM leader has a special type of pokèmon so it to your advantage to build up teams that can defeat theirs. When you beat all the leaders you will be allowed to compete against the Ultra-trainers, the ELITE FOUR! Along the way you will meet up with you arch rival, your cousin and you will have to fight him several times. Overall this is one hell of a game and if you like small creatures, collecting them and battling them this game is for YOU!!!!

Tekken Tag Tournament is probably the best fighting game I have ever played. It has the best graphics, best controls, best game-play modes and best selection of fighters. The Tekken Bowling mode is the greatest idea! The loading times are quite short and the graphics are almost human like. The beginning CG is quite breathtaking and I can’t believe it only CG. The training mode is a lot of fun and a good time to practice combos and such. The end scenes are also insanely good. This is a must have for all fighting game lovers.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is one of the most graphically advanced games I have ever seen on the N64. It has the most beautiful graphics and sound. The music is so wonderful and it never could be overplayed. The levels can get frustrating though. The difficulty goes up and down so that gets annoying. The game can also get very confusing and the whole game can seem like it will never end. There are too many objectives and not enough time. The bosses are usually easy but sometimes they can be a real pain in the ass.

Gran Turismo 2 is probably the best car racing SIM game for the Playstation. It sports the most highly detailed car and the most accurate control system. It closely replicates what the real car feels like. You can buy anything from a Toyota Corolla to a pimped out Honda Civic. The races are challenging enough to keep you interested and when each race is won you will be awarded a new car. The multiplayer options are also quite fun. It lots of fun to race you friends to see who has the better cars. The length of the game is plenty long and the Endurance races will have you going for hours on end. Overall this game definitely receives and 10 and 5 ultra-huge stars!!!!
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Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Consulting & More...

Well today I had consulting. Previous to that, I did sleep in a little, I've got to stop doing that...it annoys me, mostly because I feel like I'm wasting a lot of time. [info]emilie made us some delicious pancakes for breakfast, she's still not 100% but she's getting there. It must really suck, but I'm proud she's doing well.

Consulting was relatively easy considering I've never pulled apart an iMac G4 before. The only thing that was a bit difficult was getting the thing to split in half. The heatsink was pretty well attached so it made it a bit difficult. I basically pried it from the metal piece it was attached too. Got the drive replaced and the thing back together within 30 minutes or so. I was pretty impressed with myself haha Unfortunately the software end of things didn't go well, I just blame it on Panther being old and all. I recommended that he just find a copy of OS X Tiger so I think that's what he'll do.

I worked with the horses this afternoon after doing stalls. The kittys are all growing up and now they're really starting to act like cats. I love it.

I attempted to play some COD4 this evening but it was being stupid so I didn't bother with it. I finished up issue 163 of Game Informer, had a nice review of Final Fantasy XII so I can't wait to play it. Also had a big thing on Dark Sector which I played a couple weekends ago at Keiths. Definitely a lot of fun.

Tomorrow, nothing is scheduled so I might play some Star Fox Adventures and will work the horses. I'll be going to see the new Indiana Jones with my Dad tomorrow. That should be fun.

Hope everyone had a nice day!
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Friday, June 20th, 2008

To Massachusetts

Well, it sure has been a crazy couple of days. On Wednesday, [info]emilie had to go in for some emergency surgery. Fortunately it went well and everything is okay. I ended up going to the hospital around 9:30pm that night. When I got there she was in the OR so I pretty much waited around for a couple hours. I did get to read some of my Game Informer magazine from....last year...haha I am SOOOO behind on my magazines. I have a couple Macworlds from 2005 lol. Finally, they got her situated in a nice room and I spent the night. Around 10pm or so, Scribbld crapped out. Rather someone unplugged the power strip the modem sits on so access to everything died. But it was about 3am and I was to tired to log into the Tumblr site and post an update so I am sorry about that!

I pretty much got no sleep cause I was sleeping in this chair and it just wasn't the greatest. On Thursday we hung out and waited for the doctors and stuff and finally got the leave around 1-2pm. We pretty much just came home. Went for a little walk so she could pick up some pain drugs, she also got a nice little puzzle (alright 750 little itty bitty pieces) and then just relaxed. I believe I took a nap, AND then around 6pm, I finally got someone to turn the power strip back on. So yeah, sorry!!

I've been making a lot of critters in Spore, I also made this little YouTube clone site so I could upload my own videos. Check it out! What a pain in the butt to get working. After making symbolic links to the video encoder applications in Linux, I found the settings panel where I could have simply have changed the paths lol Oh well, it works pretty well and I am pretty happy with the software. I just need to make a new for it and a new logo... I also uploaded some images. I am definitely quite happy with the Creature Creator, for $10, you definitely cannot go wrong! I do kind of wish there was more parts, I know there's a lot, but I want more!!

Today Emilie and I went to breakfast at this wonderful little, er maybe big diner right by the hospital. Then after that I dropped her off to get her car. She had to run into work quickly to setup her schedule for next week. Probably half-days. I'm just doing some emails, forums, Scribbld stuff now...I think I may go watch some TV or something, I've got a consulting call to do.

I hope everyone has a lovely day and a lovely weekend. I'll be down in Massachusetts at two OPs, one at Ghost Town and one HUGE (400+ people), Tears of the Sun at TOLCOM. Hopefully I don't get shot too many times!
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Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Spore Is Awesome

On Saturday night I believe it was I got my hands on the trial edition of the Spore Creature Creator. Unfortunately, I did get to play it until last night. [info]emilie & I have been making tons of these little critters!

Hopefully sometime today we'll be getting the full demo version, I know I pre-ordered it last night. I'll probably buy a couple copies (for $10, why not!). That means we'll get access to even more body parts and stuff. It's definitely going to be awesome. I even made that ClipShare site (which is where the above video comes from) so I could upload my own videos and stuff. What a pain in the butt, but I finally got it working :) I know Spore integrates with YouTube, but I hate relying on other people/services haha

So besides playing Spore yesterday, I worked at the barn. I brought the baby kitties a new box. I used the big one from my State Line order. It was actually not as big as I thought it was, after seeing the kitties inside of it. It worked out really well. They're starting to become a lot more lively, and are looking to play a lot. After the barn, I got some food shopping done. Got these awesome chips, can't remember what they're called.

Before heading to the barn and all though, I spent the morning, installing Mac OS X Leopard Server on my Xserve. The poor PowerBook had had enough of being the server I think. The little laptop can't handle such tasks haha So I migrated all my iTunes stuff over and got it working with the AppleTV. Works pretty well now, although the server sucks up a lot more energy and all. I also got my PC up and running so I could play the Spore trial later that night.

We got Chinese food last night, quite delicious. Then we spent like hours and hours playing with the Spore Creature Creator. I was up until like 2am working on that video site and playing Spore. Unfortunately I got up around 7am today, which sucks, but oh well, I'll probably take a nap this afternoon or something. I've got a consulting appointment around 10am today, should be pretty simple, but who knows. I've got to install Mac OS X Leopard Server on a PowerMac G5 and then migrate some data over. Hopefully they'll be using OpenDNS so I won't have to worry about setting up a proxy server of some type.

So hopefully sometime today the full version of the Creature Creator comes out. I pre-ordered it last night. If not, well I've still got lots of ideas to mess around with and we've got a bunch of new movies to watch. I got every Dirty Jobs episode, so we'll have fun watching those.

Have a lovely Tuesday everyone!
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Sunday, June 15th, 2008

OP: Reunion Complete

Yesterday, we woke up around 8am and got a few things done around the house. Then [info]emilie and I went over to Greg's house (well his parents house). Greg and I scouted around in the woods, and we're quite happy with it all. Lots of places to hide and stuff. We could definitely have made some bases and stuff, but we left it as-is for the moment. So we hung out and waited for some more people to arrive, finally his brother got there and then one of our old high school buddies came. So we did a little 2 on 2. It was definitely a lot of fun. The first game, we basically won pretty quickly. Then second game was a bit longer cause we did it in the woods, and I was up on this big tree that had fallen over and I finally killed Connor.

After game 2 we got some lunch which was awesome. Then we played a couple free for all games which was definitely fun, until I got shot in the neck haha I think there's still a little red mark haha Then another old high school buddy showed up and we got in another couple games before it started thundering and down pouring like crazy!

Today, Emilie and I watched an episode of BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. I definitely enjoy that anime, kind of funny :) I did take a nap, so there's a possibility of me being up quite late tonight haha but that's okay because I got my hands on every single Dirty Jobs episode, Dinotopia and the most important thing, the Spore Creature Creator!! I am going to have so much fun with that tonight, of course I first need to re-install Mac OS X Leopard Server on the Xserve, then I might do Mobile home directories, but we'll see.

Anyways, I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend, I know it's not over yet, so go have so more fun!!
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Monday, May 26th, 2008


Yesterday I went up to Underhill back to that guys house and we played some airsoft games. When I got there, which was late, no one was there. We decided to shoot each other with pistols, definitely fun :) That lasted about 15-20 minutes until finally some people came. So we did 2v2 which pretty much sucked but I got a kill so it was okay. Then another guy came so it was 3v2 which definitely sucked too but it was fun...I really only got like 2-3 games in, then it was lunch time and then I left. Met up with [info]emilie at the Richmond park and ride and we drove up to Burlington. She had to hit up Victoria's Secret and I perused the Game Stop store. Nothing interesting though. I can pretty much pirate anything for all the systems I've got and nothing that I would buy has come out yet. So after shopping we got some ice cream, definitely hit the spot. After that we drove home and I went to work at the barn, Emilie came along and hung out. The cat at the barn had some kittens, we're thinking about getting one, but before that happens, we're going to see how much it's going to cost to get the cat fixed...

Didn't really do much on Sunday night, Emilie fell asleep really early, I did wake her up around 9:30pm but she was so tired so I let her sleep. I came in around 10:30 and just passed out next to her.

Work up kinda early this morning...didn't do much. Emilie made us a nice breakfast, and then she basically hit the road. For the next 5 days or so I'll be holding down the fort. I played some Resident Evil this afternoon. I am only 20 pages away from completing the game. I bet I can complete it this week. Really great game! After playing for an hour or so, I headed out to the barn. Got my chores done pretty quickly, and came home. Didn't really do much else, David called me around 5:30 and I took a shower and went to his place. We played some Army of Two, then some Halo 3 and then finished up with Call of Duty 4. He's (rather his parents) got a 60" Sony WEGA TV, and it was definitely really nice playing on there, even with split-screen, I still had ~30 inches to myself :D Hah

Chatted with Emilie tonight via iChat, just watching some Lockup TV show. Kinda lame, but it's the only thing on. I've had enough of Deadliest Catch for the moment. I was watching some show about this scout sniper Marine, it was really good. MSNBC isn't to bad.

I think I'm off to get some food and pass-out in a bit. I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day and remembered those who've died for the freedom of our country. Have a lovely week kids <3
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Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Uuh, SimCopter


I thought this sort of thing only happened in SimCopter!! I remember we used to laugh about this, mostly because we had no idea what it meant, I still don't...but it sounds funny!
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Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Consulting & Tactical Gear

Well I finally managed to get the [info]news posted and Scribbld Top 5 going again, since i last checked we're still looking for 2 more communities or so, maybe three, I cannot remember.

On Friday, I had consulting in the AM, I was a bit late because I went West and not East. Not bad though, got a lot of work done on the job and convinced them to get Mac OS X Server instead of using client to run everything. It's going to be one hell of a transition, but I'll get it all figured out, I have a feeling it might be a multi-day process. It was fun though and the people are great.

[info]emilie ended up forgetting her iPhone charger so I had to run that down to her after consulting. I was going to hit up the Army/Navy store, but I wanted to make sure that Greg approved of a black tactical vest going with woodland camo. Unfortunately, I didn't get the go ahead until I got home. Not sure I did much of anything else that afternoon.

Keith and I saw Iron Man that night. Definitely an awesome movie, I enjoyed it. Went out and grabbed a burger afterwards...

Saturday - Didn't really do much, I ended up going to the Army/Navy store, got some helmet covers, ACU and woodland, also got some MREs and black gloves. Also ordered a black tactical vest since it wasn't there when I got there. Fortunately it was the guy working, not that stupid terrible lady who needs massive amounts of work on her customer service skills. This guy was wicked nice, and fun, much better then her. So yeah, I should have the vest by Thursday, which is great.

I did go for a run in the morning, I managed to run up and down the street without a rest, which is good, it means I am in much better condition then I thought I was in. Of course this morning my legs are a bit sore, but nothing ot serious. I will continue with that because I don't want a severe ass kicking come the 18th when I have OP: Devil's Light with Greg.

I also went to see 21 last night with my sister and her friend. It was actually pretty good.

As for today, not much going on. Just taking care of a couple server things, I played some Unreal Tournament III this morning, definitely a lot of fun. Emilie should be home around 3, I am debating as to whether or not I should go work at the barn now, or when she gets here. I might just wait...the weather is just crap.

Well, I hope everyone has a nice weekend, over and out!
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Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

GTA IV, Hacking, Shooting & Zombies!

As usual, my excuse for not updating is the fact that I've been super busy. Have been on a bunch of consulting calls, working at the barn, and playing with my new guns.

I finally got my hands on some guns. I got a Tokyo Marui MP5 RAS with a flashlight, aimpoint, vertical grip and a suppressor. It's a bit customized, but not to much. It was used but it seriously looks and works like it's brand new. You can definitely tell the difference between a Tokyo Marui and something else, it shoots really nice, smooth, straight and fast! My second gun is a rifle, I got the MP5 for CQB (close quarter battle), and the rifle is a Classic Army M15A4. I had the guy change stocks to something a little bit more tactile looking, but because we did that I have to have a battery pouch on the stock. Not a big deal, worth the trade-off. I also added a really nice scope, a vertical grip and a flashlight.

I also snagged a Tokyo Marui Glock, which is REALLY NICE. I've only fired it a couple times, because I forgot gas the second time.

Definitely kickass! I also bought a few extra magazines for both the MP5, the rifle and the glock. I am pretty much armed to the teeth and ready to play!

On Sunday (this past Sunday), [info]emilie and I shot the MP5 and the rifle, (not the glock since I forgot the gas). Definitely obliterated the targets which was fun! There's one magazine I got for my MP5 which completey sucks, I think it's a low or medium cap, not cool. It sucks to load too.

On Saturday, we went out with my good friends to the Japanese restaurant (Koto) and had some really good food! Then we went to see this movie the girls picked out called Baby Momma or something. Terrible, don't ever see it. But it was really nice to hang out with my friends. It was actually Keith and his wife. He got me a Gears of War poster, 2 REAL grenades (obviously not live), and a book, er actually 2 books, the first one is the Mac Apple II DOS book, as a joke, and quite funny, and a zombie survival guide book. The zombie book is awesome, I'm only on page 20 or so, but it's kinda freaky in that it really makes everything they talk about sound so real. Definitely a good book, check it out!

So Monday, not much happened, I bought some woodland camo gear. I'm going to order the woodland UTG vest from AirsoftGI probably since the Army/Navy store here doesn't have it in the woodland camo. One of the ladies who works there annoys me, she's so stupid, bad customer service skills. Doesn't appear to want to be helpful ever, which sucks. I'll probably not go there anymore and order my gear from another place.

I've been on the Vermont Airsoft boards, looking to meet new people and hopefully play some with them...also joined the NEASG boards...some guy on there told me the battery I needed for my aimpoint and it was right...very good.

Today, not much else, I finally got ahold of Joe, apparently the $25,000 loan he was supposed to get never came through which sucks a lot. I also talked to my good buddy Cliff who should be back in VT within a month or so, and only for a month which sucks, but he'll be down in Boston which isn't too far, especially if I'm going down there a couple times this summer to play shoot em' up with Greg.

I got my hands on Grand Theft Auto IV and started playing it this morning/afternoon. It's REALLY GOOD. I had a lot of fun with GTAIII, but then it all started to get to be boring and too repetitive, and now it's like I've not played it since maybe when Vice City first came out, and I'm really enjoying it! Awesome game, haven't shot, fought or killed anything yet, but driving around the city is amazing. They really did an awesome job, it looks beautiful! I'm only like 20-30 minutes in, but it's a wonderful game so far!

I've been attempting to hack my PSP, but it's just too much for me right now, they need some really good directions or something cause I don't have time to troubleshoot and sort that crap out. See previous post if you can lend a hand! I wish it was much easier then it is, I have a couple games, I really wanna try out! Driver for Playstation being one of them :)

So anyways, Keith and I are going to see Iron Man on Friday after work, that'll be awesome, we might go shoot my guns if I get my goddamn charger. I should be getting that and some more gear on the 1st of May which is Thursday, HOPEFULLY!

I think I've covered everything, maybe tonight Emilie and I will relax, watch 10,000 BC and eat some popcorn, but first we're making a chocolate mousse pie! It's going to be amazing and yummy.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
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Sunday, April 13th, 2008


So with the help of Scribbld user [info]confining I'll be pimping out my Sony PSP so that I can play some uuuh games. Hopefully it's pretty easy, I've got all the hardware I should need, I will grab a 4GB Memory Stick Duo from Best Buy today and if they don't have any for a good price I'll just hit up NewEgg again.

I beat some more missions in Crisis Core, definitely a lot of fun. Level 20 now and I tried out that materia fusion. Really cool, I got some really cool materia out of it. I'm still in the church since I've been doing all these missions.

Played some CoD4 this morning/afternoon, did pretty well although not as well as I'd like to have done. I can't wait until Tuesday when Morgan, Keith and I play. Not sure if I mentioned this, but [info]makkintosshu and I finally beat Halo 3 last Wednesday. What a great game that was...it totally makes your head start thinking about what's going to happen...but I guess it'll all up to the imagination since that's the final game in the Halo series.

I've been meaning to pick up Resident Evil again but I always find myself working on leveling up in CoD4 or working on Crisis Core...I'll get back into eventually though!

Today [info]emilie and I are heading up to Burlington to drop off her truck, and then we're going to the book store, I wanna see if they have a new issue of Anime Insider. Then we're going to work at the barn and then to my parents for dinner...not sure what we're doing tonight, probably just relaxing and watching a movie.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
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Sunday, November 25th, 2007

Rose Online Evolution & Knick Knacks

I've been downloading massive amounts of anime since getting access to that new server. For $5/month you cannot go wrong. It's already paid for itself 50x over. I hit a pretty good road block though when it came to converting the MKV files.

After trying out literally 20 different video conversion tools, I finally found a decent yet painfully long string of applications (which also span over multiple operating systems) to get the job done. First I convert them to an MP4 format using Visual Hub in OS X, then I take the original MKV files and bring them into MKVExtract (on Windows XP) to get the subtitle files extracted. So far they've been .ASS files (ha ha, laugh it up, I have no idea why they chose that file extension, they just did...). Then I bring them into Subtitle Workshop which is also in Windows XP to convert them into SRT subtitle files. Then I bring them back into OS X and into a program called ViddyUp! along with that MP4 file and then I stick the MP4 and the SRT together and get my final result. It's definitely worth the time and effort though.

Yesterday we got snow tires on Emilie's car. it's a good thing cause she got stuck in the most simple places the day before. Very sad...We went out for breakfast to this great little dinner (quite packed though). Delicious food! Then we came home and I took a nape for a bit. By the time I woke up it was time to go back out and get her car. Then we went to dinner at the pizza place in Montpelier. As usual great food. Then we went to this little toy story right near the pizza place and got some magic rocks and this pirate treasure archeological dig thing.

Came home and did the magic rocks (haven't done those in so many years, I love em!) and Emilie and I unearthed a skeleton hugging his treasure. Believe it or not we both got wounded, even with the wooden dowel they provided to dig the guy out. Funny. But we eventually got him completely unearthed. I will post some pictures of it later.

After that I tried to get Emilie setup in Parallels to play Rose Online or Maple Story but both failed, probably because the video drivers in Parallels are crap. So we basically just watched some Chobits and went to bed around 2AM.

I woke up this morning around 9AM, [info]emilie got up around 11:30AM. Ha. I worked on setting her up with a real PC while she was sleeping. Unfortunately the video card in the real PC is crap so we ended up getting a BFG 7300GT 512MB card and that worked great.

So I taught her to play Rose Online and she seems to think it is cool. I like it, it's different from World of Warcraft, I have a lot more fun with it right now. I actually setup my own server, I dunno if I posted about that. I do wish they had Linux code though so I could run it from one of my "live" servers.

So we also hit up PetsMart, got kitty some more food and kitty litter. Also got some batteries and another CD binder for my XBOX360 games. A nice big Lego castle too, and since it was open box we got a nice discount on it too! I've been building it all day long, it's done now. I'll post some images later.

I've not had much time to play Maple Story or Rose Online myself, but maybe tomorrow night when I get home from class, or maybe a bit tonight, although I feel like relaxing and watching some more Chobits. I did bring Unreal Tournament 3 and Riding Star 3 over from the Moretown server so I want to play those, especially Unreal Tournament 3.

I think I am getting Super Mario Galaxy for Christmas from my grandparents, so I'll hold off on purchasing it myself. Ryan at work got it and said it was awesome, so I cannot wait!

Back to work and class tomorrow, how fun...blech! At least I don't have to go into work on Wednesday since my car is going to be in the shop. I do have to give my presentation on Social Networking though, at least it is only to the professor though...it won't be that bad and I don't have to sit through 10 others since it'll just be me!

Alright, I'm out.
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Thursday, November 22nd, 2007

Chobits, Maple Story and F.E.A.R

We're on our short little vacation now. I had today and tomorrow off. I won't complain one bit cause it's really nice to have any time off from work. Today I woke up around 9AM, got to sleep in a bit.

I played through most of FEAR in the morning and until about 12. I got to like chapter 8. It's a really good game. I wasn't one for how they used the burst fire more in the guns, but after I got used to it, it was okay. They had some really cool weapons in the game. One of them vaporized people into dust which was awesome. There was also a grenade launcher-like gun and a rocket launcher. The story also got more interesting as I went along, the ending was really interesting and it definitely makes me want to play the expansion pack. I actually tried to install it but it gave me some error. I think I might end up reading about it on Wikipedia instead. It'll take less time, and I have so many video games in queue that need to be played that it might be better choice.

After that, I had a shower and got ready to go to my parents. We got there and had a pretty good time. Lots of good food and stuff. My younger cousins have stepped into the world of video games. They both have Nintendo DS.

Tonight I finished up FEAR. I already talked about what I thought of it a few paragraphs up...I started in on this MMORPG I had been wanting to try for some time. It's Maple Story. I did take a few screenshots while in game. It's a pretty fun game. It's like the 3rd-4th MMORPG I've played. It's definitely different then World of Warcraft but pretty similar to Ragnarok. I do enjoy types, I just wish I had started in on them when they first started up so that I could better understand it all...I guess I just have to play it a lot more. I am a level 7 or 8 now so I have a better grasp of how the games works and stuff.

So I got a lot more anime episodes, I downloaded Death Note, Ah! My Goddess and I am getting Ai Yori Aoshi right now. Poor little Mac mini is burning up on video conversions haha [info]emilie and I are watching some more Chobits right now. I absolutely love it. very funny stuff. Quite interesting too.

Tomorrow I've got to get Emilie to work after we drop her car off at work, after that I might go for a ride since it'll be on the way back from dropping her off. Then I'll probably work on Maple Story some more, or I will start Resident Evil for Gamecube. I've actually never played through the game. I remember my grade-school "girlfriends" Dad playing through it and I got to watch various parts, but I've never really played it myself.

Okie, I think I've said enough for one night, time to focus on Chobits!
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Saturday, November 17th, 2007

1 Game Down

I've been quite busy with work and playing some of my new video games. I am very close to beating Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and I just beat The NEW Super Mario Bros. Bother very very good games.

I also attempted to play Assassin's Creed last night, but I think I was just to tired to comprehend what was going on in the game. The graphics are very very cool though, the controls and something that I've never experienced before, very new and unique. I think that game will have to wait until I actually have time to sit down and understand how it works. The story is also something that is something that I didn't think it would be. So yeah, it's good but I have to find some time to work with it.

Tonight (in about an hour) Emilie and I are going to this equestrian 4H banquet in Montpelier. I think that should be fun.

I didn't do much else today but work on Wind Waker and this Mario Bros. game. Fun times, I think tonight I will finish up Wind Waker and work on some homework.

I also am trying out Maple Story, but that too needs a lot of my time to understand how it works. I really want to setup a ROSE Online server, but I am not sure if they've got it working under Linux yet, we'll see. Or a Ragnarok Online Server...I do wish both of those had OS X client, it's to bad.

I finally picked up a copy of NewType before programming class on Thursday. It's this really nifty anime magazine I'd been hearing/reading about. It's actually really good, I like it a lot. The only downside is that it's pretty expensive...I might ask for a subscription for Christmas though...if you're into anime and stuff, definitely check it out.

Alright I am off to go do who knows what...
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Wednesday, November 14th, 2007


Well for the last 2 weeks I've been working my ass off validating almost 3,000 (2,996 or something to be exact...) products and other various (X)HTML pages. It's a goddamn god thing we got bonuses this month or I would have flipped out and killed someone. Fortunately all of the products are done and there's only a few static HTML pages left to do.

Besides that I've been playing a lot of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare with my friends. Unfortunately one of my friends Xboxs got the red rings which I experienced myself just the month before, so needless to say he's offline for the time being.

I've also started playing skate which is a really great game. There are a few times when I'm really hurting for the controls of Tony Hawk though. The control scheme is entirely different then I am used to for skateboarding games so it does take a bit of getting used too. It sure is a fun game though.

I did managed to get my hands on Crysis and the PC version of Gears of War, so I can't wait to try those out. Still working on getting Assassins Creed. I tried to play some Portal this evening, but I didn't really get how it worked right away so I just shut it off and logged into COD4.

Now that I've updated to Leopard, I have a good monitoring system in place and my Warcraft server is just chugging along nicely I really want to spend time with my friends, girlfriend and get into digital photography and just play games. I'll let the systems run themselves, and I'll just use them as I see fit, no more adding or tweaking. I am hoping everything is just using the things I've setup and created for myself!

I updated the software on my photography website, now you can see EXIF data and stuff, way cool! :)

Anyways, I should probably get some sleep seeing as it's like ~12AM.
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