Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Official [info]flamecup Statement

After receiving a massive amount of feedback from the community (all of which was appreciated as most of it was constructive and very insightful) I've decided to leave [info]bitchbook and [info]flamecup open. You know why, because this kind of shit happens every single day whether you like it or not. If you decide to participate in it then so be it, good for you. I am not here to tell you what you can partake in and what you cannot. It's up to you.

It's also up to you as a member of Scribbld.net as to what you post in your personal journals. It's up to you to set the security of a post, it's up to you as to whether or not you want to post that nude photo of you drunk last New Years. I do not care (so long as you're of age, 18), but you do so willingly and under the understanding that people will be able to view those images, text or anything else you post should it be public or under a friends only post.

Choose your friends wisely. I cannot police how you choose your friends, but make sure you trust who you friend on this website. I do not have anything do with MySpace, FaceBook or other journaling websites.

Communities like [info]flamecup thrive on you posting something you shouldn't be posting. Don't add fuel to the fire, it's not that hard to avoid communities like that. No one is forcing you to look at them or read/view them. I personally stay away from them unless there's something going on that I need to be aware of. If you cannot handle them then definitely just stay away, stay within your group of friends and trusted communities.

I apologize if this is not the outcome you had wished for but for the sake of keeping as much peace as possible, I ask you, the users of Scribbld to make sure whatever you post or link to or people you affiliate yourselves with, that you trust them. It's not that much to ask, and why shouldn't you...why would you want to get involved into drama sorts of things, by you commenting or adding fuel to their fire, you only have yourself to blame. I am not asking you to join those communities to police them, just stay away. Enjoy life, enjoy your friends, post those nude New Years photos, but only to people you trust...most importantly think about what you post before you post it and to whom you're posting it too.

Some people just need to grow up...some people just need to step back...whatever it is, don't let this stupid website own your life...it's a friggin website...stay in the communities you're comfortable with and friend who you know and trust, yeah some friendships go back, just remove them from your friends list...the moderators on the community have rules and if anything/anyone breaks their rules they're good about removing it. Yes, maybe not right away but it does get done...

The decision is final, and I hope you all respect it. Thank you for you time.
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Support & Games

It has come to my attention that a community on Scribbld is causing a lot of issue and I've actually suspended the account (but it's now unsuspended). Basically because we have no ToS people are pretty much free to write about and post about anything they want. Obviously that is a real issue but I've always said from day one, if you have to think twice about the content you're posting then don't post it at all. This continues to hold true and if you're submitting objectionable content, just don't. You'll probably end up getting banned or suspended.

I am not really sure what provokes people to post such mean and hateful content and as mentioned in a support ticket, I will definitely be closing this community in question if I get more complaints from users.

I personally think the community should be allowed to stay open but ONLY members of the community can participate in their little game. I believe that is what I will propose and if that rule is broken (via a user reporting it) I will close the community. I believe that is how I will handle it.

What I don't understand is why can't people just keep to themselves. Choose your friends wisely...

I will be speaking with a few other people today to get their opinions on the issue and from there we will decide on whether or not to keep the community open.


In other news....Keith came over last night and we hung out. I hooked him up with Aperture 2 and Cloverfield. [info]makkintosshu also stopped over to drop off an Ethernet cable. we all hung out and chatted video games. As with every Tuesday night we'll be online playing Call of Duty 4 -- my gamertag is vtequine.

[info]emilie made us a really good dinner last night, Shepards Pie. I loved it. Then we just hung out pretty much for the rest of the night.

I've also been working with Morgan and talking about a new project he's working on. More details to be revealed later :) it'll be neat though.

I finally got an S2 style I like except when I leave the comment page to be the style it looks horrid, I hate how none of the S2 stuff seems to indent or nest the comments. It's lame, but at least I like the layout...

I believe that's all I have to say for right now
mood: amused
music: //All That Remains - "We Stand"//
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