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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2005-11-21 07:56:00

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The Gang's All Here!
Work was ok. it's funny because when I woke up Emilie had already been at work for the last half hour. I really don't know how she does it. Goes to bed at like 2am...and wake up at 6am...

Anyways, I just worked on xServes and stuff today. I was going to get some work done on Ask Me! but I didn't feel like it, I can do that tomorrow or something. We played some basketball today. I was on Art's team and we won! Ha, I thought I was about to die...I can't run for long haha and that just about killed me.

So I am working on getting my machine back up and running. Got a couple SATA II drives from work so I can use them to hold my data and then re-install onto my 160GB drive again...uughh! What a pain in the ass, I really should have done it right the first time. Then I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. I really really really hate how Windows lists removable drives before internal...it's absolute shit. Do you hear me Bill Gates?!?! IT'S SHIT!

I am so glad I have 2 music servers. I'd go nuts without any music...although all my new stuff is on the dead box...and for some reason it takes like forever to boot past CMOS shit.

I wish LiveJournal allowed my account to have like 5 user pics. That would be so nice. Ok, I'm out!

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