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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2005-11-25 07:53:00

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Tagging, Mini-Golf and Horse Hugs!
Alright, just to clarify my tags! Haha cause they may seem really weird as some of them appear to have NOTHING to do with what I write about. That is usually because I don't explain the "explicit" things going on such as "sex" and everything like that haha For example in my dream entry this morning I mentioned a dream with Emilie in it...well yeah I dont think I explained WHAT happened haha I'll let you figure that out on your own! I should write about these sorts of things but in "friends only" entries. I am to stupid to even think of that idea. So yeah, I'll work on that. Sorry for the confusion :P

So I went out to Pizza Putt this afternoon with the family. I got 4th place out of 10 which was nice haha Then we all went to Rockys Pizza. Had some foooood and then I took my aunt, cousin, grandparents and mom to see Nippet. They all liked him and he was very well behaved which was nice. So he did get a buncha mints hehe Karen was there and she said she called Nippit, NIPPLES! OMG!! HAHAHA So evil of her lol I wish I had seen Irish, she's so wonderful!

I am just watching Kingdom of Heaven right now. I haven't seen it since it was in theatres. I believe it was a pretty good movie. I see horses in it, so it must be haha Don't really think anything to important is happening tonight, hanging with Em and going to sleep early since I am feeling a little sick and I am quite tired...

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