Punch and Pie. No.
Hrmm, yesterday I woke up early...chatted with Em for a little and then she went out riding and I went up to Burlington to meet with my mom. I remembered that I actually DIDN'T have consulting, haha that's actually today. I did get paid on Monday which was REALLY NICE! :) Maybe I will really measure Nippet up and get him a blanket although he really might be a big boy and like the cold...and they are so nice and just use a schooling blanket when it's uber cold and all. Anyways, back to yesterday...I got there and my mom is calling my cell phone when I am in the same area of the mall she is, funny funny. So we went to the Verizon store first I believe to see if I could change my cell phone plan to her, but since her phone and my sisters phone are under my Dads name and my cell phone is under her name they couldn't?? What the heck kind of bullshit is that?!?! Suck it Verizon. So then we returned my slippers since they didn't fit and got some new ones. Fuzzzzy warm :) Then we went out for lunch and I must say this place had a VERY good bacon cheeseburger. I can't remember the name of it, but it's right across the street from NECI on Church St. Then I went on my way and came back down into the valley. Stopped at Small Dog first so I could just get some gear, that way I wouldn't have to come and get it after going to CCV. So I saw Duano and Art, nice to see the guys again...sometimes I really do love work haha So I picked up the copies of OS X Tiger and the iBook G4. I was going to talk to Duano about the Mylan Tech reschedule but he was on the phone so I just left.
Went to see my little pony, Nippet :) He was being so cute too hehe So we hung out for a bit and then I came home. I did some work blah blah blah...I think Emilie called and we talked for a while. She was on the way to StateLine...
I started to play PoPoLoCrois also...it's okay...I really need like Final Fantasy VII or something...or some 3D RPG...I've beaten a lot more in Need For Speed, I'm at like level 11 or something...go me. I bought an Eclipse :) Anyways, I also played some Mario Kart DS...I had to reconfigure my Airport Express and it's MAC Address filtered now. So yeah Mario Kart DS - SO MUCH FUN! I will be playing a VERY lot of that! Hrmm...then I basically spent the rest of the night with Em...
Today...hrmm nothing yet, just about to go get breakfast and then off to CCV to get my classes figured out. Then to the barn and I think Nippet and I will do groundwork, or maybe go riding, depends on how much time I have before consulting this afternoon. After consulting, it's back to the barn for riding!
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