TinyHQ + MLP Butterfly Island
Crazy lots of fun today.
Chatted with Mikey this morning and he sent me this link to a Google video about Bohemian Grove...which I had no idea about until I saw
the video. Very very weird stuff going on up in there.
Then I went and showered and met him and Bevs for lunch. We were going to go to the pizza place but there were closed. I think they're called Positive Pie or something. The sign said they were open at 4:30am...woops someone messed up. So we went to the bank and then to the Wayside. I do really like the Wayside, good food and stuff.
We all chatted about TM, blogging, blogs, coding, Nippet, this and that. Great times haha Then we went back to TinyHQ where everything goes down! It's a really nice little house. Not like they need a big one, hell running the entire operation from that place is awesome. I think that's the kind of house maybe Emilie and I would like to start off with, cause it's not to big and not too small. I really liked it there!
So Mikey and I worked on some things for a couple hours. Poor Bevs and her Dell lol. We gotta get her like a PowerMac or something lol So yeah we had lots of fun. Lucy came around 4pm and she broke out My Little Pony Butterfly Island which was quite amazing! Haha So she showed me everything there was to see about that which was wicked rad! Then Mikey and I worked on the blog a little bit longer. Then I saw some more new merch that is going to hit the TinyMeat store soon I hope, snapped up a couple new iPod Nano cases and some new normal iPod cases...I can't show them off yet, soon. You'll see them on the TinyMeat blog soon enough! Hahah
So umm yeah now I am home, and I've been working on the XServe ever since, and chatting with the el girlfriend.
Working on the stupid firewall...although I am about to just kill it cause it's being more of a pain then anything else...and apparently port forwarding has been working the whole time...but I don't see it cause I am inside the network...how stupid...
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