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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-06-14 23:50:00

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Current mood: happy
Entry tags:consulting, deathnote.me, equine, girlfriend, horseback riding, love, uvm, work

My Life In a Nutshell...
I've been seeing this girl as of late. We've been getting along pretty well. I've known her for like 5 years, but I guess things just fell into place and we are seeing each other if that's what you want to call it. On Friday we went to dinner and a movie, she happily saw Terminator: Salvation with me, I guess that means things are definitely off to a good start. A girl that'll watch Terminator with you can't be all that bad right. I won't really go into specifics about how the relationship is working because I saved that for my Death Note.

Today, I hung out with her again at the barn. We ended up riding too which was really nice. And actually, on Friday me, her and another girl from the barn went on a ride together. We just rode up the road next to the barn, but it was pretty fun and exciting. I enjoy being with those girls, they're pretty nice to me, and we all seem to have fun together.

Not much else has been going on with me besides the normal things. Working, riding, hanging with this new girl. I can't complain about life.

There is a possibility that I'll be moving to Boston in as little as 2 months or so, it all depends on my current job and things. It could be really exciting if it happens. And now is the time in my life when shit like that needs to happen...

Tomorrow, not much happening, probably hanging out with that girl a little. I have to work at the barn at some point. I might go for a ride.

Now I'm loosing focus so this entry shall end. Have a Wonderful week all.

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2009-06-18 04:12 am UTC (link)
lmao Terminator has turned out to be a pretty popular date movie!

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2009-06-18 02:21 pm UTC (link)
Haha, did it?

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2009-06-19 03:09 am UTC (link)
lmfao not so sure on how successful it is, but I often see couples going in to see it!

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