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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2009-05-16 21:46:00

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Current mood: geeky
Current music:A Static Lullaby - Faso Latido
Entry tags:coding, linux, mac os x, perl, php, scribbld, server administration, web design

Rename Tokens...
So I've been working pretty much all day on getting rename tokens working. I think we've almost got it. Fortunately squeaky is going to lend a hand and help out with some of the coding. I had to pull a bunch of code out and do things that you're probably not supposed to do to get this version working. And this version doesn't quite accept rename tokens yet, but that's definitely coming. So I thought I'd leave it open for FREEEEE for the next 7 days, get you guys to test it out, let me know how it works. Then I might toss out like 4-5 tokens when we get that working to do some testing on that.

I also worked on getting the searching working, so that's not quite finished yet, but it seems to be searching although, not much data is returned yet.

Boy what a day, I've been staring at this screen for about 12 hours now. My eyes feel like they're on fire!!! Hahaha.

So tonight, I think I might watch some more Fruits Basket, even though the English dub is really getting to me haha. And I'm not really that tired believe it or not.

Tomorrow, I am hoping the weather clears up. It's pretty much been pouring non-stop since 12pm or so. I would love to go out riding since I've been inside all day.

The MRTG graph for the MySQL server isn't working and hasn't since Friday afternoon, it's annoying the hell out of me...I'll probably spent hours trying to fix it too haha

Anyways, that's enough yapping for now, off to fix this issue...if it's not one thing it's another....lol.

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2009-05-17 06:03 am UTC (link)
I fixed the mood themes hopefully. But yeah, can you add the banning and other issues into their own separate ticket per issue.

The polls issue is still an open ticket. I was actually talking to a couple devs about it today and I installed the latest SVN code and it still doesn't seem to be fixed. I am going to be installing some other code hopefully later this week which is a bit different code base and I was told the polls work in that codebase...so we'll see...as for now the ticket on here is still open :)

Much appreciated!

Thanks! :)

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2009-05-17 10:56 am UTC (link)
okay :] thank you!

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